What exactly did you do to get some stability out of the game?
For me there were only 3 spots I couldn't get through without playing around with settings. If you don't mind an ugly grey bar at the bottom DPFix + windowed mode is a must! If you don't need the steam overlay deactivate that too! Another temporary fix would be to run the game in windows 95 compatibility mode. Yup, each of the 3 can fix individual crashes which would render the game unplayable otherwise!
I had to do all the 3 above to get past the cutscene after the "car chase". Is that the spot that troubles you? Best to try out those 3 fixes I said first and quickly deactivate the compatibility mode when possible, the FPS hit is extreme after a while.
I'm on Win7 btw and aside from the 3 crashy spots, I only had some random ones, was surprisingly stable otherwise. ^^
Hope that helps!
Edit: The game also seam to require the windows media player, so make sure it's installed. Another thing that MAY help is getting the steam folder out of the programs folder. This can eliminate permission related crashes. Valve themselves have made a guide on how to do that and I HIGHLY recommend doing this for everyone!
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Hey Guys, thanks for the replies!
I'm playing on Win 10 (both laptop an PC) without any compatibility enabled. Unfortunately under Win 10 the game wont start with ANY compatibility enabled. This seems to be a common issue which a lot of Win 10 Players encounter.
Usually i play with DPfix but I already tried that part on the vanilla version since that helped me out before. I run it in windowed mode. Disabling the steam overlay I have tried too. I also tried reloading and finishing another chapter before trying this part again. Windows Media Player is installed.
The part that Im stuck on right now is when I first have to enter Harrys Mansion (Chapter 14). I am already inside the "lobby" of the Mansion and there is a door I have to enter to get further inside and meet Harry. As soon as I open the door the screen goes black and the game freezes. Yesterday i managed to at least get the cutscene of York opening the door to start but it still freezes almost immediately. Trying to skip this cutscene also did not help.
Also on my PC the steam folder is not in the Program files folder but on an entirely different drive. On my Laptop it is in the program files (x86) folder. I guess I will try moving it to a different spot on my laptop now and see if it helps.
Edit: I just realized that on my laptop the game will start in compatibility mode, so I tried every available option but the game still freezes up just like before. I am of course running it as Admin.
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Did you try smoking a cigarette? ^^;
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Hi th4,
thanks for the tip! I just tried smoking on my laptop, my PC, with and without different compatibility modes, and both with and without DPfix. Unfortunately this also does not work xD
I just found different save files online for the beginning of each chapter so I guess I could skip this one an continue playing now. But unfortunately in those saves the player didnt do any sidequests or collect any trading cards so I would be very ill equipped and would have no chance of 100%ing the game. This kinda sucks too. Guess Ill wait a little longer to see if I can find a fix that works or maybe find someone who can finish that chapter with my savefile for me.
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Hey Timobkg,
that would be awesome. Hope it is allowed to put a Google Drive link here. Didnt find any rule against it in the guidelines and FAQs.
So for anyone willing to give it a shot I'll leave this link here:
The savefile goes to: X:...Steam\steamapps\common\Deadly Premonition The Director's Cut\savedata
To anyone not familiar with the game: When loading this save up you are in small room with 2 doors. One behind you and one to your right. You have to use the one to the right. This is the door that freezes up my game. My guess is that there will be a cutscene afterwards. Once this scene is over look for a telephone...telephones are used to save the game. If there is no phone around i guess you would have to finish the chapter which is the only other way to save the game. But chapters are usually really short ranging from 5 - 20 minutes max. If for some reason you have to use ingame money/items etc that is no problem at all.
Thanks to anyone who tried to help me out so far and thanks to everyone willing to give my savefile a shot!
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By the way: You can click on "Reply" on the bottom of someone's post and write there. That way it will get structured contextually (like here) as opposed to chronically (the classical forum style). They also get a notification and you are more likely to get an answer.
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Hi ! I have the game already installed. I have your post-door save. Adding you on Steam.
Edit : Or just download it (first time I use Google Drive, I hope that will work fine).
Behind your buggy door is indeed a cutscene, then you're in a white room with a man and a piano. Then there is another door leading you to a hallway, with a save phone. The white room with the man is behind you if you want to go there, and the buggy door is closed.
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I actually do have older save files! But unfortunately I got a little lazy with backups quite a while before this crash happened. Thats because the game was running fine in the hours up to this point and I didnt take a break from playing...
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Hi Guys,
so I put quite a lot of time into this broken mess of a PC port. It freezes ALL the time but usually I could get around those unstable parts by copying the save file from my PC to my Laptop and vice versa and it would work on one of those machines. But now I am at a part which doesnt seem to work on either machine. I've tried everything and every potential fix I could find online...nada. Maybe the savefile is just broken now but Im not willing to give up so easily.
So basically I wanted to ask if one of you would be willing to load up my savefile, enter a specific door, probably watch a cutscene and save again as soon as it is possible. Then send the save file back to me. Maybe I can continue that way. I could just watch a lets play but I also am at 82% achievement progress and I would really like to 100% it.
Hopefully Im at the right place here.
Edit: MrRenard saved my day twice now and with a bit of luck i will be able to finish the game. Thanks everybody. Closing this discussion now!
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