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8 years ago*

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I have no idea!
In practice, it is not possible!.

I have no idea. But let's give it a try.

8 years ago

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I have no idea! :/

8 years ago

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Nope, alpha males will be angry because they are not in charge

8 years ago

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I don't know, probably not, greed and stupidity know no gender :p

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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This is the right answer.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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^ this

It's not about gender, but about certain people. Assholes, stupid people, bad drivers are on both sides.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Definitely, women are more peaceful and nurturing in nature than men.
For a world to be governed by women, it would have to be assumed that men were okay with it and it would be the norm,
so I don't see any problem with it.

I'd actually prefer women ruling the world at this point.

8 years ago

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As Pesmerga said, there are Greedy & Stupid on both genders... sadly people with power are there for generations or from a close circle... "Good" people usually doesnt care about a politic career, instead they tend to help with all their possibilities

8 years ago

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I think most "Good" people can't survive in politics :x

8 years ago

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As I said, women are more compassionate and nurturing in nature (it's instinctual), so despite any level of greed involved, we'd still be better off with them in power as opposed to men, who apparently only care about greed and power. ;)

The lesser of two evils may not be good, but it's still better.

8 years ago

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https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angela_Merkel Meet Angela Merkel i cant see how she is different from any other man

8 years ago

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One woman =/= the world's female population. Thanks.

8 years ago

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It's just as arbitrary as you thinking that a woman leader would be good because they are nurturing. Good soul doesn't mean automatically good choices.
So either you take a stern woman leader as an example of woman in charge, or you take the everyday woman (good luck finding out what does it mean :P) who's not in charge and try to find out how they would act in a similarly high position. Both of the options are useless, it's so far from the reality.

8 years ago

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This is all speculation and opinion.
I've given mine and stand by it.

The testosterone levels in this thread are off the charts right now. ;)

EDIT: I could bring up Hitler as a politician in rebuttal, but do we really want to go there? ;)

8 years ago*

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Ofc no, Hitler wouldn't be good, but you could pick a lot of other successful (?) male leaders, while there are not much pick to do in terms of female leaders. If Hitler, then why not Nixon, Bush, Churchill or even Truman? While in terms of female leaders I think we have Katarina from Russia, Queen Victoria from Elizabeth (not today's), Marie Theresa (~) from Austro-Hungarian empire. I have trouble naming female leaders at this moment, and only Merkel is from current times.
Testosterone or not, I just pointed out that the whole situation is so speculation-based that it's pointless to try to attack one's opinion like you did, that Merkel is a bad example. For female & leader you can either take females as example who are not leaders (lots of them but as no leader, one can't know their capabilities) or one of the very few female leaders who represents the present pretty well, but we don't know how do they would fit into the picture. Still nothing against you personally, or you opinion - they guy wasn't right by bringing up Merkel as the example of the world you were talking about, but your arguement of "One woman =/= the world's female population. Thanks." was just as wrong. It's like a One Punch Man vs Goku arguement and throwing the "your hero is only imaginary" arguement. If out culture was a matriarchy from the start the situation would be so different that today's average woman very likely would be nowhere similar to that society's female.
Damn, I wrote a little too much. In a nutshell: situation would be so different that our current experiences would be 100% redundant. Like if we could fly we wouldn't need horses to ride, trains, cars, less polution, no car, no oil boom, no oil wars nor countries with economy based on oil. Even our city landscapes would be different, so for example " I would just fly to work" would be pretty irrelevant :D
Damn, now I'll think about alternate realities for a while :|

8 years ago

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to try to attack one's opinion like you did, that Merkel is a bad example.

I didn't attack anyone's opinion. In fact, I said absolutely nothing about his opinion.

All I said was Merkel was a single example, which proves nothing. ""One woman =/= the world's female population. Thanks." wasn't an "argument" or an "attack" at all -- it was a statement of fact, plain and simple (what he said was akin to saying all men are evil because Jeffrey Dahmer was evil). How someone can base a broad generalization on one specific example is beyond me, really.

Had he brought up a few more examples, perhaps I would have taken the time to address it. Since he only barely bothered to address me with the one example, I didn't feel it worth my time saying any more than I did. ;)

8 years ago

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True, I misinterpreted the "thanks" at the end :)

8 years ago

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And yes, you were most definitely right about the Hitler thing. I was looking for an "extreme" example, and that was the obvious straw to grasp, if not the most apt for the discussion. :P

8 years ago

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An example of a true matriarchy in modern day times:

Superb accomplishments would have been accomplished if only women were to rule the world. At least we would not be able to argue over the internet.

