Ok, so i went to humblebundle and i saw i have few more unrevealed keys so i decided to create giveaways since i already own those games. So i revealed the keys and created giveaways and when 1st giveaway finished, the winner told me that it's duplicate key. I wanted to create a ticket to humblebundle but in meantime i wanted to check keys for other giveaways (past giveaways and those that are not done yet) and i realized those keys are already used on my past giveaways. I wanna know did any of u had the same problem? The feeling is bad. I mean, i saw unrevealed keys (i had to reveal them so thats why i though they r not used) and wanted to make some1 happy but it just ruined my day. Anyways, i gave the winner the key of other game (was hard to find the right game since he owns over 700 games lol, but thank god i had one he didnt own :) + person who won is very nice and polite so it made me feel better. But generaly, this situation sucks. It simply feelsbadman. I just wanna know did any of u had the same problem ever or am i the only one -.-

8 years ago

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i gave the winner the key of other game

the winner is in trouble :О

8 years ago

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Well, i don't think he's in trouble. At least i tried to get him/her another game and i did (and it was really hard cause he/she owns a lot of games... but i found one that he/she didn't own). So everything if fine. Winner got the game (another 1 unfortunately) but still... better something than nothing. It just feelsbadman when u realize something u made is not working and it's not even your fault. :/

8 years ago

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Currently, you and the winner both are facing suspension, if you gave them a game other than the one the giveaway listed.
Ask the winner to agree-to-cancel, and have them post their agreement to the giveaway deletion on the giveaway's comments.
Then, put in a support ticket linking to that comment, and support'll agree to your giveaway's deletion.

In the future, for such a low-tier, low-interest bundle game, you should check barter.vg, you can usually trade very easily for it, and thus meet your obligations without issue.

8 years ago

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Not how it works.
That winner will show as if having an unactivated win.

8 years ago

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Omg this is so complicated. -.- Ok, so readign your comments guys i realized it will be easiest to ask support to change the game. What exactly do i need for it? I mean, i will give them link of the giveaway and this discussion. Hopefully they will understand, but what exactly do i need to make it less complicated.

8 years ago

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read Sighery's coment:

You'll need the winner approval to either delete the giveaway or to change the game being given away in that giveaway, support usually recommends you asking the winner to post that he is fine with doing either of those on the giveaway's comments so they can easily check it. But since you apparently gave him a key for a game he didn't own yet, you could ask support to change the game instead of deleting the whole giveaway.

8 years ago

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Just have winner post that he agrees to change game.
Ask support to change game giveaway.
Also, you should use a spreadsheet to track and reserve keys.

8 years ago

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I did that thanks to this awesome people. :)

8 years ago

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Only once thankfully. I just bit the bullet and bought the game again at full price.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

8 years ago

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Omg i didn't know it's not allowed :o. I just felt bad because that happened and wanted to make something good for the winner cause i felt bad even tho it wasn't my mistake. I saw unrevealed keys, that's why i created giveaways. And yes, i realized on time, that others are duplicate too so i canceled them before they finished. Anyways, since it's not allowed (i will read it now, i gues si missed it) i will submit a ticket, hopefully they will understand.

8 years ago

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yeah - you might be better asking if he will agree to the deletion of the giveaway - then submit a support ticket - as both of you have done a bad (ish) thing

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

8 years ago

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Yeah, i just conatcted winner, he asked what he need to do. So i guess writing a comment to change the giveaway is easiest way. Since winner is fine with that we gonna do that now.

8 years ago

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View attached image.
8 years ago

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HB doesn't always properly register when a key was revealed. This is why it is important to cross-check. Keeping a spreadsheet helps. ^.^
Also, this means, yes, it happened to me before, quite a few times.

8 years ago

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I just use barter.vg to catalogue all my tradables/games I may activate myself, and a notepad++ file to catalogue all my giveaway-intended keys.
Barring sites with occasional key problems like GMG and IndieGala, can't say I've ever had any issues once I moved to that arrangement. ^.^

:glances down:
Been hearing a lot of the same issue with BundleStars recently, though, so perhaps that's one to worry about as well.
At least with Humble, they'll for sure fix the keys if there's any issue other than you having forgotten you'd already used them.

