Can you recommened me some games to play while stoned? Portal is mindblowing and Max Payne 3 feels like I'm a time wizard.

12 years ago*

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A fun game to play while under the influence is one where you stand on top of a tall building and see how long it takes before the pixies push you off your world of misery and state of total disregard for society.

12 years ago

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You don't really like weed do you?

12 years ago

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What makes you think only that? I could be talking about alcohol or angel dust for all we know. Either way, most of recreational drugs are all chemical byproducts that aid on temporarily forgetting how miserable you are upon ingestion by blocking off several parts of your neurons and by slowing down nervous responses. Due to their increasingly ineffective results on long-term consumption due to bodily resistance towards unknown chemical elements, drugs will most likely ensue in a state of dependence for they can cause severe brain and emotional damage in case the organism stops getting the chemical it now needs for basic dopamine release. They can also cause permanent cases of anxiety, depression, schizophrenia, bipolar disorders and aggressiveness if the user stops taking the drug at any second. Weed also fits in this situation whether you seem like it or not, and have little to no positive aspects. And that only applies for Cancer and chronic pain treatment, it does not have any remarkable or positive effects on normal and healthy people. Anti-depressant and anesthetic drugs can only be sold and/or handled by professionals.

Skipping the whole biochemical aspect of the matter you'll also come to notice these substances also are a major spike in society as a whole. Drug Traffic moves a large chunk of the criminal fund. It is huge market for every ignorant child/academic/office worker who seek quick and easy ways to achieve a state of buzz without having much effort. Alcohol and Tobacco are such incredibly huge markets for these people, they were legalized because the crime would be tremendous if they were not. This is mostly a consequence of modernity and its stressful demands, as it is also a consequence of irresponsibility and ignorance. People use these to keep them from feeling so miserable, and end up getting more miserable along the way.

I'm not in favor of forbidding alcohol and other drugs, for it would cause a tremendous withdraw to the chronic dependent user that is our society (and no, I don't use either of them). I'm in favor of not showcasing and promoting the use of chemicals as mentally healthy ways for achieving happiness. Sadly, my view is one of a utopia.

12 years ago

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Another fool blinded by propaganda. Weed is not only a way to achieve happiness, it's medicine. And as for tobacco and alcohol, you are right, they are legal because crime would be very high. This is exactly the reason why weed and other drugs should be legalized.

12 years ago

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You're the only fool being manipulated by propaganda here. I bet you have not even read what I wrote during your ravaging state of blatant ignorance and denial. I have had multiple discussions over weed (and I have not, as I stated, kept this to weed only as I'm talking about all sorts of recreational substances) with Doctored psychoanalysts, users, patients under prescription, philosophy teachers, graduated biochemists and journalists. None of them have provided me or supported evidence as to where the smoking of cannabis can be a valid method of medicine or a healthy method of recreation in comparison to things such as sports or even listening to music. It's an incredibly weak anesthetic that is offered to wielders of chronic pain and cancer in the States though highly ineffective and risky, similar as merbromin. The infamous "stoned state" it provides only damages neurons due to its chemical composition, volatile change to neurotransmitter behavior, all that without mentioning the damage to the respiratory system due to the ashes the act of smoking provides. A rumor also says it can cause erectile dysfunction.

The way you twist my words and mix them in with your self-centered views and ignorance baffles me in such way that I have to chuckle so I won't be in tears. Selling the drug is what people like you worry about. The larger factor here is that the cannabis is patented by larger companies, thus keeping its cultivation illegal without authorization. In Holland, selling the drug is legalized, but its cultivation isn't. Traffic still exists. You're just pathetic - Try applying for a political career or something, sounds perfect to you.

As you obviously can't into sociology nor into biochemistry (nor interpretation at that), I'll keep you to your stubbornness.

