Do you use / have you used auto-join scripts?
I thought they were banned for using them, but guess not..
BTW, how can I show them using it and at the same time not being accused of calling out? - Answer me that please
autojoin copypasting the exact same thing, at the exact same time, on multiple gibs. They don't even seem to care which games nor the requests by the ga creator...
I'm talking of this, too, and just to be on the safe side, I've edited 'EM..
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Yeah.. getting tired of this sh--...
why must I do all the pushing? you know, think I'll start applying certain restrictions/requests, whomever don't respect/fulfill them then though luck though love, no game for them.
They chose to ignore and do their way? well so do I then XD
ps. you wouldn't believe the amount of winners with not a single giveaway on their behalf, none, zip, nada, they just take and take and take. Then some have the nerve to call me a leecher. GG.
/rant is over. Thanks for reading
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I've started doing this for example:
And if I at some point make a really good GA, I'd certainly only deliver under a minimum of conditions, couldn't care less about a temporary suspension.
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There's CV slider, I've seen it but didn't want to use it -until now- but oh boy they are pushing it.. Asking them to not say thanks before hand is like asking a robber to not rob a bank, and since we're at it, giving him/her backoff feminists the keys too.. so not gonna happen.
AKA Bots gonna be bots. If you're lazy enough to not want to write your own comments, pick your own giveaways to enter, then maybe you should allow the bot live your life for you, afterall if you cant bother with that, why bother winning a game you wont even play?
cuz you know, you're so busy and whatnot...
So CV and LV restrictions, tho I know we'd be screwing the real person, newcomer to SG, that maybe really wish to give and receive..
who knows...
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That's fair, at least I want it to be a person, type anything you want as long as it's "real", don't program a bot to spit random words or phrases, take the time to write something, or don't write anything at all. There's an universal saying (I'll try to put it in english words): "If you can't say anything more beautiful than silence, then don't say anything at all" so something along these lines.
Agree on the leveled, but users give stuff to make others feel good while feeling good ourselves, with the added benefit of having access to higher giveaways too, or at least less competition hence more odds in wining. That's one way of looking at it.
Oh and if there's highlevel users that use scripts, well, what can we say? they gave stuff to get there, didn't they? unless it's a cheat, they deserve access too.
I'm fond of those who ask a joke, a rhyme, a tale, something interesting to read while at the same time it shows you're not a bot or it's a very intelligent one :P There's plenty ways of fighting this if CG is just one person and most of the time his plate is kinda full.. we should be able to help alleviate the syntoms right? XD
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That rule can't really be enforced though. You'd get a not received for not sending the game because of someone leaving a thanks message
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I don't have perfect giveaway received rate because I couldn't be arsed to give some game to a guy. I couldn't care less, I'll eat the consequences.
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in the last one I read OP claimed that 90% of people used such scripts
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Ha. Wow. Someone actually used my gif :3
I still prefer the other one
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It belongs to all of SG now :P
Thanks for making it :)
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Since days of old, Steamgifts has evolved quite a lot. Even is there are properly working scripts, they are useless. You now have the Wishlist and Recommended queries from the site itself, even when using vanilla. so these scripts are made redundant.
No, and it's pointless.
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Many scripts can still add extra functionality to the site, but a lot of things have been added natively to the site over time and do not require scripts anymore..
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I don't use them because one really doesn't have to be a rocket scientist to read someone his or her giveaway description and to click a few times with the mouse. English is only my fourth language and still I'm able to understand most giveaway descriptions and if I don't understand some words I do it the old school way: I ask. :-)
Reading someone his or her giveaway description is just the proper thing to do, 101.
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Holy... 4th language?
I feel very bumpkin right now.
Major respect to you!
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Thank you Raven but in all honesty the respect goes to the great educational system in Flanders/Belgium were one learns by default 3 to 4 languages. :-)
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howdy there, used to live in Belgium for 6 years ^-^
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I think it was somewhere at the center of Belgium at Woluwe Saint-Lambert (basically the french speaking zone)
Thinking about possibly moving back there someday, lived another 4 years in France at Strasbourg.
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Do you know why you don't pay ransom for kidnapping?
For the same reason you should not be afraid to issue ban with whatever length that is appropriate.
Especially because that script indeed DDoSed the server, and it was not manual suspension of accounts, but IP-based block.
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Well, most of those that use auto-join scripts won't bother reading anything on the forum, so you won't get an accurate result. :P
There certainly are quite a few users that use these scripts, but (obviously) nowhere near 90% of all users.
Chrome web store says "12,796 users" for one of the scripts (that probably got the users banned for 24 hours).
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That guy is... somewhat of a legend on steam gifts - my friend once shown me a screenshot of a mods reaction to one of his threads - "What the fuck konrads?", and then the thread closed.
He is in a legendary number of blacklists, legendary number of shitstorms happened because of him... but still, no ban for him yet xD
I guess people enjoy his antics more than they get triggered by them.
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i never using autojoin for steamgift, but i use autojoin for which i got ban 1 month and i really regret it, and never want to use it anymore.
