neither do i. if you say thanks that much it just becomes totally meaningless IMO. i say it anyway cause its the thing to do here and i am actually thankful.
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Do you read all of the comments on your giveaways?
Oh wait.
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I do, but when there is XXX thanks under every giveaway it just looses the meaning, you can show your appreciation by some real comment like - Thank you for chance to win this awesome game, I always wanted to try it. or you cant talk about weather :D
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I think far better appreciation is make some giveaway contributor or public :)
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Make some public ones with 10% comments. The winner will most likely be a guy with <10 comments and not even saying thanks when he receives the game.
After that has happened a few times please say again that you don't appreciate a sign of gratitude.
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Might I add that the winner will probably be the guy who didn't post a comment and won't even send you a message on your profile. You'll just be sending the game to him by e-mail and... that's it...
"Gift Received" is all the thanks you'll get.
Yeah... no, that sucks.
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I checked out your public giveaways, and I can see what you mean. 2/3 winners had less than three comments. Leecher town! Fuck that must have been a pissoff.
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"Fuck"? I prefere to say 'thanks' instead of "fuck" when someone gives a gameaway for free ;-)
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writes + rights = wrights
Definitely a heterozygote. I think Right is the dominant expressed trait.
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Why do we have one of these threads every once in a while? People say thanks because commenting on a giveaway gives you more chances to win.
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Dammit now everyone knows! It's not written, but it's there to reward people who are genuinely thankful for people giving away games from the goodness of their hearts.
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Indeed :D
Don't knock it until you've tried it, haters!
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Whenever I hold a door open for someone, they just say "Thanks".
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Um... What do you mean "Don't manipulate/lie"?
Backs away cautiously
Personally, I don't find courtesy/politeness to be wierd. Maybe I'm just a freak though?
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Nope, I hate it when people are impolite...
Saying Thanks or whatever else is a form of courtesy here.
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"Um... What do you mean "Don't manipulate/lie"?"
You gave an example of real behavior, when this on SG is totally different from normal - and that's not an argument for your theory, but for mine. You don't do such things in real life, because they would be weird.
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But I'm genuinely grateful to someone if they have bought a game out of their own money and given me the opportunity to win it. It doesn't matter if I win or not. I'm still thankful that someone has made the effort to do something nice, and set up the raffle.
It is neither rude nor impolite.
In my mind they have done something not just for me, but for the Steamgifts community as a whole.
There are far more pernicious forms of behaviour on here to get a bee in your bonnet about, without getting bent out of shape about users expressing gratitude, or at the very least, politeness, over giveaways.
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I agree with your sentiment somewhat, though not with your logic overall. This is a nice thought: "There are far more pernicious forms of behaviour on here to get a bee in your bonnet about, without getting bent out of shape about users expressing gratitude, or at the very least, politeness, over giveaways."
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Wow... this is the closest thing to "grateful" that I found from you...
... shit man... I'd have tears of emotion falling down my eyes after reading this selfless comment of gratitude.
Jokes aside, you're partially right but... damn man, being original AND showing some gratitude would be nice.
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Yes, that comment was stupid, but I was new here and I just overreacted to the pack I really wanted badly.
Why you are all thinking that we can only thank before winning? I always give a thanks, when it's the right moment. You don't say "thanks" if some stranger tell you, that he will throw a coin 20 times, and if they all will be on one side, than he will give you sth. It's just stupid.
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"Why you are all thinking that we can only thank before winning?"
That's where you're wrong. The ones who believe that it's a good thing to thank, regardless of winning or not, do not "only thank [them] before" but also after winning.
I won games from three separate individuals (plus two who made a massive giveaway, but have their profiles on private) and I thanked all three of them in one way or another; through chat, by e-mail or on their profile page. It was no ordinary "thank you" but something that expressed how I was enjoying the game thanks to them or similar... why? Because I truly felt that way.
In real life, if I were in a situation where I'd be in need of assistance and a friend would notice and say "hey man, I'm busy right now, but if I have time later I might help you out", I'd still thank him even though he did absolutely nothing yet. Get the point? The thought alone is already appreciated.