12 years ago

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... You realize cannabis is commonly used with cancer patients, right? I have major nausea issues and cannabis has been the only thing I have found that has helped it. Most legally prescribed drugs out there are FAR more dangerous. Also, this is a great, moving video.

People have been using cannabis throughout history. I don't even use it to get "high" or "stoned" as it doesn't really even effect me in that way. Vaporizing or edibles takes care of any possible effects of smoke. Cannabis has also shown to help some people with mental disorders, which is FAR safer than any of the medications they could be prescribed. Which, as with any drug, it's going to affect people differently. Also suffering from insomnia since I was a child, I would rather use cannabis than all the dangerous physically addicting shit they put me on growing up.

There are plenty of research and studies out there that show benefits of promoting death of cancer cells (brain and breast cancer for example) and tumors.

EDIT: Also Carl Sagan's essay on his experience with marijuana.

12 years ago

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You do realise there's a huge difference between recreational use and medicinal use, right? "Getting high" isn't a cure for anything.

Antineoplastic drugs are used with cancer patients as well. Would you use that as an argument for recreational use of chemotherapy?

12 years ago

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I don't think you've read what I wrote, in which I state every single thing you seem to whine and defend over. I've gone through a lot of research and discussion with people who have a lot more experience and education than people who jump into google and type in what they want to hear about things they already do. Unless you have some sort of allergy towards generic pharmaceutical tablets, smoking cannabis is not recommended in any way shape or form, nor is alcohol-based beverages or any sort of recreational substance.

Marijuana does not aid in mental disorders, in any way, shape, or form. It in fact provokes and intensifies them. If you need marijuana in order to sleep, I honestly recommend you to visit a professional along with a therapist, instead of taking medical advice from the internet and keeping on with habits that can end up causing prejudice. Self-medication is already stupid enough as it is without involving weed in the middle.

12 years ago

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I'm not really whining. You also automatically judge and assume about someone you don't even know, which is ignorant. You assume that I don't have experience or education. Hah. Glad you know my life history! I have also gone through a lot of research and discussion as I used to have a negative view of the plant myself which after my findings, I realized was ignorant and biased.

Also, no. But I AM on medications that could EASILY kill me. I've been on medications my entire life, many of which fucked me up more than they helped me. Marijuana at least can't kill you.

I don't take medical advice from the internet. I've been involved with therapy and medication for years. You're ignorant to assume otherwise. I have seen first hand experiences and read many studies about it actually helping people. Cannabis has anti-psychotic properties. One of my friends has a slew of mental disorders and is on MANY medications. His psychiatrist "off the record" supports his marijuana use as it's shown to vastly improve his functioning.

But either way, you should stop assuming and judging you know someone that you don't. :)

12 years ago

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"I've been on medications my entire life many of which fucked me up more than they helped me. Marijuana at least can't kill you."
Thaaarr is yer problem, sweetie. You're taking as if I'm condemning solely the use of weed. All sorts of drugs have a tendency to eliminate, neutralize or kill cells and microorganisms in some way. Weed also does that (and in a pretty ugly way), but the cost-benefit is pretty much unacceptable. As I've stated, weed does have anesthetic and other effects but they are minimal. In the US, it is a last resort. Doctors won't recommend it for anybody at first glance, as you've indirectly stated.

12 years ago

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liek dis if you cry evrytim

12 years ago

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No. He's a ciber-police whiteknight BR faggot

12 years ago

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get back in your cage mohs

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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"under the influence" lol. Can't you just stick to the topic instead of forcing your personal opinion on an unrelated subject on us?

12 years ago

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"lel ur such a nerd keep ur opinin to urselff"

Isn't "being stoned" a debatably illegal state? Isn't making a thread such as this showcasing and forcing down personal thoughts and ideas down other people's throats who have nothing to do with what you do to yourself? I think you should go ahead and play the game I recommended. Trust me, it will be the most fun you'll ever have in your life.

