For a long time satisfactory was in the early access limbo, like many other games. Contrary for most of them however, it was already in a very polished state. Earlier today the long awaited 1.0 release trailer dropped, so mark you calendar on the

10th of september

They also announced in their last stream that the price will increase before the 1.0 drop from 29.99 currently to 39.99 (still pretty worth it if you like optimisation).
But since the summer sale is on with a 50% off, now its the best time to grab it!

steam store link:


With that said, hope this was helpful. See you around.

EDIT: Added links. Thanks to at46

3 days ago*

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3 days ago

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Thanks for the heads up! This has been on my wishlist for a while. Guess I'll just pick it up now and play it when I get the backlog is so big haha

3 days ago

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I would highly recommend to start with 1.0 if you never played it before. They said the save game will transfer but many ressource nodes will change as well as recepies, which breaks your workflows in the end. And if you are too far into the game you would miss some story triggers (because at the moment there are none story elements).

2 days ago

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That is hilarious...

2 days ago

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