8 years ago

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Thanks for the link. That was an interesting read. :)
Definitely something I want to read more about.

8 years ago

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No problem. Always willing to inform people about stuff and other stuff and more stuff. :)

8 years ago

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Hillary Clinton is a war hawk, and women generally have to prove they are just as "tough" as the men so expect that to override any instincts.

8 years ago*

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You're correct, but I like to imagine they only behave that way while they have to establish themselves against men.
In this given hypothetical situation here women wouldn't have to prove they're "as tough as men are"... So maybe women like Hillary wouldn't even be the ones coming into charge...

8 years ago

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Not all women are compassionate and nuturing. I have a feeling the compassionate/nurturing ones would end up getting out-shone by the ones that are more power-hungry.

8 years ago

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Not all women are compassionate and nuturing

I never said all, but the vast majority of them are. And who says they would be out-shined by more power-hungry women? If world culture moved toward women leaders, who is to say we would even value power over other things? World politics in general would be completely different and shaped by the nature of women, as opposed to the nature of men, by which it has been misshapen for thousands of years. ;)

8 years ago

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Its all opinions on a hypothetical scenario anyway. Leading in and of itself is a position of power over the ones that arent leading. I still say the power hungry chicks would end up being more ambitious in pursuing it than the rest.

8 years ago

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Simply calling them "chicks" speaks volumes ....
Looking at your Steam profile, your name leads me to believe you may be a woman.

I'll take your reply a bit more seriously then. ;)

My reply - power hungry women would still be more suited to leadership roles than power-hungry men based solely on the traits inherent in most women (and not nearly as prominent in most men), including the capacity for dealing with stress, pain, grief, along with the instinctual "mothering" characteristics such as compassion, caring, and nurturing.

8 years ago*

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Well, if it makes you feel better, Im a woman.

edit: I still disagree, but thats fine either way. I was in fairly competitive sports for years. Once you throw a bunch of competative chicks at each other, the caring/nuturing/compassionate parts go right out the window. Obviously Im not a man, so I cant say if that capacity is more or less than men, but Im more inclined to believe its probably about the same.

Either way, its just opinions, and I can see where youre coming from.

8 years ago*

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I addressed that above. ;)

And I am looking at the big picture from a "lesser of two evils" standpoint. Just to clarify.

8 years ago

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I was a swimmer and cross-country runner all through high-school, and we competed at the same time as the women swimmers/runners. While competitive sports are just that - competitive - the men usually took things to the next level with their aggressive nature in both sports ... almost a little too much at times. I saw a lot more "misdeeds" (tripping, fighting, shoving, etc) from the men over those 4 years than I did the women (though both did it).

In the end, yeah, the question was one of opinion -- I based my opinion on what I know and have learned of women both in school and in life. You're doing the same - we're just speculating (hopefully peacefully). :)

8 years ago

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Of course peacefully xD Like I said, I can respect that we have different views on it. Either way, Im off to go find some breakfast, so have a good one :)

edit: Damn. Went to whitelist you for the good debate, and seems I already had you. For what its worth, thanks for having a civil convo

8 years ago*

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Yes, it was a good debate, and something to think more on. Usually when I start talking about something like this, I spend the next day or two reading as much as I can about it. Definitely an interesting topic to hypothesize about. :)

I think I'd be fine with it as long as no one elects my mother. ;)

Enjoy your breakfast and have a great day. :)
I returned the favor :)

8 years ago

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PS - I am a bit of a Twitch junkie, too, and noticed you have a twitch channel, so I tossed you a follow there.
Hopefully I'll catch you live one of these days. :)

8 years ago

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I like how you were proven wrong. And then you go on the defensive by saying "Oh I didn't say ALL women" even though you clearly did multiple times just by saying "women are more peaceful and nurturing in nature than men". You were actually brought real factual evidence of your opinionated statement being false. Yet you still hold on that your OPINION is a FACT. Pack it in bub you've lost.

8 years ago

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Where did I say "all"? And where did I say my opinion is fact?

