Should SG implement what is suggested in this thread?
While some way to see if someone was already suspended or not would be nice what IMO SG really needs is just more (active) support/moderators. I just closed a 4 day unanswered reroll ticket myself because I figured it was faster and easier to figure it out with the winner instead (and I felt bad for them having to wait for so long).
Edit: just a little disclaimer so people can't take what I say wrongly:
I don't mean to talk shit about support and I appreciate the work they put into it a lot, I am just pointing out we might need more of them.
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I had to wait 3 days about a month ago already and from what I have seen it seems to have been getting worse and worse over the past year :/ it was definitely a lot more efficient 1 year+ ago as you said.
too bad some good active members left
Indeed :(
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Yes, Pete was active at that time and he alone made more as all other of the staff together. Sadly no joke.
Sure over christmas and new year isn't enough time free from each one, the support members too, and it take all more time as usual but with the reroll requests and the ticking 7 days clock, it is harder as by the normal tickets.
But anyway i think that (report) tickets that aren't solved after 8 months aren't a good sign....
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I am aware that only he can but I would say having to wait over 7 days for a reroll tickets might be a sign that things are not going well.
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But what about if the person has olders, not served violations?
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If there is a report support must look into all of it, isn't it. Suppose one of my potential GA winner has 3 instances of Non-activated wins, support must take account for all 3 instances isn't it.
Or if user is served for only second instance, but not for the first one and the current third one, Support have to consider 2 instances the first one and 3rd one.
They must have access to number of violation and number of violation addressed.
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I know there is SGProtected GA for that, but I don't want to create a thread every time I create a GA.
But is that related to you still having to give them the key?
No, it isn't related. I am ok with giving out the key if the user has served for the violation. Like I mentioned 53% of my ticket were denied stating actions were already taken so I gave all of them the key.
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Sorry how is it double punishment?
Suppose you won a game from me, I gave the key to you, you didn't activate it. Later another user found out you didn't activate it, so to be sure he/she decided he/she will provide the key only after it is know that you have served for the breaking the basic SG rule. Support grants the right for another user to deny you the game. There is no double punishment, the only one time punishment for that is you get denied to the game and certain period of suspension. You wont get punished for not-activating the game you received from me again.
I am guessing you are thinking about SGtools protected GA, which has the option to filter out users who had such violations.
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Suspension also includes, not just the time but also winning on that period, which if have not served will begin with the game they have won but got reported on.
I know you think it as a double punishment but I think it as like user stole one game but got denied on one. That was reciprocity for not-activating the gift.
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But then the punishment is different for people who didn't win a game and get caught otherwise like angering someone here enough to check their stats. I guess it would be a game they would have won while disabled if they had been caught before.
I don't really care one way or another, I prefer having high enough level requirements to not have that kind of problems very often. I served my time for not activating a game even when I didn't even get why I got disabled after being AFK for a week, I thought I had won something and not activated it during that time. :)
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Sorry I am finding hard to understand what you wrote. I don't know about punishment on other violations other than MW or NAW and whether anyone can ask for re-roll because they saw someone who is currently being suspended. I don't know, I think probably there is none. I was just talking about suspension given on NAW or MW and they do have win restriction afaik during that period.
No one can randomly ask for reroll request, it has to be the GA creator and GA creator only can create reroll ticket after winner is selected.
Having higher level requirement doesn't guarantee there won't be any rule breakers.
I didn't even get why I got disabled after being AFK for a week
Ah I am sorry to hear that. There must have been a reason given to you, or you might have been unlucky and missed it.
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Case 1: you win a game and the creator checks your stats, reports you and asks for a re-roll, so you lose the game you won.
Case 2: you talk here and someone checks your stats, reports you and you didn't lose any won games
These 2 are different punishment for the same crime. Both get you suspended of course, but there is no requirement for you to win a game before anyone can report you.
Yes the reason said not activating won game blah blah, which I back then thought meant that while I was away for a week or so I had won some game and not been here to activate it. Nothing to feel sorry about.
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Anyone that checks the stats can only find UNACTIVATED or MULTI wins of the past.
So it isn't something different. It says only that a lot of Gifters are to lazy or unexperienced to check their winners.
I, as for sure a extreme example, reported hundreds of people that broke this rules.
Mostly after winning a GA from me and i get red signs after checks BUT partly because something at the stats, the acting or whatever let me took the effort to check their stats and the cases where red signs come up are much too often.
