And looking at his profile he has Community Ambassador instead of Community Leader. That's 300 xp he's missing out on!
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So he didn't get the free Summer Sale cards. I suppose when he's wealthy enough to buy all those cards he didn't need to, but extra cards are extra cards and equal more badges and levels. Slightly strange he didn't do that one.
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I can see why. Community Leader looks really bad while Community Ambassador looks quite nice in my opinion.
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Fair point, although it's not like he doesn't have many other badges he could have showing on his profile page! I'd have thought someone like that would be interested in maxing absolutely everything out but maybe the appearance of the leader badge is the reason.
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It's quicker but a "Select All" would be better still.
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"what's the point on reaching that level."
I dunno, spending $13000 for the World's Largest E-Peen it seems.
Myself, I'd rather invest that sort of cash in a new car, a couple of years of food or something else that's actually useful.
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Is it still exclusive to Market listing confirmation? Trade offers doesn't seem to have the tick boxes.
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Yeah, probably as a prevention to accidental confirmation. Oh well, at least it saves us the trouble from confirming those pesky card sales xD
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Go to your profile, then go to the profile of the highest level in your friend list, repeat this for every profile you visit.
You'll reach one of these guys in a few steps :O
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Six degrees of separation with Kevin Bacon, no PalmDesertSt4ck. It only took me 4 steps to reach both, heh.
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Summer Picnic Lvl 17000. It's one thing to put in a buy order for all those cards, but is it possible to have a macro to convert all those cards into badges?
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You're correct! That makes it even worse. He must have used some automation to make those badges; I can't imagine clicking to create badges that many times!
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isnt...isnt that what we do here?
maybe we should invite him to SG...just saying, i wouldn't mind leeching off of him
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if you have enough money to buy all those badges and rare knives, i am sure you also have some left for games. ;)
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His inventory looks so rich that it makes me wanna puke. :B On a serious note, what's the reason of reaching a so high level? :/ Only traders should care about levels. :P
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Sadly yes. :( If they are using their money to spend them on unnecessary things, why don't they give them in charity instead? xD
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Yea the limit is somewhere around this number but why are you saying that if you listed the prices in another comment here? You know some of the knives are more valuable and they won't be sold using the market. They use other places for that outside the Steamcommunity
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Someone paid for 36 WoW accounts. http://ripten.com/2008/10/10/wow-whore-has-36-accounts-raids-by-himself/ , is this so surprising?
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the StatTrak™ AK-47 | Fire Serpent is 6 600 $, the StatTrak™ Karambit | Marble Fade is 1 300$ , the StatTrak™ M9 Bayonet | Crimson Web is 5 300$, the StatTrak™ Karambit | Doppler is 800 $, each dragon lore is about 2 000 $, the ★ StatTrak™ Karambit | Case Hardene is 1 000 $ and the StatTrak™ M4A4 | Howl is 2 200 $,
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13,000$ spend on holiday sale cards. if you could spend that kind of money in 2 weeks on a digital image you could beat both Bill Gates and Gaben at getting badges. Mind you this expense on an account you don't even 'own' which can be terminated by Valve.
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long story short: he bought cards for craft more than 50000 level for the summer badge but due to a steam glitch he could arrive just to 32767 ..if the cards would disappear he would lose thousand $ of cards so i think he contacted the support and they let him go on with the crafting
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Well everyone who still had cards could do that.
I had 30-50 cards still in my inventory after the sale was over because I wasn't home the last days and didn't make it in time. I was still being able to craft badges or turn the cards into gems. The only thing I couldn't do anymore was selling them on the market.
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I find it amusing that he and Palm Desert are not friends. The unspoken tension between the two is palpable. Like, obviously.
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No glory on spending a shitload of money on cards. At least PalmDesert owns over 5k games.
(I know, that's far more money spent, but at least he spent on games)
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The fact that someone so little as me can writte a comment to someone as big as you makes me feel special
Why on earth would anyone write something like that? That's embarrassingly unctuous.
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just a skin but their is a running gag that we say ''better skin = better skill'' but they add nothing to the weapon stats other than the esthetic.
other can see it while you are using the skin and they can take your wepon when you die so they can have the skin too, but if they die they can't buy the gun with your skin.
actually you don't loose the skin from your inventory, just from that round so if you want to use the same gun over and over you need to buy it each time before the 20 first second of that round
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don't use mobile guard thing so wont be able to check it out, was hopping they added a PC version or something
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it looks like this guy stole the crown from the head of palmdesert by hitting level 1155
what a boring topic ..sorry community
gib for fun
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