Since everybody is going crazey about these ragion locks (region locks that actually pissed me off a little bit because they were to me apparently arcane riddles without an answer) I copypaste you the answer of a Humble Bundle staff member about region locks hoping that this will be helpful or at least will make you save the time you would spend writing them and waiting for an answer:

Hi Samus,

I am so sorry for the delay — we're a bit backed up with the success of our recent bundles. We're doing our best to answer tickets in the order they are received. I apologize for any inconvenience caused by this delay.

Please note that there should be some sort of note or warning about the region restrictions for each bundle. Usually, at the bottom of the bundle page, right above the payment options.

Alternatively, you can check out individual games in Humble Store - any Region Restrictions will be stated there too.

I hope this helps! If you have any other questions, please just let me know and I'll be happy to help. Otherwise, take care and happy gaming!

8 years ago

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There is no disclaimer at all (at least for me)

8 years ago

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Same here. I've never seen a single warning on anything HB. (Only site I've seen warnings is Bundle Stars).

8 years ago

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Things not related to region-locking/restrictions are almost always listed there.
Region stuff.. I think I've seen it there twice, and I think once they only added it in after people complained.

I have nothing but appreciation for Humble and its staff, but they're completely awful at dealing with regional stuff adequately and reliably. :/

Of course, it's all a matter of reading the support member's reply correctly.

Please note that there should be some sort of note or warning about the region restrictions for each bundle. Usually, at the bottom of the bundle page, right above the payment options.

They never said there actually WOULD be, just that, y'know, that's the place it ought be, if they ever bothered to include it. :'P

8 years ago

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Totally offtopic, but happy cake day aurorable! =DD <3

8 years ago

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Happy Factory!

8 years ago

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Happy cake day! ^^

8 years ago

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Happy cake day! =D

8 years ago

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Happy Cake Day!!

8 years ago

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The SOLUTION to all your problems of Humble Bundle REGION LOCKS!

Not buying Deep Silver bundles

Yeah, I'm serious!
I'm usually a big supporter of Humble, but if even they can't figure out this mess, there's no excuse.
I'm defininitely not buying this bundle, or any other bundles with similar restrictions, no matter how cheap they could be.
Blame it on Deep Silver for being too aggressive with region locks...
Also, putting the base version of Saints Row IV in the highest tier is a lame choice.

8 years ago

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we're a bit backed up with the success of our recent bundles

You've gotta love that bit.

8 years ago

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hey peasant customer!
these should be a tag on region locked games, or maybe not, who cares, deal with it, we are busy making a lot of money and have no time to put a big red notice to warn people, that costs too much, no way. do your research elsewhere if you want to take a wild guess about it.

thanks humble bnundle.

8 years ago

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oh, thanks Mullins, you've shed new light onto this situation. I feel tempted to buy the bundle so I can -in this order- let people leech off of me and then spam rerolls here/ support at humble bundle c: I'm glad you're enjoying this.

8 years ago

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View attached image.
8 years ago

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This is pretty accurate translation, confirmed.

8 years ago

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straight to the point

8 years ago

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that's why I've donated 50-50 no humble tip sry

8 years ago

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Humble's approach to customers is becoming very Steam-like.

8 years ago

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I also do love how they got rid of weekly bundles, but now run those as main bundles...

8 years ago

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I don't understand the problem with that. Aren't the current ones ... well, they run for two weeks. But a bundle's a bundle, no?

8 years ago

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This support guy doesn't even know what you meant with region lock and that humble does further than he knows. He only knows about the DI titles not being available in Germany and the page does say that for Germans. He doesn't know that every buyers games will be locked to their own region - page doesn't tel them that. To be fair though nobody really knows by now which games get which region-lock (apparently asians get EU verions for some games, NA games for others), do CIS/PL get a region locked game? RU? Can they be activated elsewhere? So far I only figured that apparently both EU and NA buyers get EU and NA region locked DI titles that still can be activated in both EU and NA, even in Germany. About all the other locks... who the fuck knows. It's just one huge big mess that nobody is going to fix ever- and they will keep doing this to their customers in the future.

8 years ago

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What a beautiful canned response. But here is a ray of light: I think the person that answered you might get back in the EOTM race thanks to some of those carefully placed management-proposed talking points (the "recent bundle success" part to justify delay was a work of art).

8 years ago

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Closed 7 years ago by Samusx.