I had people with 38 unactivated wins, collected over 3 years, and that say me that checks are not often enough are made and should be handled automatic from the sg site. As example included with the daily/weekly profile update or only after a win.
If there where a REAL will to sort the bad apples out then it would be happen.
Oh and i don't speak from someone that are one time 1 week away, forget something or anything like that, i speak from the ones with 3+ red mark entries [and that are the most of them] + 80% of them come from everytime the same two countries -too much coincidences for my taste-.
And yes i am proud at the fact that the support catched so much of such people after my reports.
That make all at least a bit more fairplay.
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No they are not same crimes, they are different. Case 1 talks about won games and how they should be handled. Case 2 talks about user behavior on the community. Decisions for Case 1 is more simple, didn't activate the game, take action. Decision for Case 2 is more complex, you have to understand the context behind it, spamming, begging, harassing vs hyper active, trolling or joking. They are more subjective.
As for the punishment, I looked at FAQ
Users that are suspended during the selection process are unable to win, and their entries will be excluded when the winner is generated.
So I guess until suspension isn't lifted for the violation users are unable to win, maybe for every kind of suspension?
Yes the reason said not activating won game blah blah, which I back then thought meant that while I was away for a week.
Well no arguing on the rule. There is a rule for a reason. You were just caught on bad timing when you were unable to activate the game.
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Obviously the crime was the same in both cases, either not activating or multiple wins. I was merely talking about the different ways to be found and reported by anyone that lead to 2 different punishments. You still don't seem to get that for example if you had such a mark in SGT, I could now go check it and report you here. All this without either winning any games from the other.
The rule says they must be suspended when the winner gets picked and your reporting them comes only after.
No. I was caught not activating a game which I didn't know I had done. Then I misunderstood the reason for suspension to be the fact that I had been away for a week, I hadn't won any games during that time. Just being away means a re-roll and then it's not your win to activate any more.
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I am still confused.
So you are saying that you won a game when you were away, but when you were back you were on a suspension and just assumed that it was because of you being afk. Later you found out that the suspension was because of not activating the game that you won while you were afk?
If it's the case then its sad. I guess that was many years ago because now SG has a feature that sees if winner viewed the key or not. If that feature would have been existed back you would have been re-rolled only. You wouldn't have get suspended.
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So you are saying that you won a game when you were away
No, I clearly said
I hadn't won any games during that time
The game I won and didn't activate was won much earlier. I'm talking about what happened when someone reported it and the report got handled which happened at the same time that I was coming back from being a week away which is completely unrelated otherwise. But since I didn't know then that I hadn't activated some win earlier I misunderstood what the suspension reason was and mixed it with being away for the week.
I also already said
Just being away means a re-roll and then it's not your win to activate any more.
So obviously it would have been just re-rolled if I hadn't even logged in SG for more than a week. I never said I got suspended for being away, but always said I got suspended because I didn't activate a won game. I learned about this only later when I found SGT.
Clear enough? :)
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Of course after I figured out that I had just activated that game on another account with some bundle extras, I just bought it from Steam and made my SGT clean. But I can still laugh at my support ticket whining about getting banned for no reason, please let me back in. :)
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TL;DR: I support showing prior suspensions that occurred within the past month, but I don't think that the benefits of showing them for longer period of time outweighs its indirect support of toxic user unforgiveness.
[Assumptions of the support queue based on limited info] [Complainants about support response time]
Your suggestions may be better received by the people who can make the change you want if you don't make assumptions and complain about the support team's efforts. Moving on to your current situation...
I created a ticket for re-roll request, didn't get response to it, now user has marked it as not-received. It shows like I wasn't able to provide the key.
Its a mark right now on your GA history, but it may not show any longer after the reroll is granted if only the actual/most recent winner's feedback is shown in your GA history. Can someone else verify if GA list/history only shows the most recent winner and their status?
Every time my GA ends, I check whether the winner has Multiple wins(MW) or Non-Activated wins(NAW). Out of my 17 re-roll request I have been denied 9 times, stating that suspension was already served. 53% tickets I created was futile, waste of time & effort for both support and for me.
So one of the report reasons is "did not activate previous wins this month", implying that any NAW older than one month will be denied. So were all your request rerolls for NAW younger than one month? If you had any that were older than one month, then evidently we shouldn't submit tickets for those. I don't blame Support for not wanting to allow retroactive suspensions for older or all NAWs, because that would allow for the very thing you are complaining about: Even more Support tickets and more of a chance the NAWs that have already resulted in prior suspensions.
