Razer will reveal the first mouse and keyboard for Xbox One at CES

Microsoft said that it won't be enabling the feature by default on all games, as it can provide an unfair advantage for some players. Because of this, the firm is going to leave it up to the developer of the game.

I just can't wrap my head around this statement. How is enabling support for everyone giving an unfair advantage for some players?

6 years ago

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Do you think Xbox supporting keyboard and mouse would gives some players an unfair advantage?

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How is enabling support for everyone giving an unfair advantage for some players?

Because aiming with mouse is faster and more accurate than with analog sticks so unless every console bundle comes with complimentary mouse and keyboard you can't expect people to buy an extra peripheral device just to stay competetive in multiplayer.

6 years ago

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I can't expect people to buy $10 of equipment to stay competitive if that's what people want?

I don't buy this. They're already selling elite controller and more powerful consoles which would give some people an unfair advantage if going by this reasoning.

Edit: Not to mention other peripherals, like steering wheels, which are a lot more expensive than a keyboard and mouse combo and gives an even greater advantage over a controller

6 years ago*

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Going by my experience with Microsoft and Sony I would rather estimate $60 for the bundle with keyboard + mouse.

And if the elite controllers have for example macros they do probably give you an unfair advantage. On the other hand I think the vast majority of consoler gamers use basic controllers so the balancing impact is probably insignificant. I assume most console gamer don't even know about their existence. Also you'll never know if your opponent got the better of you because of skill or because they have better equipment.

For the Pro... idk... maybe.

6 years ago

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Going by my experience with Microsoft and Sony I would rather estimate $60 for the bundle with keyboard + mouse.

I have no doubt that this special bundle will be expensive but as far as I know, there's nothing that indicates that normal peripherals won't work

6 years ago

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I mean... it is basically just an USB port but I'm still afraid that's overly optimistic. They'll find a way to make it so that normal PC hardware won't work. (unless you mess with your console)

6 years ago

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The Xbox is basically just a PC with a dumbed down OS but the USB port is not only basically a normal port, it is a normal port. Maybe they've found a way of limiting the peripherals though but I've yet to see any indication that they have. Other hardware, like external hard drives and SSD, works flawlessly despite the existence of branded products.

6 years ago

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Other hardware, like external hard drives and SSD, works flawlessly despite the existence of branded products.

Good point. Well, IF normal PC peripherals work then I guess they could enable mouse support by default.

But that's a pretty big if in my opinion. I hope to be proven wrong though.

View attached image.
6 years ago

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Ok. Seems I was wrong. Apparently they are indeed aiming for an open system going by the link keeperoftheday just posted.

Microsoft hopes "most" keyboards and mice will function with Xbox One, although some outliers will remain. All wired USB mice should work and accessories with wireless USB dongles should also operate. However, the Xbox One's lack of Bluetooth and custom driver support means some conventional keyboards won't connect to the console.

6 years ago

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Well, at least I can hope that this will lead to better KBM implementations in games ported from consoles because they are downright abysmal at times.

6 years ago

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Indeed. Hopefully with those changes things like the Skyrim UI or the Fallout 76 UI won't happen as often in the future.

6 years ago

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It's still a controller though. There's a big difference when it comes to moving and targeting things with a controller vs a mouse and keyboard.

6 years ago

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There's a big difference when it comes to moving and targeting things with a controller vs a mouse and keyboard.

No one is arguing that it isn't but providing support for another input method doesn't exclude anyone

6 years ago

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Where I can buy Razer mouse/keyboard set for 10$? More like 100$, minimum...

6 years ago

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Why would you expect to buy the branded set for $10 though? Just connect your regular keyboard and mouse and you'll have the unfair advantages they're alluding to in the article.

6 years ago

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Isn't what you're quoting an old statement because:

Microsoft has announced the formal rollout of mouse and keyboard support for Xbox One, offering an all-new input method to the console. While limited to a select pool of titles, its arrival brings promising new capabilities beyond the standard controller.

This one is from October 1st. Here's the link.

6 years ago

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I don't know where the author of the article found the quote or when it was being made.

6 years ago

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Personally, consoles are small built PCs. Microsoft promotes Win 10 over Xbox with their cross over service. Therefore, truly there's no difference in playing Microsoft games on a console or PC as their games/platform are meant to perform for their OS and not strictly to a service. It makes sense for them and Keyboard/Mouse isn't a new thing as PS4 from my memory introduced KB/M years back. While searching for a picture of PS4 KB/M I came across a similar thread as yours. Although you're on the side on why its not implemented fully. I guess MS is just trying to make themselves look "Gamers-Friendly". Cheers~

6 years ago

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Consoles are all about convenience. Console users are probably going to be gaming on their couch so it's way more comfortable to use a controller than a kb/mouse. They wouldn't want to use a kb/mouse even if they could.

