Bumping this cause I have similar question
I own 1, 2, and 3 on various plateforms. So wondering between two listed above is best to go with the 4 i already own.
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Well luckily it's staying 75% off for another 44 hours so we have time to make up our mind.
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Well the improvements might be meaningless, but if you say that, you're basically saying both games are the same. Could you be more specific on why BH is better? Thanks
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that's sort've cool. I didnt see the other, but mine is narrowed down more.
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Brotherhood is amazing, I just picked up Rev today to try it for myself however. Everybody around me is always telling me how bad it is though.
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Well Im about to make my final decision. Any other thoughts?
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Out of the 2, Brotherhood is much better. But playing AC from the middle of the storyline just doesn't feel good. If you can, you should start with the first game in the series, and you should soon get immersed in the wonderful story of this game.
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Dont have all the money as I have a lot of games on my wishlist. I will read up the storyline though. Thanks!
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Revelation has more features as it's expected,Like hook blade to use zip lines, protecting your bases, crafting bombs and such. I've had no problems with either relating to bugs and such(There are allways bugs in big games but none game breaking for me).
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So no big bugs, but there's not a lot of lag in Brotherhood? I read on other sites there were some, but those may have been losers who play on consoles :P
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Played only at pcand for my pc spec that isn't top notch, I've allways had good experiences with the AC series.
OBS: Remember that playing on pc there's allways the small risk that your specific spec of hardware and/or software will not work properly with some game.
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Alright thanks. My final question for you, do you consider using zip lines a great addition? Also Im new to assassin's creed, so what exactly is protecting bases? I know I can live without making bombs, but Im just curious about the other features. Thanks so much!
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AC:B is better though AC:R is still a decent game.
AC:R has a strange 3D tower defense minigame, though it is completely optional apart from one mission you encounter during the storyline. You also get a pretty nifty grappling hook for city traversal.
AC:R has better multiplayer, hands down. AC:B is the first game in the series that introduced it but a lot of features were a bit broken or just badly balanced, which lead to people abusing certain aspects in multiplayer such as stuns.
The story in AC:B is more of a direct continuation of what happened in AC2, whereas AC:R seeks to tie together AC1, AC2 and AC:B. It's... well, the game's mythology and story is pretty crazy. I personally liked the conclusion that's given during the final parts of AC:R.
Both are buggy (This is Ubisoft we're talking about here, doing yearly installments of games that are ridiculously huge in scope and cost) but I'd say AC:R perhaps a bit more so. However, I noticed that the free-running in AC:R did get improved, as Altair is much less likely to accidentally bump into or get stuck on things.
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SO if I was going for multiplayer(which Im not, Id go Revelations. Otherwise, Brotherhood? And thanks for the first really detailed help. This was great information.
Also, you said in AC:B you could bump into and get stuck in things. Freerunning is as much a part of the game as being an assassin to me, so is it a big problem, or just rarely?
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The big question is have you played the first 2? They are a continued story. Of those 2 Brotherhood comes first.
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Since all of the Assassin's Creed games are 75% off, I figured I would buy one since I didnt have any. The two Im looking most at are brotherhood and revelations because they are both $5. I was wondering which game you guys think is better and why. thanks!
<I would appreciate it if these could be addressed. They are still unanswered. Thanks!>
--->PLEASE(Still has not been done):Also if someone could, what great features are in each game that aren't in the other. Thanks<---
--->Is it true that Brotherhood is really buggy and slow, and that Revelations is not?<---
A few more hours until decision. Right now Im leaning towards Brotherhood and here's why. Everyone that doesn't like Revelations, loves Brotherhood. Everyone that loves Revelations, still says Brotherhood's a good game. (ive done research on other sites as well). So naturally, thinking that over, Brotherhood seems like a good option. I do hope to get my questions answered though, before I dedicate to Brotherhood.
--->I have been told regardless of what I choose to find out the story of the first games. I read through this. Is it complete? Are any parts of the story missing? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassin's_Creed Thanks!
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