As for prior MWs, those don't have a time limitation on them, so it is correct that the only way to avoid submitting a MW report is to know that a prior suspension occurred. Is that worth it? IMO, no because the benefits of possibly preventing some tickets outweighs the consequence of supporting toxic user unforgiveness through putting permanent labels on users with past temporary suspensions. It was similarly brought up at least once in your past thread, and I think it would benefit you to consider that. Lastly, thanks for the giveaway!
EDIT: Grammar
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I don't think that the benefits of showing them for longer period of time outweighs its indirect support of toxic user unforgiveness.
We review winners by looking at SGtools NAW/MW stats and create tickets based on that right, and it shows the date for each violations. The info is out there always, new suggestion doesn't provide other information more then that for the GA creator, what the GA creator gets now.
Its a mark right now on your GA history, but it may not show any longer after the reroll is granted if only the actual/most recent winner's feedback is shown in your GA history.
One of the support member responded to the ticket after I created this post, support said they couldn't find the said GA. I guess they can't do anything to re-roll request if the GA gets ticked as not-received.
....NAW older than one month will be denied.
I looked into my approved ticked history, there is a approved case for violations done 6 months earlier.
Yep I understand MW cases, there isn't anything user can do to rectify it. NAW add the said game to library, MW if only GA creater is active and accepts to delete said game you are ok. That's the region I prefer ignoring MV totally or said prior date in SGprotected GA.
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No, you are wrong.
Older as one months "not activated win" tickets will be granted too (if it is legit and not already served). They named that option only very badly.
I know that for sure because i reported people for 3 year old ones (i report absolutly all -after experienced one with 38 red marks collected over 3 years-) and they got banned partly too.
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Your request will probably be denied. Unactivated wins that user have are probably mistakes from sgtools because content of PopCap Complete Pack changes during time and the name stays the same. IIRC it's fine according to steamgifts rules, inside some limits ofc.
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I may like your idea, but it will never happen. SG policy about violations is all-forgiveness. I don't like it, but it is so.
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I like your idea/suggestion with the:
John Doe has served infraction till YYYY-MM-DD
But i would change it and label ALL profiles with that new line and add a date when a ticket made the support checked the user.
That give a "he was ok till XYZ" and prevent that people make reports for older stuff because that tickets make the support and the ticket writer only work without a use.
I think that should lower "the witchhunt" possibility of such a info. [I don't see a witchhunt possibility but others do, so it is a way to make it more fitting for all, without loosing something]
I have at least 50% of the tickets that brings nothing as "has already server the punishment" answers and i have no chance to see that BEFORE i take the time from the support to check the report AND before i invest my time to write the ticket.
The result is often frustrating. Not because of the "no punishment", thats ok if the punishment was already served in the past, but because of the wasted time and energy from both sites. And i know a lot that stopped to check their winners because they aren't willing to sacrifice so much time and energy for all the reports that often bring nothing.
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Yes that also sounds good. Adding a different field on database by adding userstatus and date, that could only be accessed by support and GA creator(only when he/she is requesting for reroll). Once Suspension is applied just update the fields for user.
I think date is fine, take the image for example, suppose there was 3 NAW and 0 MW, if we get following messages:
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Seems that staff could be understaffed and overworked atm. A practical work around until that gets fixed is to close your ticket before the 7 days are up, send the gift and then write a user ticket. Eventually it will get looked at and appropriate action taken. Obviously, if it's an unbundled game or one that is highly valued, or the violations are numerous, you might want to wait it out. I don't know what the game in question for you was, but for me, what you have described is way too much trouble in order to withhold a common bundled game.
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I read it somewhere, but I can't find it now, one of the support member asked to not create a user report for anything, use the respective tickets, I think it was one where people were creating GA under wrong titles and there was large numbers of user reports created that time. BTW user reports are solved at extremely slow pace.
Another thing is that my main objective is, if it is ok to sent the key to the winner or not, not to report the user and hope s/he gets punished.
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And yet when you request that reroll based on rule violation, you know that will result in a suspension if it was not previously addressed, so you are participating in that person's "punishment" whether you intend to or not. You can't separate the reroll from the suspension - they are interdependent as based on SG rules. Thing is, the idea here (as I see it) is not punishment so much as deterrence. It doesn't matter to me if someone "pays" for their mistake or not, just that they not repeat it. For example, if a winner has an old violation or two, I just figure either they were already suspended for it or else realized on their own that they shouldn't be breaking the rules. In my view, no need to report - I just send the gift.
