Let me start off by saying this entire situation is 100000% my own fault. I blame nobody other than myself and feel like an absolute piece of shit for having caused what I caused.

So about a month and a half ago I made a very long train with 200+ giveaways. Then two weeks later I made another one with 150+ giveaways. I usually bulk buy my keys from tremorgames($40 can get you 250+ steam keys). But I almost always make the giveaways before having the keys(never hurt me in the past so never thought this would happen.) So about two weeks go by in the first train and I notice that you can no longer buy tremor coins through paypal. Nor have you ever been able to use a credit card. Apparently they had problems with their paypal account but still to this day have yet to fix it. Their only form of payment they accept is bitcoin(which also doesn't work). So two weeks went by, I'm thinking I'll get the keys in time no problem. Two more weeks and the first train ends. Feel like an idiot at this point because 250+ giveaways just ended and I have no keys yet. Two more weeks go by and my second train ends, still no keys. Now we're at like a month and a half and the "mark as not received" are pouring in. I've told dozens of people to continue being patient as I will get their keys somehow, eventually.

Again, my own fault for even risking this situation to happen. I can't apologize enough to the 381 people who still don't have their keys.

If there is any positive in this mess, it's that I can now only make 5 giveaways at a time and I have learned a huge lesson.

I'm requesting for everyone to add me to their blacklist. It's the least amount of punishment I can give myself.


7 years ago

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Calling out is against the rules!

good luck with it, Though 300+ "fakish" giveaways is an achievement...

7 years ago

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Yeah, that's definitely notable.

View attached image.
7 years ago*

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Oh I like this one. ^_^

7 years ago

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Aii yeah that's a mess. Buying all the games would be very expensive and undoable. You could trade for the Keys and slowly give them to the winners

7 years ago

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Why do you make commitments to provide things you do not even have yet? It is only allowed at some stock markets, and even there, it is one of the riskiest moves one can make that often leads to incredible money loss.

7 years ago

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View attached image.
7 years ago

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7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

7 years ago

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ouch. That's a shitty situation to be in. Though if I were doing something like that I would make sure I had the keys in my possession before starting the giveaways.

7 years ago

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Appreciate the PA... if you want, you can delete the giveaway I won so you have one key less to worry about :)

7 years ago

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thing is that no matter if GA is not received or deleted - in both cases it will mean GA slot lost,

7 years ago

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..but it might save him from overpaying for a 1000x bundled game & I am very strongly against overpaying for anything! :D

His call tho :)

7 years ago

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yeah but both thingies result in the same thing in the end ;) if you decide not to "overpay" and not to look for replacement key in other sources you either end up with deleted GA or not received - result being the same in both cases, GA slot lost (and from OP it occurs it's the main problem - breadman had hundreds of GA slots, he's left with just 5). Only solution to get back GA slots is sadly finding another source for keys, but with over 350 keys it's going to be very problematic.

7 years ago

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good luck (Y) ^^

7 years ago

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You should had better delete the second train before end...

7 years ago

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Thank you for explaining the situation. I have absolutely no problem if you delete the giveaway I won. :)

7 years ago

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sorry, idk the situation, and im didnt have any information in a weeks (7 days), that's why im marked it as not received. :v.
like others said, u can delete the ga i won, i dont mind. its up to u, tho

7 years ago

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Apparently they had problems with their paypal account but still to this day have yet to fix it.

lol, sounds like tremor was trying to operate a "business" on a personal account

7 years ago

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But then PayPal is super bad to everything and everyone from what I've heard from friends and read on the Internet.
It was also bad to me, I am still depressed because of that :(

7 years ago

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Wow, damn. That's not a fun situation to be in. Hope things get sorted somehow.

7 years ago

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you worry too much, its just games for god sake

7 years ago

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380 games to be precise.

7 years ago

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i like giving away games and these were my first two big trains on steamgifts so i feel bad that i haven't been able to deliver yet. I don't lose sleep but I do feel bad all the same.

7 years ago

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nothing that cant be fixed , don;t worry you will figure it out

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 7 years ago.

7 years ago*

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That's an interesting work-around...might even work.
Another problem could be that by now, Tremor is out of the keys he needs.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 7 years ago.

7 years ago

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Some corrections you might want to make:

*friend of mine
*trading it there
*He could look

Looks like your last sentence got cut off.