6 years ago

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So what does this have to do with unfair advantages to some players?

6 years ago

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If you know most players aren't going to use a kb/mouse and you do then you're going to have an obvious advantage against them.

6 years ago

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How is it unfair if it is a choice to not use the better input method?

6 years ago

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It is a bit unfair if you're forced to switch to a different input method than the one you've been using for years just to stay competitive. Just imagine the reverse on PC. If using a controller was somehow better for a particular PC versus game is it fair to expect every PC user to use or have one?

6 years ago

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I find it funny that you imagine you would be able to trap me with the PC example. No, I don't find unfair for people to be able to use a controller while playing on PC since I also have this ability.

I guess this boils down to a difference in the understanding of unfairness

It seems to me that you just don't want to go through the trouble of switching to keyboard and mouse even though they would be beneficial in some cases and therefore you think its unfair that someone else has this ability

6 years ago

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Well you're assuming that everyone already has a controller or kb/mouse. Yes plenty of people don't have a desktop pc so they won't have a kb/mouse. Forcing someone to buy something just to stay competitive is kinda shitty.

6 years ago

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I'm not. You might think that "forcing" someone to buy peripherals to stay competitive is kinda shitty but what does this have to do with giving an unfair advantage to some players?

6 years ago

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The unfair advantage is that some people simply will not use or buy a kb/mouse for console (nor should they be expected to) thus they would be at a disadvantage in versus games. Just because everyone can use it does not mean that realistically they will and Microsoft knows this.

6 years ago

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I don't think so. I think it's just a matter of choice. I've seen some guys on controllers with some crazy skills, kicking my keyboard and mouse ass all over the place.
People just can't handle losing.

6 years ago

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I'm glad I'm not alone with this opinion as it seems weirdly rare to me.

I've seen some guys on controllers with some crazy skills

Some people are just insane. I remember thinking I was good back when I was playing Unreal Tournament with a small group of friends. After playing a few matches "online" I was soon proven to be utterly useless compared to some/most of the people playing online

6 years ago

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that reminds me of HALO sniper vids from top player in MLG playing on highest sensivity and shooting like gods... one time i played with one of these guys since he is friended with some online friend of me... we went 2vs1 and got owned by sniper only, depressing...^^

6 years ago

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the xbone version of Fortnite already offers mouse/keyboard support, and I think it handles it in a pretty smart way. Basically, by default, keyboard players are only matched against other keyboard players, they're in a separate matchmaking pool from the controller players. Regardless of which control system you choose, you do have the ability to opt into a cross-system and cross-controller queue.

6 years ago

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Yes and this seems reasonable to not upset people needlessly, but still, I don't see how enabling support for everyone would give some an unfair advantage which is the reasoning I'm curious about

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

6 years ago

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This still doesn't explain why some players would have an unfair advantage

6 years ago

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While people seems to have it harder to aim with gamepad, most time basing on bad gamepad support or ignored settings, i would devide between games... in CSGO M/K is superior but in games like BF (PC) i had never problems to reach top ranks in games... BTW: i deactivate autoaim, BECAUSE this makes it for me much harder to aim... paradox eh...? + BF delivers the ability to set sensivity for every existing kind of aiming in the game... noscope, scope, tanks etc... most games just have one sensivity option wich makes gamepad support horrible...

Racing games are easier with gamepads since the movement compared to keyboards is ten times better at least... in adventures and similar games gamepads deliver more comfort if the developer decides to make a good interface...

Short i would say it depands on game and player... its harder to aim good with gamepad as with mouse...

6 years ago

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I think everyone, well almost anyway, would agree that KBM is the superior input method but what's the unfair advantage people keep talking about when everyone is able to use the same equipment?

6 years ago

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ppl that dont want use M/K have problems then, you can't force ppl to mix inputs in gamelobbies...some ppl are not even able to use M/K because of health problems and using gamepad because of this, ok thats a small % of gamers but they exist...

ppl should be able to decide theirself if they want play against other inputs or not...

EDIT: i prefer gamepads because i relaxe when i game, in bed on couch... i even play games with gamepad and mouse... superior movement + superior aiming...^^

6 years ago

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What you're describing is not a matter of an unfair advantage, it's not caring enough to bother using the optimal input method to be competitive.

6 years ago

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it is... why should ppl switch to uncomfortable M/K combo when ppl prefer gamepads...?

it doesnt matter if you have the choice, it matters what makes you most happy... and when playing with gamepad makes people more happy why should someone destroy it through forcing all inputs into one lobby...?

especially competetiv players should have the choice to decide if they want game against other inputs or not...

i see no problem in locking lobbies to one or more inputsm it just makes the game more enjoyable for casuals that wanna stick to gamepads...