I've never been told not to submit user reports and have been thanked for rule checking on several occasions. My impression has been that support appreciates the help, though I think part of that is practicing restraint and only submitting tickets when it seems very necessary.
As for slow response, I haven't had that problem, but I don't submit a lot of tickets either. Still I don't see that it matters how long it takes for a user report to be adressed as they are not time sensitive as rerolls are.
Anyway, was just trying to give you a practical solution for the time being. Good luck with your problem - hope it gets sorted out.
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And yet when you request that reroll based on rule violation, you know that will result in a suspension if it was not previously addressed
Yep, though it isn't my primary objective, I would be happy that through my ticket violations were caught. I think its a fair game.
if a winner has an old violation or two, I just figure either they were already suspended for it or else realized on their own that they shouldn't be breaking the rules. In my view, no need to report - I just send the gift.
You trust users too much. I have read examples such as this one and some others. Most GA creators rarely check their winners so many winners with NAW just left unchecked.
As for slow response, I haven't had that problem, but I don't submit a lot of tickets either.
I only have 1 case of user report. It has no timestamp when it was resolved, so I might be wrong on it, but from what I can recall it took like a month, so I always had a thing to never make a user report.
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To be clear, I check every single win. If a user has 1 or 2 violations from the past, say 2013, 2016 for example I send the key. But, I also note those winners and go back later and check activation of the game they won from me. I deem those people have already learned from experience and see no need to waste my time or suppport's. Same as in the example you referred me to, 3+ violations set off alarms and will probably result in a reroll ticket.
I'm not all that trusting. In my experience, some humans need a little encouragement to not take advantage of other humans.
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General support approach to request new winner ticket, when you think there is inactivated / multiple win, is:
And we still "recover" from the Christmas. There are always more tickets around Christmas because of all those extra giveaways (29k in November vs 40k in December), and less people to solve them. As we do turn off PCs and go to see families and such.
Before I was support member I was writing user reports, and majority of them were closed without taking action. I know it can be discouraging, but it's how it works now.
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I know this would create more work for cg, but it would be nice if the violations would be hidden from regular users once they were dealt with. You can still show the giveaway and winner on the creator's page but hide it on the winner's page so that it can't be reported again.
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Violations are never shown by SG to the regular users. There isn't even a option to check for violation in Steamgifts' site. If we do wanna check them we have to review each game that the user won and match it with their steam library.
We use third-party too i.e. SGtools for it. Really glad it exists because its a versatile tool.
I am not asking SG for displaying violations of the user, but asking to give info whether violations are handled or not so that we could carry on with creating or not creating tickets.
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I understand that tools like SGTools are used to verify if anyone has infractions. If SG removed the offending giveaways from their profiles once their suspension was served it would prevent these tools from determining if there was an infraction. I suppose this would break SGTool filters, but if SG wants forgiveness once the suspension is served this would provide that opportunity.
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If SG removed the offending giveaways from their profiles once their suspension was served it would prevent these tools from determining if there was an infraction.
I think its a hard thing to remove the violation records from system.
For NAW you have to delete the GA from other user, who rightfully gave the game to the winner, but now it will cost him his CV that he earned by successfully delivering the game.
Next option lets say GA was changed as winner-less to remove history of the violation of NAW user. Same issue, if there are no winners or no entries(overall) or less than 5 entries(invite,group,whitelist) creator again loses the CV.
In both cases the creator seems to be punished.
Ok lets say most of the creator agree to delete the GA, so that the violation history could be erased. But there are thousands and thousands of accounts that are inactive that gaveaway the game, we can't simply delete the GA without their permission and without knowing if they would ever be back.
Anyways SG isn't about forgiveness like it is said, they still need to keep record all the violation from the user, people do get permanent suspension if they still do the same mistake same time. And to track that, you save records.
After all this is a giveaway site, it also attracts persons that want to take advantage of it by trying to play the system. So SG always must be vigilant.
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As per my original post, the giveaway would still be on the creator's page, it would still show who won it, it would just be hidden from view to normal users on the winner's page so it would not show up on most checks (unless you want to go through the effort of cross referencing every giveaway). Support would still know and see any past violations, it is just obscured to us regular folk.