12 years ago

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Assuming we're speaking of the US, no it is not illegal to be under the influence of cannabis. It IS illegal to be in possession of cannabis or to consume cannabis, but it is not illegal to be under the influence of cannabis.

Making a thread such as this is not forcing personal thoughts and ideas down other people's throats as they can easily ignore the thread and move on with their lives. People like you, however, who would rather enter the thread and talk down to anyone with a differing opinion, are forcing their personal thoughts and opinions down other people's throats.

Also, that's quite nice of you to recommend suicide to someone for making a strictly personal choice. Live your life the way you like, others will live theirs the way they like. You proclaim that your views are one of utopia, but in reality, wouldn't a utopian world be one where people can do what they enjoy? Or is your utopia a world where everyone submits to your views without question?

12 years ago

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And in order to be under this stoned state you must do what? Come on, now. Nit picking on the phrase structure in order to debate is not really effective is it?

A utopia is a perfect place. Drugs (licit and illicit) are fast, unreliable and destructive methods for feeling alright about yourself, to forget about misery of life which can consist of something as simple as boredom. One of the worst things you can do to a convict is by throwing him in a solitary, for he'd grow insanely bored. You wouldn't need drugs in a Utopia, for there would be no misery to circumvent.

I quite frankly don't really give a shit about how people live their lives because that's strictly up to them. Drug usage spreads out like an infection among the population through mannerism and influence, and has the capability to psychologically corrupt the user and the ones around that user (take as an instance the usage of alcohol-based drinks and how it is insanely popular for its state of buzz and insanely deadly for its chemical composition, and I won't even mark irresponsible actions such as drunk driving and aggressiveness here). The fact that most drugs are illegal decreases this influence but it also increases criminal endeavor because the more wealthy will want to purchase these substances, and that's a way to make lots of money. And all that, my good friend, affects me.

12 years ago

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Yes, I realize this. Yet, it is NOT illegal to be under the influence of cannabis. You've stated that "being stoned" is arguably an illegal state, but it is not. Yes, it seems like semantics, but you can't twist and mold facts to fit with your views. That's not how things work.

Now, here's where I'm going to tie in what I said with my other post. Every time you talk about drugs and why people are using them, you are describing gross misuses of the drugs. Yes, there are people who use drugs to escape their problems and it's extremely unhealthy and will almost certainly lead to psychological dependency. The thing is, just as not every person who consumes alcohol is an alcoholic, not every person who consumes a drug is running away from their problems. I don't know where you got the idea that people only use drugs to cope with problems, but that is a terribly misinformed opinion on the matter.

Where did you gather your information on drugs? Since when did drug usage psychologically corrupt the user and those surrounding them and how so? If you consider someone psychologically corrupt for enjoying alcohol despite its potential deadliness, you've clearly never heard of moderation and I can safely assume that you are either a hypocrite or never leave your room.

One more thing. Can I ask you a serious question? Are you trying to troll? I mean, really?: "One of the worst things you can do to a convict is by throwing him in a solitary, for he'd grow insanely bored." Are you serious?

12 years ago

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The other thing is.. there are plenty of other things in life that are not "drugs" that can cause addiction and negatively affect a person's life.

I would hope it's a troll as I find it very hard to believe they've actually had legitimate discussions on the matter with anyone. (doctor's, patients, whatever else was claimed.) Because if someone actually did, they could easily come up with proof and personal accounts of wellness.

12 years ago

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There are. Things such as compulsive eating, pride, power, gambling etc etc can result in a wide array or issues, both physical and psychological. Do they justify consumption of drugs? No.

Recreational drugs do all that, but a thousand times more intensively, and often with little to no returns. Of course, most addicts of all sorts won't admit they have a problem until they either suffer immensely, or fall stiff on the ground. Just because there are things that are bad, it does not justify things that are even worse. I've seen many proud powerful people fall under the influence of narcotics and they managed to lose everything.