7 years ago*

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Had 5 GAs once were I got duplicated keys by a trader. Thought clearing out that mess, was a hell lot of a work, but you are kinda fucked ;->

You can try game for game
Check isthereanydeal.comm, most were in cheap bundles (and if you have at least a couple of games from that bundle it might be worth it).
I recognize a couple of games from gogobundles

Then you can check out dailyindiegame (with paypal) or steamgrounds (without paypal) to get single games for cheap.

It should cost you not that much more, since that are the sources tremorgames uses (I think).

PS: Or check steamtrades. Threads like:
could be useful.

7 years ago*

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Hmmm, if I'm looking at the correct giveaways I have some leftover keys that might help a little... Unfortunately I'm pretty lazy, so is there a list somewhere of all the keys you're missing? I'll take a look when I get back... :)

7 years ago

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Just look at my past 381 giveaways for a list. Anything you can give would be much appreciated. 😃

7 years ago

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Ok, I'm back... :)

First thing - forgetting about the tremor place for a moment, have you looked at "bulk steam key purchasing places" like steamground and dailyindiegame? Many of your giveaways were for games that were at one time available at those places, and both of those stores take paypal. There are also Russian sites I can't figure out how to purchase from, but maybe you can get lucky... :) Anyway, assuming they are still for sale, you're looking at 2-20 cents per game. Cheaper than Steam... :)

For those games that were from old Indie Gala bundles, you'd probably need to find traders. I don't know how things work nowadays, but in the past many people would buy lots of "happy hour" bundles and save them for trading profitz later, i.e. when someone like you needs them. :) Don't expect to pay traders 2-20 cents per game, especially if it was from a year-old bundle... :)

Oh, other useless advice: in the future maybe first purchase the game, and second create the giveaway... :) And not the other way around... :) But from reading a bit other people already made that suggestion, so never mind about that. :)

Anyway, I'll start paging through your old giveaways, and see what I have. But it sounds like some other people have already helped with a few - so it would make things easier if you had a master list of what you still need... :)

Good luck...

7 years ago

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I have a bundle store also. I can accept paypal bitcoin or keys & cards.
The link is on my steam profile.

7 years ago

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Apart from the payment issue, with tremorgames there's also the risk of certain games going out of stock real fast. So even if you were sitting on pile of tremor coins, what were you planning to do in case one of the games you promised to deliver ran out before you could request a key?

7 years ago

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I guess that 6.66 level was bad voodoo 👀
I always buy my keys before creating the GAs but I'm always stressed they might be duplicates, that's why I usually make rather short GAs and in limited amounts at once... Good luck sorting all this out. At least you're communicating on the matter: in the only 2 GAs where I didn't receive the games, one of the creator never ever replied, and the other stopped giving news about his attempt to get working keys

7 years ago

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Dang, sounds like a bad situation. I don't use tremor much because last time I used it I ordered 20 games to do a train. All 20 of the games were dupes. I wrote to tremor about all the invalid keys and then I put it on the forum since they reply there. Well everyone told me I was a liar who was trying to score free games, and when I linked them proof, tremorgames staff deleted my post about it. So long story short, we should probably stop trying to buy games in bulk :P

I have tons of bundle games laying around if you need any help replacing keys. Things like this happened. You only had good intentions so you don't deserve any hate. Let me know if I can help in any way!

7 years ago

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I've probably ordered over 2,000 games on tremorgames and only had one incident of a dupe. Lesson learned though.

7 years ago

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Also anything you can give would be much appreciated. 😃

7 years ago

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Hey, I only have four games that need. Hope it helps a little though. I have cubway, terror lab, nanobots, and sticker craft. I added you whenever you are free

7 years ago

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Yeah most people don't run into dupes with tremors so naturally no one believed me. I tend to not use them so much now.

I'm going to bed soon but I'll look at your list later and see if I have any of those games. Hope you can get things sorted.

7 years ago

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I had the same one time. But fortunatly, it was me who tried to activate it.
But for over 200 tremor games it happened once.

7 years ago

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most cases are not a problem, but I ordered few hundreds GAs from tremor (most for my big event last year) and 4 of them ended up being duplicates. tremor is grey marketr after all so as with any grey market you can never know or never be sure.

7 years ago

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feel free to delete gib i won, hope you resolve the whole situation soon mate!

7 years ago

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i sent Make America Great Again :)

7 years ago

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+1 for my win :)

7 years ago

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Wow man, I'm pretty sure you broke a steamgifts record. I think you deserve a medal

7 years ago*

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There is one I know from this month who has ~900 not received gibs.

7 years ago

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Wat. No way. How is that even possible?

7 years ago

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Calling out is against the ToS, so if u want, we can talk in pm :D

7 years ago

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I don't think that it's calling out as it is a public information you can get from visiting someone's account.