If there is a large charity raffle, and the donator is known, trust me that the first thing they'll do before declaring the winner is to thank the person/company/group that made the raffle possible. It's common sense and best if done spontaneously.
Anyway, by all means, do not say "thanks" if you don't mean it because a non-spontaneous thanks is worse than not thanking the gifter at all (imo), but don't think that the others who thank before winning a prize are faking... they're thanking for the opportunity the gifter gave them to win.
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You are almost right, but the thing is - "and the donator is known" - we don't know people who are giving here. Some of them are just leechers and scammers. Some (thousands) want just to "skyrocket" their contribution points. So it's far from being normal charity raffle like in real life. Here you got something back for giving. Also keep in mind great number of participants and all giveaways.
One time I won greaaaat game and the gifter send it to my mail. I tried to thank him, but he just didn't give a shit and ignored me.
Finally - of course you can give thanks before winning, but there are people here, who REQUIRE it and think that it's rude not to do that. One more thing - flooding comments of giveaway is also frustrating for others.
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Glass half-empty, glass half-full.
If you want to think pessimistically, even charities give something back to the donator: positive public influence, which in turn acts as a positive publicity and consequently increases votes/sales.
Anyway, I don't need to know who the gifter is in order to thank him. If he's a scammer then shame on him, because he lied to 100, 200 or even 2000 entrants, but that doesn't mean we should preemptively avoid thanking everyone just to be safe. What kind of reasoning is that?
If we'd all reason this way then even someone opening a door to a lady would be seen as suspicious ("Oh man, he's going to either rob or rape her. Let's call the police. Oh wait, the police is corrupt. Humanity sucks... /emo sigh/")
One time I won greaaaat game and the gifter send it to my mail. I tried to thank him, but he just didn't give a shit and ignored me.
Some people don't want the winners of their giveaways to be part of their friends list: perhaps they only have their real life friends in that list.
Do you know that you can reply to a gifter's e-mail when he sends you the game key? I did, and the kind gifter replied back as well.
Anyway, enough. There's honestly no point in continuing this discussion because it's pretty clear that your views won't change and neither will mine.
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One time I banged a girl so hard, she said thanks.
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For me, 'Thanks' is me be grateful to someone who gives a game away for free. Its also general courteousness, which is sadly fading fast in world,
So for all of you anti 'thanks' people out there, here is a script I think you should use.
Thanks for your time and have a nice day :-)
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I tend to be a cynic, but you surpass me, sir.
As shallow as the "thanks" and "thank you"s may be, they're still a form of gratitude that has been typed in. It doesn't contribute in anything other than increase the comment count and, imo, it's better than not giving a shit and not typing anything at all. It does occur that people don't even bother to read the giveaway description, which makes things awkward, but it's not always the case.
I find it really sad to see giveaways that have 700+ entries and only 20-30 comments worth of gratitude. The effort the gifter must've spent in getting the game, making the giveaway and (sometimes) writing up a description just doesn't balance out. I know that if you make a giveaway you're not supposed to be doing it for something in return but, for goodness' sake, it should come naturally to those who enter the giveaway.
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Really? I've found that the comment to entry ratio in public giveaways is generally around 10% (rough estimate). Sometimes it's more and sometimes it's less. Then again, it's also affected by those that would have said thanks had they caught the giveaway earlier, but instead simply entered (as the replies were in to the multiple pages). Regardless, I agree that it's quite a sad testament to the kind of people that enter to win.
Then again, I'm also sure the ratio of contributors to "beggars" (for lack of a better word, despite myself being in this second category at the moment) is also very skewed.
My concern isn't really whether or not I should say "Thanks", but it's more of a "How do I make it sound like my gratitude is not tied necessarily to the prize", which I haven't quite figured that out yet. Oh well!
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Well, it's clear that we're all thanking the gifter because of the potential prize and, honestly, I don't find that to be a big deal.
A good step forward in making a good comment is to ask yourself "how do I make my comment different from the rest and more personal?". I don't do that as often as I would like, but that's because of time constraints.
