So yesterday I tried to log in to Facebook and a message appeared saying that my account was disabled. I checked my email and saw a mail from FB saying that my account was disabled and that I could open a support ticket and so I did

20 minutes ago I got a new mail from the FB support team saying that my account was disabled and that it is unappealable but it dosent say WHY my account was disabled

I never posted things like porn, gore or anything that could violate the rules. All I did in FB was share some funny images, post in groups (gaming, movies, etc) and talk with my friends.

Anyone knows how to solve this problem?

Also, I used to log in IGN with my Facebook account and I tried to log in with my email but it says that its not registered. Is there a way to get back my IGN account? (already sent a ticket to support btw)

9 years ago

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I think there's nothing more you can do other than wait for support.

9 years ago

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you probably got hacked and the hacker did w,e he could to get you banned

9 years ago

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Probably this.
Thats why i always check if there's new IP's logging on my account and use the mobile sms thing.

9 years ago

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I'm not sure what you can do outside of contacting Facebook.

I don't know if it's still the same, but FB used to close your account if you got blocked by a certain number of people, or had so many of your posts reported. I had a "friend" (very loosely speaking) I had played a couple of MMOs with who became angry with me and had all her friends block me and report everything on my page. Facebook ended up deleting my account and I never got it back. Now everything on my FB is private. Seems like you might have something similar going on if you didn't post anything out of the ordinary. -_-

9 years ago

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Facebook is extremely politically correct, so you could be faster banned posting funny jokes about some things than posting porn. This was proved several times. Maybe that's the case.
Just wait for support. You can't do anything unfortunately. :(

9 years ago

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My too much spamming :D

9 years ago

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