7 years ago

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It is calling out, because even if information is visible on someone's profile it will not be noticed by most people unless you refer thewm to this information. No calling out rule is in place among many other reasons (like false accusations) to prevent witch hunts. If few people notice rulebreaking which is publicly seen on profile it wil;l not result in witch hunt, if you point hundreds of people to said profile so they can see it - it can result in witch hunt.

Generally most of information is publicly visible on your profile (both SG and Steam) - I can publicly see if you have multiwins, if you didn't activate something - still it is not allowed for me to say publicly in the forums "hey Aseed is a stinky rulebreaker, he didn't activate 25 wins, has 3 multiwins and didn't deliver 90% of his GAs". I can write about it in support ticket privately to let Support deal with you, but I cannot start a witch hunt against you on the forums.

7 years ago

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Well, I don't fully agree on this. I do like that the rule is in place yet there should be exceptions on where it is applied.

Your public information on Steam has nothing to do with SG as they are two completely different services, they do interact with each other yet they are completely separate ones. The rule is in place in order to prevent witch hunt and false accusations, that I know. Yet, I don't see how it is relevant in the case of suspensions and non received wins. As I already said, the website provides us those information so I don't see why we can't mention them. It's the same as saying "Hey, zelghadis has 3030 won games".

You can't check if I activated my wins without using SGTools or Steam, so banning that I understand. That's not the case as far as multiwins go.

In general, I disagree with the rule whenever the information mentioned is provided by the services of the website.

7 years ago

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it doesn't matter what you feel about something - it matters how rules are. I bet most of regifters "don't fully agree" with activation rule, yet it does not mean it's ok to regift. Plus I already explained - the fact that some information is public is not an excuse for you to freely all out someone of public information. Your win-sent ratio is also public, yet creating a list of all leechers with 1:100 ratio would be calling out. IT has nothing to do with whether you like it or not.

As for your 3rd paragraph - you proved yourself wrong :> Like you said - you could check multiwins on SG alone without using Steam nor SGT - yet calling out on multiwins could get you suspended nonetheless.

7 years ago

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It does matter to me even if it doesn't to you. Yes those regifters can state their arguments as I did and you can contradict them. If those information are not there to be shared, what's the reason of them even being there? Yes my ratio is public and mentioning it shouldn't get you banned, especially while it's not against the rules to have such a ratio (or any kind of ratio for that matter).

And yes It has to do with what I like or not, as rules are there to be changed and improved (I'm obviously personalizing a portion of the community in me).

Yes, the fact that it could get me suspended does not mean that I shouldn't be finding the rule moronic. Sharing something that is public information should never be prohibited. If you don't want people to mention it, don't provide it.

7 years ago*

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If those information are not there to be shared, what's the reason of them even being there?

Reason being for example for users to be able to verify their winners and to report them (report yhem, not call out them). It is not your job to enforce rules, to discuss rulebreakings with them - your job is to report them if you want to. And also to follow the rules, even if you don't like them.

And many things are not against the rules - it has nothing to do with calling out. Like mentioned befopre - calling out purpose may not be to show someone broke the rules, but to start witch hunt against this person, to harass them, to make a lot of ppl balcklist them and so on and on.

Yes, the fact that it could get me suspended does not mean that I shouldn't be finding the rule moronic

There is a big difference between "finding rule moronic" and using "oh it's moroinic rule" as an excuse to break the rule. You can do the first, you shall not do the latter. Also - SG is private website, it can have whatever rules admin wishes, and if you cannot coimply with them because of how "morinic" they are noone is forcing you to use a website with such moronic rules. Let me repeat myself - you find some rules wrong and think they should be changed? Start discussion about it, try to argument your point to other people and especially staff. This is the right way. Encouragement of rulebreaking, because you find rules wrong is a wrong way.

7 years ago

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I do follow the rules and I never tried to enforce rules nor am I capable of doing so.

I can't see why we can't mention it when that clearly is not the purpose, which in this (at least to me) seems to be the case.

I never broke the rule nor I ever used it to excuse any rule breaking. Unfortunately, I'm not determined enough starting a discussion but rather express my thoughts through comments. I doubt I encouraged him breaking any rule, as I intentionally said "I don't think".

7 years ago

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Ultimately, what matters is how Support Staff feel about the matter. Calling everyone's attention to someone else's mistakes is a no-no. Yes, people may find the information on their own, but you should leave it to them to do that rather than saying, "Look here!" as that would be "calling out."