I sometimes leave a comment in a giveaway I'm not entering simply because:
a) I have the game already and love it, so I share my thoughts about how cool of a giveaway it is.
b) I found the giveaway to be very generous so I thank the gifter, regardless.
c) The giveaway was intended for very generous contributors, and I want to thank them as well.
d) I got access to a puzzle entry but am not interested in the "prize", but I appreciated the puzzle.
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Oh! Good rule of thumb. I'll have to keep a closer eye out. Popping in on a generous [contributor] giveaway is a good way to give an all-around thank-you. Sometimes I just don't really think things through all the way. My only defense is that I'm still brand-spanking new to steam (and thus the steam-gifts site)...
I should mark this as a general guideline for being a productive member of the site. Well, that and donating games when I can.
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Very few people actually say 'thanks' on public giveaways... even some of the more common public group giveaways too.
For example, I made two Zero Gear giveaways, one for S.Gifts group, one for Jade's group. In the S.Gift group (public) there were 115 Comments and 525 Entries, roughly 25%. Yet in Jade's group, 46 Comments for 19 Entries (admittedly roughly half were my comments in response, but still 23:19).
It's my opinion that if you're going to enter a giveaway, the LEAST you could do would be to thank the person. Some may say "Thank them for what? You didn't win yet...", it's for the opportunity to have a chance at winning a game. If they didn't make that giveaway, you wouldn't have a chance to win, so thank them for their willingness to share.
Also, I love it when people ask you to do a little something in the comments, like one person asked for penguin haikus. Completely random, but totally awesome.
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): I wrote a long thank you email for a guy that gave me a game, once, commenting on other things while at it.. But he never replied. Made me sad, cause it made me wonder if he even got it (I'd have been fine with a smiley answer, even).
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a) I'm grateful for the chance to win a free game
b) it's the decent thing to do when someone does something nice for you
If that's not enough reason for you, there's also community standards. "Always thank submitters. Thanking is not required to enter a giveaway."
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I understand not writing thank you for every single giveaway you enter, but most of the time it's a good idea. I try to do it as much as I can.
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Blame a system that rewards you for saying anything/punishes you for saying nothing, instead of letting people who have something relevant to say, say it if they want to.
And to people saying "means people are grateful!". No it doesn't. It's a token post.
Thanks for Skyrim.
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Not formally, no, but the attitudes of many posters on the forums are consistent with that view. An unfavorable comment:entry ratio is one of the easy ways to put someone down on the forums as opposed to actually addressing the content of their question/suggestion/argument.
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Why is it that nearly everyone who doesn´t want to post thanks never contributed anything?
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I totally agree with your second statement. It's nothing more than a token post and has absolutely no value (I'm speaking of the pure "thanks"). I entered about 1000 giveaways and only wrote about 30 comments to them since i didn't know what to write apart from the generic token
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Yeah, at first I didn't say thanks that often on giveaways for the same reason. I'd try to write somewhat meaningful comments whenever possible, but not all giveaways have descriptions you can really comment to... The simple "Thanks" just felt so automatic and empty I didn't like spamming it, even if I AM grateful. It felt like what I was doing wasn't showing my appreciation, but in reality, walking into a line of automatic little robots void of emotion and that don't even read the giveaway descriptions.
Lately I've been saying thanks on pretty much everything I enter, but honestly.. still feels really empty to me.
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I like getting comments on my giveaways,and I read every one of them. isn't that the whole point of commenting "Thanks", to show appreciation to the person giving away an item? Its a resepect thing. Thanks is the least many can convey, and as simple or boring as it seems, it does have worth. Typing "Thanks" requires more effort then simply clicking "Enter to Win". It shows some genuine appreciation. That you put in just as much effort to comment, as you did to just try and click to enter.
Can you imagine if all these gifts had no comments at all? Altruism aside, its hard to imagine that you're giving anything away to someone who will appreciate it, when your gifting into a vaccum.
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Are they really just grateful? It seems so suspicious to me everyone writes near enough the same on every single giveaway, is there a reason for this or are they just being grateful?
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