8 years ago

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Kind of had something like this happen but not with Steamgifts. Got some keys from Bundle Stars, made a giveaway with some of them but they were duplicated. Asked Bundle Stars about it, they told me since a totally different website was hacked in the past and I MAY have used the same paswword, which I didn't password for the websites were different, that my keys were stolen. While most of the keys I bought worked, only some were duplicated. I mean not even the best games or ones worth the most were duplicated, just some of the cheaper ones. Their answer really didn't much sense, definitely not buying anymore bundles from them.

8 years ago

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What happened to me last week was 2 HB giftlinks I had issued but not used or given away were stolen/used without my knowledge.
HB cancelled them and reset the key for me.

8 years ago*

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The thing is those keys were used by me. I realized it when i checked keys i gave away before. It's just HBs bug or something, since when i went to the site tonight, i saw unrevealed keys. I just couldn't know they have bug and i already used them. I mean cmon, i had to click on them to reveal them. It's just wrong.

8 years ago

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that's weird as well.

8 years ago

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Ikr, that's why i created this discussion to see if other people had similar problem. And unfortunately yeah lol. Sad but true.

8 years ago

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Thank you guys! A lot! I talked to the winner and he is ok with w/e we need to do. So we gonna ask them to change the giveaway. I guess it's the easiest way.

8 years ago

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This happened to me once, I redeemed keys from a Humble bundle, and when I went back a week later the keys looked like they hadn't been redeemed, when I checked the keys they were the same

8 years ago

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Yeah, exactly what happened to me. And cause of all this mess i cancelled my stream tonight. -_-

8 years ago

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I'd speak with a Humble support ninja, they're usually pretty good, maybe if you explain the situation, they'll offer you a little compensation to appease your giveaway winners :)

8 years ago

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nah, i already create a ticket to steamgifts support to change the giveaway. Reading all this comments, i reazlied it will be easiest way to fix this. I'm sure about one thing- i wont use any leftover keys for giveaways, just to be sure i wont make a same mistake twice. Yeah, i made a mistake and it's not even my fault. but it's done already so... Anyways, thx! :)

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 month ago.

8 years ago

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Yeah, i decided to do the same from now on. Cause this is just awkward.

8 years ago

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This happened to me twice. They were both bundle games, so it wasn't too hard to resolve the problem. For one game I made offers to 4 or 5 people in the trades section and was able to complete a trade in less than a day and replace they key. The other game, the winner offered to delete the giveaway before I even asked and he wouldn't take any other game keys when I offered. I noticed he had thousands of games on steam and I asked if he was collecting all games. It turns out that I had a bunch of leftover bundle games that were previously given out for free and I couldn't make giveaways for so they were just collecting dust. I gave him a bunch of those and everyone was happy.

8 years ago

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Wow, 3 people blacklisted me. I guess those who participated in giveaways i deleted cause of this.

8 years ago

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CG really needs to change the name of this section to "Steamgifts Bugs/Suggestions."

8 years ago

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Well it wasn't really SG bug. it's actually humblebundles bug since their site show me undrevealed keys even tho i revealed them in past. I found that out in very bad way -.-

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

8 years ago

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yup and because of that i ended up blacklisted by 3 people. Probably those who entered the giveaways i deleted after i found out what actually happened.

8 years ago

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And yes, it's so frustrating, i even cancelled my stream tonight and my migraine is killing me right now.

8 years ago

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I think there is recomendation to use the keys in like 30 days or so, apparently steam recycle keys if not used after time ...

8 years ago

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This is not true at all. Steam does not recycle keys, and keys stay valid until the developer/publisher revokes them. If they don't (and most of the time they don't), the keys will stay valid forever, as long as it remains unused.

8 years ago

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oh, in that case, humble or site in which that happened has issues with their database.
other option which comes into my mind is they act shady, but I never heard of happening that on humble (only on g2a but that is kinda different).
damn, anyways I hope this doesnt happen often, I like that site

8 years ago

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There has been issues with people reporting their gift links getting "used", and we don't know why. Might be some security issue on Humble's side, might be a mass hacking attack, it's hard to tell.

Humble also has a problem with not always remembering which keys you've revealed.

8 years ago

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