7 years ago

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I think overall the intention is what should be taken into account which is now not. If the intention is indeed malicious, then nothing I can say. However, that's not always the case, is it?

7 years ago

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If you have a way to disclose a person's intentions with 100% accuracy, you should patent it and sell it on Amazon. You'd be a millionaire in weeks.

However, we don't have anything like that here on SG, so we just try to warn people to watch what they say/write. Sad, but true. (

7 years ago*

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That I can't disagree with as it is a completely valid point.

7 years ago

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Even then, always assuming that the intention is malicious and suspending people without warning, while leaving the "transgressing" posts on the site, isn't the best way to operate.
If the post really is harmful. leaving it there is stupid; so, rather than suspending people without notice, it would be more reasonable to just ask them to remove their posts. Presuming the worst and not giving people the chance to fix something that can easily be just a misunderstanding is a horrible practice in my opinion.

7 years ago

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  1. There is no way to determine intention, so we go by actions/words/appearances. If it appears that wrong was done, and investigation supports that point of view, action is warranted.
  2. Aside from a couple of exceptions, Mods cannot edit and/or remove posts.
  3. It is up to the individual to make amends. Some do, some don't.
7 years ago

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The point is that that makes no sense and I hope you could talk to CG about changing that protocol to something sensical. Determining that something is "bad" and in response leaving it there, while removing the only person that can remove it is not logical.

Perhaps a metaphor would make it more clear:
If you set something on fire and the police put you away without stopping the fire, the fire would still be there, damaging things. The police protocol shouldn't be to wait for you to get out of jail and extinguish the fire yourself if you feel like it.

If one considers that harm is done by the presence of that offending post, suspending a user and as such ensuring the post remains there perpetually (or at least more time than it would if handled otherwise) would generate more harm than the post did until the time of suspension. i,e, it's a bad way to handle it. If it worked like other forums where offending posts are hidden while under moderation or deleted, it might make sense.

And, if just removing the post constitutes as making amends, then there is no need for a suspension and people should just be asked to take things down in the first place. "Making amends" shouldn't be optional when you believe an injury is still taking place.

What you've said just reinforces my conclusion that communicating with users and letting them correct a mistake through some mechanism or even explain their side, if they disagree with the intention the mod projected onto their action, would make more sense.

Some possible improvements:

  1. Mods hide/delete infringing content, at least for the duration of the suspension.
  2. Mods ask people to delete or redact infringing content and wait 15 to 30 minutes before suspending people. (Doesn't require infrastructure changes)
  3. A reply/comment system in the "you are suspended" page, to give the other side about whatever infraction you were punished for (like in steam trades).
  4. A link on the "you are suspended" page by which the user can delete the offending content while suspended.
7 years ago*

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You're using the wrong analogy. In the case of a fire, other people are perfectly capable of putting it out, and it is not the job of the police to do so. A better analogy would be some other crime, such as "flashing." If a guy is running around naked in public, the police can arrest him and take him away so that he is no longer "flashing" those people around him. The police cannot, however, wipe the memories of those who have seen him, nor can they stop people from talking about it (or putting it on the News, etc.).

As for the points you raise, ...

  1. Giving Mods the ability to edit or delete existing content would introduce the possibility of abusing that power. In other words, not only would be a major shift in policy, it could create a lot more problems than it solves. At the moment, SG users do enough policing of themselves that we are "getting by" with the current situation.
  2. This already in effect, more or less. Most of the time, other users will warn you when you are making a mistake, and there is usually enough time to correct things before a Mod decides action is needed. Also, Mods will often give a warning before taking other, more dramatic action. That would depend on the situation.
  3. Already exists.
  4. While the Mods include links in their responses, those who are suspended are unable to post, so there is no option to delete (as per #1).
  5. "Making amends" is best done before the Mods step in. When you see a police cruiser sitting there, watching you, and you notice you're above the speed limit, you slow down to comply. It is then up to the cop as to whether or not he should pull you over after you have complied. In the case of SG, cleaning up your mistake before a Mod decides to act is usually sufficient, and doing so while suspended will sometimes shorten or lift the punishment.
7 years ago

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That analogy doesn't work. The point is that the injury is being perpetuated by leaving the content up and accessible. The fire analogy works fine. The thing that prevents mods or the transgressor from removing the content is the current protocol.

  1. It wouldn't necessarily. It could be linked to the suspension. If you are suspending someone for a thread or comment, that's the only comment that would be hidden/deleted. Other mods can still see it, to allow for oversight.