BTW: i prefer gamepads because i get a better immersion even in shoorter... i grew up with consoles first... PCs were lame and expensive that time... so i grew up with GameBoy, Famicom (SNES) etc... i think that trained my brain to feel more "in the game" with a pad than a M/K combo...

6 years ago

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it is... why should ppl switch to uncomfortable M/K combo when ppl prefer gamepads...?

Kind of an odd question imho. To stay competitive I assume. That is after all why there seems to be this weird concept of an unfair advantage to some players if everyone has this choise.

6 years ago

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"fair" vs "unfair" who is to say? but does it give them a clear advantage? if youve ever played a fps shooter on a pc and console you would know a keyboard and mouse outperforms a controller any day.

however it would cut the drawback of buying for pc vs console. some games you just have to have a mouse and keyboard and some are made for a controller

i would not want to play using a controller vs someone using a mouse and keyboard myself

6 years ago

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i would not want to play using a controller vs someone using a mouse and keyboard myself

If the game supports keyboard and mouse you don't have to

6 years ago

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in the PC world there are already peripherals with vastly different performances (some people use a very basic $10 3-button mouse and stock keyboard, others have ultra-sensitive mechanical keyboards, mice with 50 macro buttons and mousepads developed by NASA), so it's nothing new.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

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Your analogy doesn't make any sense, to be honest. For this to be analogous to gaming and a game it would take the developer to change the game from a running game to running and cycling game. That's not the case we are talking about. We are talking about different input methods to control the same game. One input method being better than the other but still available to everyone.

6 years ago

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OP doesn't even try to see things from any other perspective. Just because suddenly everyone can use mouse and keybokeyboard doesn't mean everyone wants to. Butttttt if you don't guess what, It's going to become a real one sided shit fest

6 years ago

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Just because suddenly everyone can use mouse and keybokeyboard doesn't mean everyone wants to

I know this wasn't directed at me but I have to ask anyway. What does the unwillingness to switch to a different input method have to do with an unfair advantage to some players? Which is the question brought up in this thread

6 years ago

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Because I should now use a mouse and keyboard even if I wanted to use a controller instead?

6 years ago

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No, if you want o use a controller you should. But complaining about unfair advantages seems odd when there nothing stopping you from using the same input method as anyone else

6 years ago

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Any chance you want to try playing CSGO on pc using a controller vs our team? :P

6 years ago

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None, as I don't really play CSGO, to begin with. I fail to see your point though. I am aware that mouse and keyboard are the superior input method and I would lose even if your team was playing with controllers vs me with keyboard and mouse.

6 years ago

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I was using keyboard and mouse + gamepad on 360. I was using keyboard and mouse + gamepad on PS2. I was using what worked for me for each game and still do to this day on PC. Why would or should current gen consoles be any different? I'm all for destroying gamepad users in FPS and joining them in Racing/Platformer/Fighting games. USE WHAT WORKS FOR YOU! BEAT DARK SOULS WITH THOSE DK BONGOS!

There are games with crossplay between mouse and keyboard PC users and touch control mobile/tablet users...

6 years ago*

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It is infinitesimally stupid.
By that logic:

  1. Some people play PC games with controllers.
  2. Other people play the same games with keyboard and mouse
  3. Microsoft: UNFAIR ADVANTAGE!!!

You can't force people to use a specific controller, because otherwise other people MAY be better than them.
The ability to use a peripheral by all parties, equals even playing field.
The only exception is if the same game allows multiplayer between people on PC and on consoles (which do not allow Keyboards/Mice).

If someone feels more convenient to play with a controller - he will do so regardless of the availability of Keyboard/Mouse. And if someone wants to be competitive, he will play with Keyboard/Mouse regardless of the controller that came with his console.

6 years ago

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i think is not important what company\brand do,because if someone want to play competitive games and be sure all palyers be honest (About hardware) just play it in the same place with friends that you can see with your eyes so there is no way to cheat with different hardwares.
Then is normal that if you play online especially with people you don't know any thing can happen,maybe someone not use controller or keyboard but use devices build by theirselph for execute automatic "ultracombo" or hits in fighting games or who know what..
Also progress is make by courage decision by add things and by test new technology etc.
if we always scared to do something or add something etc.,never go next so...
it's same if someone do a web page with a link to letter A
then think better i add link for letter B but then start to think "oooh if i add link to b then maybe someone cheat or maybe page broken" if always think negative never go next,in life must be positive and go next add things,try new,progress etc.

i think for RTS or point and click games,the mouse and keyboard on console can be useful so much,but personally i don't care i have it already on PC not need a console for do.

6 years ago*

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