You were actually brought real factual evidence

And just where is this real factual evidence of which you speak? Lmao. I was linked ONE female politician. That's hardly enough to make any sort of generalization.

It should be assumed that there are extremes in every case, i.e. uncompassionate women and extremely compassionate men. Obviously I was speaking in general terms. And I never said my opinion was fact. If you want the facts, simply look up the psychological differences between men and women.

Until then, spare me your aimless and misinformed finger-pointing, "bub". Thanks :)

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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As I said, women are more compassionate and nurturing in nature

That might have been somewhat true decades ago, but not in the today's world. Also power changes people and woman are no exception. You give them power and they'll drastically change. Just take a look at female CEO's and politicians, they're not any different than males in the same positions.

Woman just like man are humans, they're not immune to greed and corruption.

8 years ago

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Makes no sense to imagine just this world only with women in men's positions. The whole society would be different if women were to build it. As it is now we are living (for the most part) in societies with deep patriarchial structures. The way women act nowadays is affected by that. The imminent female nature is a different one though - and gets largely suppressed in modern cultures.

8 years ago

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Psychologically speaking, women handle stress and pain better than men, and are also more traditionally compassionate and caring than men. Whether it's more or less than it was decades ago is irrelevant really if it's still true.

Obviously this thread is about opinions, and my opinion is that women would make amazing world leaders -- much better than men (in general). There's nothing that will sway me from that opinion.

8 years ago

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For what it's worth, studies I've seen showed that instinctively, women attempt to resolve things through social means, and men through physical means.
However, there was no actual indication of differences in temperament- that women were more compassionate/et al, outside of social influences that shaped them to be such [and men to be less so].

Given that anything more concrete than that is pure speculation (given the pervasiveness of social influences), you may want to avoid the whole 'women are better than men' bit, even if you're attempting to make a 'but at this thing, rather than another thing' type of judgement- those kind of stereotypes hurt both men and women, who can easily be aggressive or compassionate in turn.

For what it's worth, my personal experience vastly contradicts your statement, as the majority of the women I've met have been more ruthless, aggressive, ill-tempered, and selfish. The majority of men were more calm, compassionate, nurturing, careful-minded, and steady. Neither group really exemplified any set of features to extremes, compared to the other.

Basically, the whole 'women are X', 'men are Y' thing is pure BS, since there's no evidence either way, nor even any overall indication of such in studies, even with social influences in play.

It's going to depend on the individuals and the environments, same as anything else.

Perpetuating that without any basis actually DOES do harm- it continues to convince women that they should resist their more determined natures, and it convinces men to favor more assertive, less-tender outlooks.
Meanwhile, perpetuating the 'women are more compassionate' mantra doesn't actually do women any good- even if it is true, it continues to emphasize gender roles, which prevent the progression toward equal assessment and the consideration of such traits- even if they ARE overpronounced gender-wide- of being more characteristic of the individual, than of gender-related social necessity.

The first step should always be "that person is compassionate, that person is an aggressive dick," not "women are, men are, blacks are, whites are".
I mean, there are clear genetic factors that factor certain races, but it'd be pretty ridiculous to call those out, right? So why is it okay to call out sexual stereotypes, when they, unlike commonly pronounced racial traits, don't actually have any scientifically verifiable basis?

While there are tons of minor influences on men and women on the whole, dominantly studies I've encountered and simple observation of existing counter-examples show that social influence- or rather, the inclination to cater to expected social appearances- dominates the creation of any major deviations in behavior.

Actual egalitarian and matriarchal cultures- even though they do still have social expectations on what behaviors are suitable to gender roles- suggest that behaviors in an equalized environment are, in fact, pretty indistinguishable. In fact, in the limited data presented, women are shown to be more inherently aggressive than men- something that other studies have ALSO suggested.

tl;dr version:

  1. The science does NOT support any firm indication that there any notable inherent temperament differences between men and women, and may even support women being more aggressive than men by nature.
  2. The science supports the main influence on an individual's behavior being social influences, rather than genetic factors relating to gender.
  3. All signs indicate that perpetuating gender-specific stereotypes has a negative influence
  4. Your expectations on gender actions are based within your own social experience, and thus flawed in overall perception, especially given #2.
  5. Likewise, my own experiences contradict yours fully, adding further support to the non-absolute application of the assertion.