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I do have a ticket waiting since November for an update. My problem need an entry deletion instead of a reroll and the moderators who answered to me told me they needed to transfert the case to a more ranked moderator for the work to be done.
So since the first answer in November and another discussion with a Moderator in December, there is that red dot in my gifted GA while the keys were good because someone didn't bother to check if they had a DLC or not before entering a GA opened for a whole week.
I don't say that Moderators do a bad job, again I had an answer within a day, but what is that distinction between them ? Shouldn't they have the possibility to delete an entry for a case such as mine instead of needing an admin or super moderator to take care of it while they already have so much to do already ?
I admit that over time, I'm less and less tempted to do open GA (aka public or for group which are opened to all without restriction) because I keep having to reroll GA or to see flagged accounts with sometimes over 100 not redeemed games (yep, you read correctly).
Earlier today, I read a GA which had as description that small groups with ratio rules were the death of SG. In my case, over time I raised the level of my GA as I kept bumping into ungrateful leechers and having to reroll because of people not claiming their win and such. I'm ok to give away games, I'm not when I spend half of my time on SG bothering the support for a reroll or to report a user, weirdly enough, 99.9% of the people with whom I have a problem are coming from public GA..
I don't have a solution for that specific problem, maybe something that would set the report or reroll button grey if said person had been suspended less than X weeks ago ?
Small addition for those who wish to check their winners without going through SGTools one by one, here is the step by step to have the GA sent and/or flagged with ESGST :
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Wow 100+ violations, and still active on SG?
Yep just providing small detail when we want to reroll would save both support and us a time and effort.
I really haven't checked if my winners have activated the game till now. I will try it later thanks for great suggestion. :)
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It's just one violation, you know. If user is reported for not activating 100 games, he is suspended for a few days, and that's it, he is forgiven forever. He can as well not activate another 100 games, get reported, and still only suspended for a few days more.
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Yeah I guess there are games that are probably not available anymore.
Still it's kind of weird that you would get the same suspension for not activating one game which could very well be a new user mistake and 100 games which by that point is a well establish behavior and not even have to activate the games that are still available.
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You will not. Ryzhehvost does not know how suspensions for inactivated or multiple wins work.
You are suspended per giveaway that violated rules. If you have 100 inactivated - you are suspended for 500 days. Which means automatic permanent suspension. To unlock your account you need to activate every single game you won, as permanent suspensions do not run their course.
Only in case of few inactivated wins you get short suspension that will end and you don't need to activate wins. Say if you inactivate 3 games you will be suspended for 15 days. If you don't activate them after suspension and inform support about it - suspension will run it's course and you will be able to use site as usual without need to solve the issue.
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That's good.
So if its like 4 games, you get 20 days suspension but you need to activate at least 1 game and serve 20 days to get back on SG?
BTW what happens if the game that were required to activate(if there are more than 3 cases) aren't available to purchase? And the GA creator isn't willing to delete the GA or isn't available?
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So if its like 4 games, you get 20 days suspension but you need to activate at least 1 game and serve 20 days to get back on SG?
No, it will turn into 15 days suspension. Suspensions "look" a bit like replies. Say if I'd reply to your OP post 4 times with the reason "inactivated wins" you will get 20 days suspension. If I'd delete one reply - it will turn into 15 days suspension.
If you do not activate game straight away (but say 2 days later) - you will be left with 13 days suspension after I remove my reply.
Now when I think about it - only already suspended users know how this works, as it's not explained anywhere. I may write post about it when I have some free time.
BTW what happens if the game that were required to activate(if there are more than 3 cases) aren't available to purchase? And the GA creator isn't willing to delete the GA or isn't available?
That's way more complicated. If it's only few day suspension - user will serve it as normal.
If say they were permanently suspended for 30 inactivations, 3 multiple wins and spend weeks to solve the issue - activating games, making contact with GA creators to get rid of multiple wins - and are left with one win they can't activate and contact with creator - I would allow them to use the site again.
But there is one thing to remember - removing permanent suspension does not "reset" account. If I'd see this "hard-working" user with inactivated win in the future - it's straight permanent suspension without right to appeal.
They get chance, were warned about permanent suspension, get suspended, took hours of support work to clear their account and then do the same thing they've been doing previously.