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I made a non-intrusive "auto-join" script for myself. What it does is automatically enter every private giveaway and train that I open. I also made a "auto SGT checker" script, that automatically checks SGT requirements when I open one. They are basically auto-clickers. I am against auto-join scripts that enter every possible giveaways, as they are clearly abusive.
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so you auto-enter all train giveaways regardless of what the games are?
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well, some (probably most) giveaway creators want their games to go to people who actually want the particular game, not someone just looking to +1 their collection
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I've never seen anyone creating a train and then asking the participants to only enter the games they really want. They often do that with multiple individual giveaways.
And who's saying I just look for +1? I will play any game I win when I have the chance to do so. If I want a +1 in my collection, I would buy cheap bundles instead.
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It never occurred to me that such a disclaimer was necessary. It seems rather intuitive to me.
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There are plenty of people on SG that enter GAs to win games just for the cards. Absolutely nothing wrong with that. This website is for people who want to win or giveaway games. Not just for people who "really" want to win a specific game.
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Basically the most beneficial use for them is to enter when you are asleep (if you live in US or Europe) At these times, most of the site is asleep so most public and short timed GAs have less entrants. = Better leeching
i don't not and never have used these scripts. I just know how people use them
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Well, consider the fact that users of this site come from around the world, it's hard to say when the site is asleep.
The benefits of automated scripts are:
Scripts bring unfair advantages to those who use them, and make a huge load on the server, so they are not allowed to use.
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By applying your way of thinking to the whole website. As I wrote up there, it doesn't matter how you view other members as "leechers", you opinion does not represent public opinion, so please don't say things like "by definition". By definition, leechers are those who:
Even if one enters as many GAs as possible, he would still not be a leecher if he gives enough, because entering doesn't mean winning.
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as I see it, if you take what you don't need nor want, you're leeching. And it's consistent with the definition of leech and leeching.
Of course that what one gives shall also be taken into the equation, so if one only takes what he actually wants but doesn't give back, sure he's a leecher, and if one takes everything regardless but gives back equally, it doesn't really matter if he's a leecher by definition or not.
refute it if you want, I don't care
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Easy SteamGifts's one-click entry? Yes. Not any more because I hardly enter giveaways and it didn't play well along with SG++.
So, if that is considered an auto-joiner, then yes. But I think the topic was more about the actul scripts that automatically join everything without user interaction.
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If you can't bother to click a couple buttons, read a description, and press enter yourself, you don't deserve to win.
Besides, if you're too lazy to do all that, you're probably too lazy to play the game you win anyway. -_-
Having said that, I don't even like those scripts that put the enter button on the giveaway list, but at least they still have to press the button.
Also, I don't know how accurate your poll is going to be, assuming most people using auto-join aren't here to read your post anyway ::X
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Well, it's a false assumption. As I stated above, I made my own auto-enter script that does the clicking for me. After the script enters the GA, I read the description, then decide whether to keep my entry or remove it. Since the script detects problematic games and packages to avoid entering games I already own, it saves me a lot of hassles. I see no ethical problem here whatsoever. Also, laziness is what inspires technology development! (Confession of a guy who is lazy to the bone.)
What truly a matter is the script that blindly enters every giveaway possible. It's beyond laziness. It's a rule-breaking behavior.
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Then I will have to click 2 times! And sometimes I just open a bunch of them, let the script help me enter, read the description, then close the tabs. If I enter my self, I would have to move my mouse repeatedly in the same route to enter and then close. My motto is "what can be automated, be automated", of course within reasonable boundary.
┐( ̄ヮ ̄)┌
When I design my websites, I always try to put the buttons that you have to click in the same position so the users don't have to move their mouses. They would just have to click.
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Even though i consider myself to be lazy i would never use a autojoin script / bot for joining GA
And i think that the users that got cought by this should have to apeal the suspension for it removed that way ppl can make sure to point out that its against the rules and if get caught again punishment will increase or be permanent , i saw the apeal bit being used by a cs jackpot site i use from time to time and i thought it was a good idea
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I think auto-join is pretty lame you miss out on the cool gifs people post and other stuff like info about the game from a dev or a poem or something. =p
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Do you lie in polls?
[x] No, of course not
[ ] Yes, always
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Forgot the middle ground
[ ] Not always, of course ;)
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Even if the poll is anonymous I got a bad feeling that people still won't be honest.
The number of people that voted for that they either used or still use them seems pretty low.
But then again I might be just blinded by people who join without a script but also don't read the description and/or don't leave a comment.
Or everyone that uses those scripts is temporarily banned right now and can't vote :D
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I read descriptions but only leave a comment if I have something unique to say. I don't like to spam people's inboxes with generic comments.
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I don't comment on any giveaway I join either but when I do a public giveaway, ask for someones favorite color and out of 400 entries I get 5 comments, that's quite sad.
Clearly they felt you'd be better off experiencing their favorite color first-hand, rather than simply being informed of it..?
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In the last few days there have been many threads about auto-join scripts, and in the last one I read OP claimed that 90% of people used such scripts, and since I'm curious I figured we could use a poll.
latest example:
As far as I know, poll answers are anonymous, so you can answer truthfully :)
No GA right now, sorry. Here's a gif I found instead (not mine, I can dig the source though):
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