  2. It's not really the same as it being part of the moderation protocol.

  3. It didn't last time I saw it. But, it's nice to know it was added, assuming anyone reads them.

  4. I'm not arguing about how it works now, just ways it could be improved.

  5. Yet that completely ignores that people can be unaware that something is going to be perceived as breaking a rule whether they know of the rule or not. So it's like expecting a blind driver to stick to a speed limit. If another user gives them a chance, they can take it. But, if a mod shows up, all they do is suspend the person without giving them a chance to fix things.

Being here for a while, I've very rarely seen mods give warnings. And, I don't think it should be up to the user base to give the warnings before someone quick-on-the-trigger comes along.

The point is that if a comment is harmful and warrants a suspension, it shouldn't be left on the site to continue causing whatever harm warranted the suspension. Whether you like how it currently works or not, that much you should agree with.

Thanks for the chat and your time, regardless of the usual futility of pointing things that could be improved on the site.

7 years ago

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Ultimately what matters is how CG feels about it.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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There is a big difference between "finding rule moronic" and using "oh it's moroinic rule" as an excuse to break the rule. You can do the first, you shall not do the latter..

Says who?

7 years ago

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says anyone with a little bit of brain ;) not to mention for example idk - any legal system in the world? ;p You can say "I think taxes are too high" and it will be fine. Someone may argue with that but you are not likely to get prosecuted for that. On the other hand is you decide not to pay taxes or perform a tax fraud, because "you think taxes are too high" you're going to have bad time ;)

7 years ago

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Martin Luther, Socrates, Gandhi, Henry David Thoreau, Martin Luther King Jr, Galileo---the notable dumbasses of our time

7 years ago

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They were ready and willing to pay the penalty for breaking the rules. Sometimes, the price is worth it.

7 years ago

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True that

7 years ago

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entirely possible - some people who gifted a lot have thousands of GA slots. Developer accounts have even more - unlimited GA slots. For example if I wanted I coould yheorethically get way over 1k not received (see image) ;p but the case gammag2 is reffering to is probably casew of developer account making big (thousands of keys) GA and not delivering game (delivering invalid keys or keys for wrong game). There was a case of "dev" account (noit really a dev, promoting some shitty steam group) who made thousands of Torch Cave 2 GAs while sending Torch Cave 1 keys.

View attached image.
7 years ago

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Yeah the developer case is more likely a possibility for most such cases, but unfortunately the case I referred to is a level 10 member and has seemingly gone off grid. Many speculate he committed a deliberate SG suicide. I sincerely hope he is okay health-wise.
Edit : Thanks for giving to the community so much zelghadis!
Edit2: refinements

7 years ago*

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wow, I really wasn't aware of this, but nonnetheless - you should edit your comment as it clearly indicates who you're talking about and can be viewed as indirect calling out.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

7 years ago

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Tremor games seems at least a bit unreliable.
I used earned coins to buy a Steam trading card for a game you cannot buy, trade items or cards from, or get booster packs for.
Their bot already clearly didn't have it in stock, and it auto responded to me to wait some day/s for it to show up.
I did so, and tried to contact them on their forums.
After some days they just quietly refunded me the coins.

How hard was it to verify bot stock before selling items they don't actually have?

EDIT: Seems like we all still have the ability to change not received games to green. So, if you do manage to get the keys, you could still go through the trouble of contacting everybody and delivering, and hopefully therefore getting them to mark positive.

Not an easy task, but it seems like you might want redemption.

7 years ago*

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Not talking about games/keys/SG... but what I learnt is:

When PayPal kicks a site/business out, it will never come back.

I had no clue about Tremorgames, taken a little look and run away 10 seconds after. That's a PTC (pay-to-click) and is always the same story: every single PTC ever existed, if Paypal "leaves", the site will die.

If anybody has funds on Tremor (paid via Paypal) should open a dispute to get them back. Before it's too late.

7 years ago*

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It takes a big man to admit to a mistake.

To admit to, like, 350 mistakes, must make you the biggest man.


I, for one, welcome our new bread-based overlords.

7 years ago

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View attached image.
7 years ago

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humor saves everything
saves everything and everyone
it saved me I should have you know.

I was being attacked by a rusty old pirate when humor swooped down and broke his neck.

will the giant wheat product treat me the same?

7 years ago

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That was freaking hilarious. :'D

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

7 years ago

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I am already nervous until I get feedback even if I'm certain the codes are not used.

To put it into arachnophobic terms - I am worried a small spider will appear near me, you're in the middle of Arachnophobia remake.

7 years ago

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Closed 7 years ago by Fyantastic.