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No. If after multiple suspensions he will get suspended permanently, and will ask for amnesty, they will ask to activate those games. But until than it's just a few days suspension without need to activate anything. I already suggested that in such cases user must be suspended not for a period of time, but until all won games are activated on his account, and many people told me it's too brutal.
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Thanks for the precision. I'm all for giving second chances and I think it's possible that new users makes mistakes but I I agree there's a certain point where someone clearly doesn't care and a couple days suspension might not be enough if they don't have to activate anything and can just come back and do it all over again till they get caught again...
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Too brutal ? It's not like you're asking to cut their hand like they did in the post with people stealing, you're only asking for the person to recover from what they did. Especially if said stuff have been regifted, which seems to be accurate with the 100+ stuff I saw. Checking their GA won and GA done, it was like, GA won, GA made of GA won finishing within the next 24 hours. At some point you wonder if it's just random luck or.. You know.. Someone stealing and using what they won to increase their level ?
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If we see that game was won, not activated and new giveaway was made for it - we suspend user and delete regifted giveaways. If you write user report you may note it looks like regifted games, as sometimes it's not obvious. Especially for users with hundreds of wins.
So user who broke the rule is suspended and their giveaways are deleted.
Only that we need to wait 7 days of original giveaway closing time to issue suspension. As you could have game and win it here. Then decide to make giveaway for it. It may look like regift, but as they activate won key on Steam account, and make giveaway with unused key it's not against the rules.
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I had to open a new ticket with more proof as my request was refused and I couldn't answer to give more proof of what was happening with that account which had (get ready) 250 non activated wins. There was a bug on SGtools, now it's showing 0 non activated wins (what happened ???) while checking further I could easily link GA won to GA regifted as well as games not present in their account.
I have nothing against that user and I'm not upset at the moderator closing my request, when I made it I didn't actually check more related that account, but I allowed myself to do a second request as I couldn't answer to the first one, with more proof regarding the whole situation.
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There was a bug on SGtools, now it's showing 0 non activated wins (what happened ???) while checking further I could easily link GA won to GA regifted as well as games not present in their account.
There are two possibilities:
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Well, there is. If he is reported and suspended multiple times (I don't know the exact number) he will be permanently suspended. But it's number of previous suspensions, not number of actual violations.
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Nope, he is CLEARLY wrong.
So no need that you think your example are useless
I found someone with 38 not activated wins, and a fem friend found someone with 46 not activated ones and in both cases the one got a perma suspension.
Other found people with 8 not activated wins got the same perma suspensions.
Only to give a few of my, very many, experiences to that case.
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That's a relief, users taking advantage of system shouldn't be left unchecked.
And just like Hassat said the delay between termaban and permaban might be the reason we are people are getting confused whether they are punished for each and every violations or not.
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Wrong, each not activated game would be count as a break of the rules and so he would be perma suspended in this case.
All with 4 or 5+ not activated games, and not served a punishment before, will be handled that way.
All with older punishments can be get higher because it was punished in the past softer as today.
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It's just your opinion. I reported a user with like 20 or 30 not activated games. He was not permanently suspended. I repoted him again later, when he had more not activated games. Guess what? He is still not permanently suspended. So keep your opinion to yoirself, as it does not complies with reality.
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Would be easier to get ticket code (this 5 symbol code after /ticket/) to see what happened here.
Only support members and ticket creator can access it. Works similar to group giveaways you're not member of - if you try to access giveaway witout being member you will get error message.
(So if you'd try to post plain link to your ticket and ask for community help - they will not be able to see content of the ticket).
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It was 4,5 year ago. User deleted their account, so there is no information how many times they were suspended, or if all suspensions were served. It can be very well that they were permanently suspended and then decided to delete their account.
It's just your opinion. I reported a user with like 20 or 30 not activated games. He was not permanently suspended. I repoted him again later, when he had more not activated games. Guess what? He is still not permanently suspended. So keep your opinion to yoirself, as it does not complies with reality.
You wrote your comment to make it looks like user still actively use the site and you're sure of it:
If you are right, then moderators doing their job VERY bad. Look at this screenshot - I reported this guy two times (he got more not activated wins before second report), and he is still NOT permanently suspended? (both tickets were closed by mods)
As account is deleted it is not possible to run SGtools check on it. So this is years old screenshot. Which you used to describe present support lenience to suspend someone with multiple not activated gifts.
So please, do not use case like this to prove your point.
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User deleted their account
Moderator who closed the ticked deleted account, not user. User's account is still there. If other moderators pay as much attention to tickets as you - no wonder their job is done so poorly.