12 years ago

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A bored man is miserable. Misery is a problem, but doesn't consist only of boredom; it could be stress, frustration, tiredness, or all of those combined. To escape his misery, the man seeks a way out, which can be anything as simple as walking down the park, or as complicated as designing an aeroplane. Contrary to that man, a person who uses marijuana (or any sort of drug) as a constant method to escape their misery, or as I'd say, a method of entertainment, is only damaging herself and turning her more miserable than she already is, for it is an external factor that does not co-relate with the existence of that person and that is also utterly harmful to her organism. It's a similar effect to people with eating disorders, in case you'd like to go that far. A person who uses marijuana as a "medical" substance is nothing less but deluded. People who praise the substance and demand it's pseudo-legalization do not fall under your category of "people who do it socially".

My information comes from the research I've done for my biochemistry I class at my community university (Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina). I've involved several participants of higher and lower branches of education along with interviewing users of all sorts of substances and rehabilitated civilians who remained anonymous. I've also been on the debate over the legalization of weed that was also hosted at my uni, as to where most of the in favor party consisted of novice users and bourgeois who had little to no knowledge on how things worked, for they could only speak from the little they experienced and from what their friends had told them.

If moderation were a valid argument, there would be no alcoholics or addicts in our world. Moderation is an imaginary barrier set by the user who can at any time break. Sometimes addiction can install quickly, or never install. It depends on genetics. Some people start drinking beer every once in a while, then it's every weekend, then it's every day. My purview of corruption is clearly not the same as yours, so I'll just leave you at your own thoughts over that. Do I drink? No. Have I drinked? Yes. Blame influence for that, I'm just a person after all.

My thoughts on solitary punishment, on misery and on the diversion by drugs are ones influenced and based upon the ones by Blaise Pascal. These are not "troll attempts" (sadly trolling has lost its intimate meaning long ago) but are examples open to interpretation and a manifest of my own experiences along with of others. It could also mean a big "fuck you!" to a lot of people there, so I'll leave that for their own analyzing skills.

"All men seek happiness. There are no exceptions. However different the means they employ, they all strive towards this goal. The reason why some go to war and some do not is the same desire in both, but interpreted in different ways. The will never takes the least step except to that end. This is the motive of every act of every man, including those who go and hang themselves… [..] The only thing that consoles us for our miseries is diversion, and yet this is the greatest of our miseries. For it is mainly what prevents us from thinking about ourselves, leading us imperceptibly to our ruin. Without it we would be bored, and this boredom would drive us to seek a more solid means of escape. But diversion amuses us and guides us imperceptibly to death." - Blaise Pascal

12 years ago

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Look. It's obvious that you're very committed, whether that be committed to your views or committed to trolling (while I realize that proposing that you're trolling can be seen as offensive, I don't mean it in this way). Here's what I'm going to say to mark my conclusion in this discussion as I see no reason for it to go any further. Take it as you will.

Your views are not infallible. Your own experience is not all encompassing. The same goes for me. Hold yourself to higher moral value if you so wish, but no one, I repeat, NO ONE, can be put to trial for your own, personal moral values. Why? There are countless different opinions on every last subject you could possibly imagine. No one opinion or interpretation is ever fully correct unless fully backed by hard, solid facts. Even then, there are always exceptions.

It is wholly unfair and extraordinarily prejudiced to group all drug users- no, ANYONE, into a singular group of people based on a single quality that they share. Just as there are exceptions to even factual information, there are exceptions to every last stereotype, drug users included. I cannot speak for every drug or every person who has ever used any type of drug in the same way that you cannot. It's impossible. The world is NOT black and white. It never has been and it never will be.

Good day.

12 years ago

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I've set up several points, built them from the ground up for you and many to understand and thoroughly backed them up as they went through a constant influx of external self-righteousness and stubbornness. You have not. You have nothing to hang your argument on other than what you seem to think on what is an opinion and what isn't. You're trying to define where I'm wrong but you just plain don't; you assume everything that I say is a personal exclusive opinion to myself. My views are formulated on days of work and around specialized areas, yours are based around what you think ethic is, though this has nothing to do with ethics.