So yeah.. you may wanna reconsider your viewpoint some :P

As far as the original question goes..
Well, I'll paraphrase it a bit, since the original question is completely impossible to answer :P
"Would women do better in charge than men?"
The answer to that is simple: As soon as we're able to stop asking absurd over-generalized questions like that, we won't have to worry about those questions anymore, because they'll be irrelevant.

Finally, and interestingly-
None of this actually needs to make you sway from your opinion [not, apparently, that anything could make you do so].
After all, we DON'T live in an egalitarian society, and that fact may make in fact make women in our current society present more factors which are positive for the role of leadership than men.

That's all supposition, of course, but if that's your opinion- well, like with most gender-based things, there's no real evidence either way :P
So by all means, believe that, support that, promote that- and in a society where women are treated notably inferior, supporting women for leadership certainly can't be said to be a bad thing.

Just keep in mind that you're not necessarily working with absolutes, however. :)

8 years ago*

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I typed out this long-winded response to you before finally deciding to delete it all and get right to the meat and potatoes of the matter.

The question the OP asked -- would the world be more peaceful if women were in power? My answer was "definitely".

women attempt to resolve things through social means, and men through physical means

You said it all right there.

8 years ago

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Politics and political decisions like wars, are hardly physical.
There's no real correlation there. o.O

Whether a male is in fact more prone to express themselves physically, and a woman more through tone and conversation and so forth, that won't necessarily have any implication to them giving a command to start a war, or mistreat the poor and disabled, or commit corruption, or..

Peaceful? Perhaps, in some ways, and perhaps not in others.

Honestly, the original question is so ludicrous in attempting to justify an answer for, I was trying to make a clear point that I wasn't wanting to address that precise question :P

I mean, peacefulness is a curing of all instigating factors toward discontent. Would a woman be better at being efficient, altruistic, and carefully considerate than a man?
How is that not a ludicrous concept to contemplate? :P

If you're thinking something overly simple like 'start less wars', then that's about as indeterminable, and it avoids acknowledging that the root issues causing the conflicts would still exist, and if war wasn't declared, some other approach'd likely be taken instead. Perhaps we'd live in a world of mass embargos, then- certainly, a fair number of inane comments in this thread seem to think so :P

8 years ago

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Social means - diplomacy.

Physical means - conflict.

At least that's how I read it. ;)

Obviously the force you apply to a lever makes all the difference in the world, and certainly "force" can be applied both socially and physically, but let's ask ourselves for a moment -- would we rather solve a difference socially or physically? I realize I am oversimplifying, but for the sake of this discussion (both for it taking place on a gaming forum and also for including wildly vague hypotheses), I'd much rather have trade embargoes than planes dropping bombs on my home.

I'm not saying women aren't aggressive -- they most definitely are at times -- but the way they apply that aggression is what really matters to me, and what influenced my original decision the most.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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the peasantry can't accept an opinion they don't agree with, so this post is wrong. :3

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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You don't want to start this discussion...

8 years ago

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Short answer no Long answer just cause they are women doesnt mean anything if you do a behaviour experiment in smaller groups its not like men fight all the time while women get along from my experience its actually the opposite and in a deeper thought goverments are not rulling the world at all every major desicion or law is made by people who arent polititians but they are such wealthy they control the economy we live in a capital world

8 years ago

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nothing would get done coz they would always be cooking and cleaning.

8 years ago

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Are you a sexist or something? Of course no!

8 years ago

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If they were all naked and sexy ... YES. I mean, you can't argue with a woman when she's naked ... right?

8 years ago

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if you are gay or if you are str8 who just had sex ofc you can

8 years ago

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gay ... ok ... let's not go there.

Str8 who just had sex ... i still couldn't argue. I mean ... the boobs are out there ... watching you every move ...

8 years ago

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Don't forget asexuals and nudists- I believe both groups tend to be pretty unconvinced by such gestures. ;P

8 years ago

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God, as asexual I constantly forgot that people care about it and I'm in constant amazement "why do they bother about breasts, they are just fat sacks" and so on xD

8 years ago

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But women would argue between them, unless they were lesbians.

8 years ago

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Yes, no wars. Just a bunch of countries not talking to each other.