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It was redirecting me to main SG page, which usually means that user deleted account. Now it started to work correctly. So yes, this is my mistake.
It does not change fact you use old information to prove your point, as user profile is private (or at least list of their games is). So you can't run SGtools to check their current activation status.
I have access to their last library sync from 2 years ago. And only 4 games show as not activated.
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It's not my fault it takes two years to answer support ticket (not including re-rolls, those are handled in timely manner, more or less).
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Agreed, the basic tickets get answer in a timely manner but the tickets that require a mod instead of support do take longer since there's not as many and I guess they are swamped. I have to ticket pending for 3 months about games that got revoked from my account so I need to either change the GA feedback or get my entry remove so the support staff that answer me put it on the queue but I have the feeling it will take a while before it gets to the top of the list...
And yes 100 games not activated that must be a record!
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The hundreds not activated wins were a system error because of a old user that used that name too and sgtools checked the other accounts infos.
BUT anyway did a fem friend found someone with 46 not activated games and i with 38 to name the biggest fishes we catched. Sure thats the extremst ones and not very often around but you find a lot with around 6-8.
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maybe a queue feature could be added so we know how many people are ahead of us waiting for support and we can see the average response time? several days with no response doesn't feel too good.
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a reroll queue then? plus they could show average wait times, but...
or they could come up with their own ideas in improving support, current system doesn't work well.
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OR have enough staff members with free time and motivation to do the work....
because its since 2 years clear that they don't have that !!!
The time PeteOzzy was active included because he was burned from all the work and trouble without the possibility to step back Sure he was able not to do the work and take a break but i think he was one of the guys that don't wanted to have undone work laying around/waiting . So it was a bad combination of his personality and the fact that not enough other ones done the job...
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Public GA, Lv 1-4, I have already stopped making public lvl 0.
18 re-roll request are from 178 GA, that says that I come across potential winner with some kind of violation 10.1% of the time and 5.06% with unaddressed violations.
Well that's what public GA looks like.
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How should he change his approach? What do you mean by that? Should he stop doing public gibs? Is that really a solution when Steamgifts' true spirit is to make giveaways for everyone and not only for selected users?
When doing public gibs it's fairly normal that 1/4 of your winners have infractions. I don't even bother to report all of them anymore for generic bundled games since it's too much effort for Support and me.
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Like the title said what course of action should I take? I created a ticket for re-roll request, didn't get response to it, now user has marked it as not-received. It shows like I wasn't able to provide the key.
Usually all my other re-roll request were handled within 24 hours, so I began to look at support stats after a day of ticket creation, the number of tickets were increasing and decreasing day by day. That means the ticket should have been solved by 2-3 days at most, if it still is in first come first serve basis. Is there any chance that tickets are looked at and support forgot to make a decision, left it for later, and now its forever forgotten?
This brings to another topic that I created years ago.
Every time my GA ends, I check whether the winner has Multiple wins(MW) or Non-Activated wins(NAW). Out of my 17 re-roll request I have been denied 9 times, stating that suspension was already served. 53% tickets I created was futile, waste of time & effort for both support and for me.
So I suggested that, why not display information if the user's violations are accounted for or not(only for MW and NAW). The suggestion was a bit messy so I will refine it on this thread.
We are already presented with instances of NAW or MW through SGTools. If the potential winners has instances of NAW or MW wins we create tickets requesting re-roll, whether or not the user has served the suspension.
Supports do some work, while we wait for some time. Support mostly deny the request stating "Suspension was served".
Why not eliminate that extra work and time just by providing small info that we eventually get, upfront.
I am suggesting that when we attempt to create a ticket asking for new winner because of NAW or MW, on the reason "Didn't activate previous win this month", present us with just a basic info like
Just that and nothing more, and from that information we can proceed to still creating a ticket if there are new violation, or just cancel the process if there aren't any.
BTW "Didn't activate previous win this month" is just confusing, I found out it is used usually for re-roll when users are on suspension periods. Why not create a different "Has a Multiple Wins or Non-Activated wins".
From precious discussion, many users mentioned that it breaches privacy or it promotes witch-hunt but I don't get how. We are getting information on NAW & MV anyhow, Only the GA creator gets the info on whether potential winner was served for the violation or not, currently or in what I suggested.
If you are here for GA, here's the code F(Oh)1-A, Remove the symbols.
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