You're either not comprehending what I have said or you don't want to. I could sit here hours on end trying to discuss the principles of my views on philosophy and how each and every individual type of user can fall under the logic of misery and regret but quite frankly I've wasted too much time here with people who are clearly not in the mood for listening and are incapable of holding an argumentation. Obviously in a topic such as this, expecting a healthy and productive discussion shouldn't be expected, since the people who orbit around it are only looking for incentive and not warnings.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Stay classy.

12 years ago

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Honestly, I was looking for a clip with Fez from That 70's Show because it's far less aggressive and far more hilarious, but couldn't find one.

12 years ago

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Going back to your response to mine, you basically say that it mostly makes your depression (you assume everyone that smokes has one) will become even more severe, eventhough you shouldn't smoke at all if you're depressed, because it's commo knowledge that marihuana enhances the mental state you're in at the moment of inhalation. ''Permanent cases of anxiety, depression etc'' this is simply not true, marihuana does very little to change your mental capacity in the long run, besides tiredness. Your post was simply a post by a person who hasn't smoked himself and has read ''Reefer madness' way too much.

12 years ago

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Also, why in the hell would you post in this thread if you're against marihuana in the first place?!

12 years ago

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What is this "enhancement"? Will it make you happy? Or will it keep you from feeling miserable by basically going around your problems and pain? Depression can be and mostly is much more than just a state. Your logic truly shows as to how you seem unfit to keep on with a logical discussion such as this one.

I have had various second-hand experiences with the drug and it does not have any "positive" effect in any single extent of the word. It might not be as deadly addictive such as crack or have obvious withdraws such as cocaine but it still is a delusional method for escaping reality and wrongly circumventing problems, who tend to grow. Without mentioning all the issues over patents for planting, traffic and misuse. I'd expect a philosophy student to have a larger comprehension about the reasons for use and effects of things such as recreational substances but you've clearly disappointed me at this.

12 years ago

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What you're describing is, yes, a gross misuse of the drug. Any drug, whether it be legal or illegal, should not be used as a method to cope with problems. However, this is not the only reason that people use drugs. Yet, it seems to be the only reason that you can fathom for using them. For this reason, I'd recommend that you stay away from drugs (although, with your extraordinarily biased and predetermined views, I'm sure that won't be a problem).

12 years ago

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I honestly have no idea as to what you're trying to say here. Perhaps you've been angered and lost focus or something.

12 years ago

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I'll go ahead and tie what I'm saying here into my other post so that we aren't having a split discussion.

12 years ago

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Drugs ar bad mkay.

12 years ago

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do lsd

12 years ago

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Then play The Polynomial

12 years ago

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Woah. That would be, like... Being on LSD, while being on LSD...

12 years ago

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Yo dawg I heard you like LSD so I put LSD in your LSD so you can LSD while you LSD.

12 years ago

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actually games that have tripy visuals are nt as cool on lsd. there's nothing for the lsd to fill in since the screen is over saturated anyways. best games to play on lsd are ones with the least amount of visual noise, which amounts to games with a lot of darkness.

12 years ago

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Play LSD while on LSD

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Watch Winamp visualizations.

12 years ago

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Try Left 4 Dead 2, intense shit.

12 years ago

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I have no experience with this, but BIT.TRIP BEAT seems like it would be... something.

12 years ago

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Gotta go with Audiosurf. But depending on the drugs it's better just put on freeride and enjoy it like a winamp visualization. lol

12 years ago

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We should not promote drugs here..

12 years ago

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We're not, it's about the stuff around weed.

Also weed is as dangerous to your body as alcohol, of which many threads exist.

