Nah, game is dead, there was a spark of it beeing revamped but that got cancelled too (
If you want to play the game just do it on one of the many 1 month free origin premium they give out once in a while, you'll get through the solo content during that time.
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Oh boy, surely those 9 € can't be wasted! /s
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This should be one of those Humble games that you get for free if you subscribe to their newsletter
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After the failure of Mass Effect: Andromeda's buggy, broken, messed up release, the Bioware game studio really needed a strong winning game. Cue, Anthem. It was supposed to be a Destiny-style looting multiplayer in an open world with the griping story richness of the Mass Effect or Dragon Age series. Or at least, that was promised.
As a multiplayer game, it lacked a strong storyline or solo content, what was present at launch simply wasn't enough to draw and keep the interest need to have a thriving multiplayer game. So now, the world of Anthem is just...empty. Of content and players, which is a critical death to any multiplayer game. If they had a strong storyline or solo campaign to draw in interest, it would have greatly benefited the game and at least gave it a foundation for players to stay for. It failed to build a fanbase and eventually, Bioware gave up on overhauling or improving the game further. Add a grave marker to the end of Anthem.
Dead Multiplayer + Bioware studios issues + Lack of Content + Bugs/Glitches + Microtransactions - Strong Characters - Solid Storylines = Why Anthem Failed
There were other factors involved as well, but Anthem simply couldn't handle all of these factors combined and the ever-growing bad rep, so Bioware wisely abandoned the ship. It's tragic for what Anthem could have been but I personally hope it encourages Bioware to go back to its roots: amazing, story-rich single-player games like the Mass Effect and Dragon Age series.
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I know how this may sound rude, its not my intention, but look it up on Youtube! If you type "Why Anthem failed" into the searchbar, you will get several videos dedicated solely to this matter as it was explored in the previous years multiple times. Almost any of the first 10 findings are pretty good in summing up the issues and some even provide interesting background information about development and company issues.
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If you want an explanation in video form, this is pretty comprehensive:
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Thanks to Blueaquapearl50 for the detailed reply and to the two others for video suggestions (no offense taken!) :)
Sort of what I figured, though I didn't realize the single player parts where that barren; would certainly be a nail in the coffin for me at the very least.
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9€ for dead, bugged, not finished game with end of support? NOPE
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It could be a deal if Anthem 2.0 wasn't canceled 🤔
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So the Anthem servers are still running?
Must have awkward PvE matchmaking.
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I think it's worth it for <10€. I bought it for 10€ on sale and had a good 50+ hours of fun with it.
Shame it lacks content and was abandoned.
Story is a bit meh.
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OK I'll be the crazy one and say go for it. The multiplayer aspect was lousy, as all of your teammates would make a mad dash for the finish line, ignoring any story elements, and rushed through the results screen so they could go on to the next thing.
But solo I found to be fun. It's a huge, beautiful world, and flying around in an Iron Man style suite at your own pace is a heck of a lot of fun.
And I also recommend because the game is on the verge of extinction. It's an EA game, after all, so they could shut it all down completely without notice. Basically it's like getting to see a cool endangered animal before it's gone from this Earth forever.
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its only available for some contries sadly ;/ doesnt show up for me
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there is a sale(3 days) in the Origin store and a 92% discount is valid for the game, in addition, there are regional prices in the Origin store (it may very well be that the game may be cheaper in your region)
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Selling accounts is illegal. Yup, doable, but illegal.
When you access or use an EA Service, you agree that you will not:
Sell, buy, trade or otherwise transfer or offer to transfer your EA Account, any personal access to EA Services, or any EA Content associated with your EA Account, including EA Virtual Currency and other Entitlements, either within an EA Service or on a third party website, or in connection with any out-of-game transaction, unless expressly authorized by EA.
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We should probably expect it in the next few months Amazon Prime Gaming.
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anthem can be played solo, also its pretty cool game for this price
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I would say that Andromeda on sale is great game! Maby too much crap of open world games but still, nice plot, somewhat fresh and the best gameplay in whole franchise. Just don't expect good'ol ME games - it is something slightly different. Damn I need to play it one more time.
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One of the few games I would not get even if they would pay me for it. Just let it die already...
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Eh I remember buying Anthem for <10€ when it was first on a high discount.
I spent nearly 50 hours playing it, had some fun, then uninstalled it and moved on.
The story is mediocre and if you're only buying it for the story, it's not really worth it.
If you want a game to sink in 20-30 or more hours, grinding out perfect gear and to feel powerful, then for 10€ this is probably a better game than Godfall, which is not a high bar to set.
If nothing else, Anthem at least has a few moments of being rather beautiful.
(sorry this was taken on my old 4:3 monitor)
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13 Comments - Last post 21 minutes ago by felsonst
I think the deal itself is pretty good but is this game worth playing?
Update, Jan 8, 2022
Anthem is now for sale -92% €4.79 (3 days left)
I bought it on Fanatical where it's even cheaper: -93% €4.19. I used a 5% off coupon so I bought it for €3.98
Even if I only play it for the campaign it's still worth the money. I paid more for a cup of coffee so now it's time to try this game before it fades into oblivion.
I like it so far. The gameplay is very good, the environment is awesome. Flyling around in an ironman suit is great fun. I played all missions solo so far (private session) and that is very enjoyable. I like doing missions in my own pace and explore the environment. I haven't tried multi-player yet but I heard it's pretty much dead.
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