8 years ago

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Don't see why particularly, they're voting for the same arseholes men are after all. History shows moving towards equality in places where women are oppressed would be a good thing, but would say an end to the patriarchal bullshit in Saudi Arabia change the world on a grand scale? Probably not.

8 years ago

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If society naturally developed that way over millennia then yes, probably. But it didn't, so suddenly shifting the power won't make a big difference.

8 years ago

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No. It would be exactly the same.

8 years ago

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Most people probably assume women to be more gentle than men, but according to a few studies I read, women are no less inherently violent than men, and are only less violent because society expects them to be so (for example, try getting a girl to swear, and see how people reacts to it compared to when boys swear). The studies found women to be more restrained when in public (just like you would expect), but when gender expectations are removed, such as playing a video game that does not identify gender, then women are no less aggressive and violent than men. Also, some cultures traditionally expect their women to be protective of their families, and their men to be calm and gentle. These cultures traditionally have much more female violence than male; the females would even brag to their friends about the fights they got into. But after the popularization of Hollywood and Western culture, things changed, and said cultures started experiencing more male crime and less female crime, just like most cultures today. These studies show that cultural expectations are very influential in how we think and act (that's why we have terms like "peer pressure"), more so than hormones and genetics.

8 years ago

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^ That's essentially the same as what I've read, at least. :)

8 years ago

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I think so, yes.

Of course you shouldn't imagine just this world only with women in men's positions. The whole society would be different if women were to build it. As it is now we are living (for the most part) in societies with deep patriarchial structures. The way women act nowadays is affected by that. The imminent female nature is a different one though - and gets largely suppressed in modern cultures.

8 years ago*

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Well, in Argentina we had Cristina Fernandez.

And it was sh*t.

8 years ago

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I missed it in the news, you have a new president?
Good for you!

8 years ago

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Not really, this one might be worse.

8 years ago

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He was the lesser of two evils, as long as the country doesn't implode on itself is an advance.

8 years ago

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A new President called Mauricio Macri. Actually, it is not bad, but the old government stole everything that they can, and the country dont have to much resources, and for worse, the old president and his minions (they are angry teenagers or lazy people because and they dont get more free money like in the old goverment), is always blaming the new president for all the problems carried from the old government, such as inflation, poor people, etc. For a little of context, 1 dolar is 15.86 pesos, and you dont enough money to be acceptable.

Sorry for crappy english.

8 years ago

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India was (indirectly) ruled by a woman for 10 years (and some other woman earlier but not while I was alive or old enough to remember).. and it was pretty crappy too.. It was like she would sell the country itself!

8 years ago

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Short answer: no
Long answer: nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

8 years ago

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Nope, there would be massive chaos, since women hates each other (they are always jealous of other women.)

8 years ago

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Depends on the woman... There arent the same you know, so it's a bit hard to know, but governed world by the Doctor, would be the best :DD

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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What's wrong with refugees?

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

8 years ago

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Absolutely not. To be able to understand this better, you need to have worked under a female supervisor/CEO in a large company. Women are vicious when they are placed in a position of power, more so than men. It is also folly to think that women would behave differently than men in any given situation since they are both human beings and therefore equals.

8 years ago

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Part of that is women have to "be tough" just like the men. When you're taught as a woman that you have to be better then men just to get noticed and get ahead it leads to problems when you get that power. Keep in mind the people who generally get the promotions to that level of power are the ones that are either really good at their jobs and have the requisite social skills to do well or the people who are very close to being what we called sociopaths. It's also a matter at perception, when a man acts like that and a woman acts the same people call them a bitch. So honestly it's a lose lose situation for women. Not all women in power are insane, just not like all men in power are assholes.

8 years ago

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I completely agree. A great deal of the blame lies with society. The expectations and the responsibilities that are placed on women and men both either produce exceptional individuals or horrible tyrants.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

8 years ago

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دمت گرم بعدشم زن ها به نظر من باید حقوق مساوی داشته باشند.... و من مخلاف فرق گذاشتن هستم

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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I... uh... well... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

8 years ago

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No, because when a man tense muscles to intimidate the enemy, the woman has already throws at him with her nails.

Just when men are building ever larger arsenals and armies to demonstrate who's the rules the.
Women would have used them a long time ago;)

If women that were in power during the Cold War, today we would be in a post-apocalyptic world, and we would not have this conversation.

8 years ago*

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+1 haha

8 years ago

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