12 years ago

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As someone who does neither I think weed is much less dangerous to ones body actually. Can bet that more people die from alcohol poisoning then anything weed related(anyone really ever die? eh..not sure, kinda doubtful).

12 years ago

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the problem with drugs (these kind of drugs, no more hard things) is that people IS STUPID, they abused of the drug in question an then do stupid things while they are affected...
so, people is stupid, and that is the reason because the rest of the world cant have nice things...

12 years ago

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Haha yeah...I think the whole illegalization of weed is more of a political thing if anything imo though, I have been around many high people and many drunk people, usually the bad outcomes happen when they are drunk...sadly. When they are high, they get lazy, stay inside and eat,its pretty funny usually.

12 years ago

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Nobody has actually died because of weed directly, only through accidents that happened because they did something stupid, which proves that weed itself isn't very dangerous when used appropiately.

12 years ago

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Yeah, but truthfully that stupid stuff happens on anything, alcohol included.

Its not dangerous unless laced, then it can be a bit overboard from what I have seen, but if it was legalized no one would have to worry about getting bad weed. Shame really how countries are run...then again they might wanna put a million crazy ingredients in it like with cigarettes.

12 years ago

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And THAT's why I love living in the Netherlands :D

  • the stuff you buy here is clean, just pure cannabis in a bag.
12 years ago

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Lucky you, so nice looking there...I am stuck in Nyc for the moment...totally hate it.

12 years ago

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Well the weather sucks, the environments can be really depressing and everyone is kinda nervous here. So yeah, NYC seems like a lot more fun sometimes.

12 years ago

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I hate crowds, I feel like I am gonna explode usually. Its super depressing here I think...

12 years ago

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Atleast it seems like something happens over there.

12 years ago

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lol I guess...I rather live in a house in the middle of a forest honestly :-D.

12 years ago

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much deeper !

12 years ago

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please adopt me! i will have your babies for amsterdam weed!

12 years ago

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Merely making mention of something is promoting it?

12 years ago

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God gave us this wonderful weed, we should learn to appreciate that.

12 years ago

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Secret of the Magic Crystals

12 years ago

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this is the only way to play that thing...

12 years ago

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All of you condone drugs because you are hippies.

Gtfo of the internet, you do not belong. No game is deserving to a hippy.

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

12 years ago

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i dont know if OP is a hippie, but yes, No game for hippies, fuck the hippies, fucking philosophy students...

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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That song is for hippies too. Wtf is this shit music?

12 years ago

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Suicidal Tendencies is not hippie music, its good music btw, not top 40 sorries! lol...

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

12 years ago

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that is punk, not hippie rock...

12 years ago

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Do hippies even listen to rock?

12 years ago

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All music is for hippies, do you not get it?

Listening to unnecessary banging noises just so you can reek your human emotions. Sad.

12 years ago

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Fuck you, also, peace <3

12 years ago

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I also study philosophy :D

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Well I do have long hair...

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Beat Hazard Nuff said

12 years ago

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limbo, that's that.

12 years ago

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limbo, terraria.. and super meat boy ahahahah

12 years ago

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LSD on PS1

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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+1 omg

12 years ago

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Just can't frikkin' find a way to make it run on an emulator... I have to leave behind my consoles 'cause we aren't allowed to keep a TV in my university :-(

12 years ago

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What sort of uni is that? DW just get a 27" Catleap Multi OC monitor from ebay - good enough and better quality than a TV :)

12 years ago

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what about Serious Sam HD, with the full color option on, and hippie mode /kids Mode on?...

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Really Big Sky or Amnesia

12 years ago

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Dead Space...

12 years ago

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I can't believe this went 39 replies without anyone saying Snuggle Truck - what the hell is wrong with you people

12 years ago

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play audiosurf.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Silent Hill.
Preferably emulate the first one. :-)

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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And Yet It Moves
Cloning Clyde
Sideway™ New York
The Ball

12 years ago

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+1 for Xotic...

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by razorpainis.