Thanks for the quick reply, I've been losing sleep over this.
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How do you put money on your PayPal account then? Scan it? Put it in your DVD drive?
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That's right. And if you don't have one, you ask your friends to buy you a copy, as it's faster than sending money from their account to your PayPal, so you can buy it yourself.
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I dont get you. aElder said u dont need credit card to put money into Paypal account and you asked him "How do you put money on your PayPal account then? Scan it? Put it in your DVD drive?" like you thought you need to have this card to send money to Paypal. But then you replied me with "That's right" so u knew that you don't actually need this card.
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Yeah, I phrased it poorly. What I meant to say is: you don't need a credit card, but you do need a bank account. Some people, underaged especially, just can't have either of them. This justifies buying more than one of each bundle.
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K, I get it now. And BTW, as far as I can remember I think I saw that few banks in my country are offering internet bank accounts for underaged ppl. They have some restrictions but you can start them at the age of smth like 15-16. Probably in other countries you can also find such banks if you'll look around.
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I think its lame as duck to do it while the Humble Bundle is still going (preying on people who haven't heard of it, taking extra money that could have gone to a charity).
However, once the bundle runs its course, I see no problem in free enterprise for people who bought extra gift bundles, especially if the buyer is aware of the source. It's also nice to buy an extra for trade in case you ever miss a bundle in the future (or from the past) - you'll have a highly sought after bundle to trade for it, and Humble will get the sales from BOTH those bundles.
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I don't see how Nerney9 is being a scumbag in this case. What he says makes sense to me, at least more than your comment.
I have seen trades between past bundles and current bundles (I.e. those who missed out are able to get those bundles by paying with the bundles they have but do not want etc.)
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Fair trades I can understand, but "free enterprise" as Nerney puts it, is undoubtably scumbaggish.
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lots of people trade (i.e. profit) old HIBs for paypal, games, offers for instance on steamtrades. i don't see that unfair, i think older bundels don't go over ~10$
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I think it's 3 per 24 hours + per payment method or CC.
You can ask Humble support to RESET your limit.
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Humble Bundle support is silent. Me and my Friend tried to contact it (my Friend wanted them to reset this limit for him ro so while I wanted to get an answer for my question). We haven't gotten any answers so far (about 48 hours passed or even more).
I heard Humble Bundle support is really fast though...
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Hmmm.... Maybe they have answeredmy question as well but it is just Gmail that hidden the mail? I have seen recently that Gmail hides somemails that come tome from Twitter and other Communities... I have found them someday somewhere in the weird section I have never seen before but I can't find it again... Any ideas where is this? "The tab was named "Communities"/"Social networks" or something like that?
PS. As far as I remember mails from Twitter, Twitch, Facebook and some other go there probably... Still, I don't know where is this section...
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Same here... It was just:
"Hey there,
Thank you for emailing us...."
Still no nswer from them (or maybe I just don't see it[?]). Date I have sent the mail to them: 16.08.2013... What should I do now?
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IT's still weird. My Friend got the same problem. He already waited a day or two, tried other ways to buy it and still the same problem. Although, he is able to buy Humble Bundle weekly... In the other hand, another Friend of mine has bought many copies of the bundle without problems using just one PayPal account... IT's really wierd. I'd be really happy if we could be able to buy as many Bundles as possible since we are helping charities as well!
I know the thing about reselling... It's really bad seeing it and people mnaking profit out of these games while other who don't know about Humble Bundle could save the money and/or help charities...
I still think it should be allowed to buy as many as one wants Humble Bundles as gifts (who knows how many Friend certain person have or how many copies want he/she to gift)?
PS. I'm not complaining, just wondering and saying.
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The other day I was attempting to buy a gift URL for a friend of mine, but accidentally just bought a bundle. So I made another purchase, this time making sure that it was a gift URL I was purchasing. Then, a few hours later, I attempted to upgrade my original (personal) bundle purchase to above the average, so I could give the Sims 3 keys to my wife, but I was hit with the same message as the OP. I got around it by entering my credit card number directly, rather than attempting to use PayPal.
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This happened to me too today. I had bought one for myself, two to trade for 1 TF2 key as they were the same value and I didn't have enough money to add wallet funds, and when I wanted to buy another one today for a friend, that message popped. I used my credit card directly instead of paypal and it worked.
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I wouldn't be surprised if Humble started doing this with all of their bundles. Makes it harder for those of us who like buying them for friends, but it's a good thing if it keeps certain individuals and web sites from buying up bundles just to resell the keys in bulk.
Though I do wonder how long it'll take for these people to bypass their system. They always do, don't they? ._.
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It's an inconvenience for legitimate customers (as others have pointed out, many buy multiple bundles for friends/giveaways/etc) but intended to prevent abuse...
wait, isn't that the justification for DLC, too?
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No? I think he mistakenly said DLC (DownLoadable Content) and meant DRM (Digital Rights Management - or something similar), which is where Parrafin's comment comes from.
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I did mean DRM, sorry.
My point was that the whole reason why it's called "Humble" Bundle is that they do away with all these things that annoy and inconvenience legitimate customers in the belief that they do more harm to legitimate customers than good by preventing pirates.
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there was a big flaw with their system, paypal charge fee to the receiver (not the sender), and people were buying the bundle at 1 cent, like thousand time at the time, I did it too (before the BTA thing), not trying to hide myself (did not bought by thousand though), well that cost some money to them. Now there is a limit on paypal buyout, which make total sense specially if it cost something for them to process a 1 cent purchase with paypal.
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There's definitively something wrong with their system. I have right now this issue (>_<)
Last night, I was going to buy a gift link from the current "Humble Weekly Sale: Kalypso" for my brother, but it didn't let let me: "Order cancelled. We have received too many purchase requests... blah, blah". I have tried again with no luck.
This doesn't make sense, the last time I bought from them was last Saturday (6 days ago), and I bought the same bundle (gift link) for a friend; and before that, I bought a gift link from the "Humble Weekly Sale: Paradox Games" (early in September) also for a friend; and before that I bought for myself the "Humble Deep Silver Bundle" in July 30th! (O_O)
I sent an e-mail to them last night, but the only reply I got was a "bot" message. Still waiting for a real answer right now. I'm really angry about this, I really wanted to gift this to my brother because he wanted Anna and Tropico 3... (-_-)
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I saw a comment that changing payment methods bypasses this issue.
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Unfortunately, that's exactly what happened: with less than an hour for the sale to be over, still no answer from them... so I tried again with no luck, until I had to change the payment method as last resort, and that did the trick :), but still, a really bad move from Humble Bundle. What a disappointment... :(
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I have the same message. I never bought any bundle twice so far. Seems this is a new system and sees all previous bundles as bought at the same time.
I wanted to buy the current weekly for a friend, but I guess that's not happening :(
(I can only pay with PayPal, don't have any other method of paying)
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If you used paypal, try to switch to google wallet, it's same as paypal, sall fees and, same using your credit/debit card.
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Except that I don't use a creditcard on my paypal. I wish people would stop assuming that everyone has a creditcard :\
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Except that I'm not american and while I do have a bank account, my card does -not- work like a debit card.
Do you really think I didn't try to look at if I could add by bank account directly like on paypal?
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sorry that i dont know how your atm cards work when I am living in a different country bro, however, if you have a checking account you can use google wallet to do direct money transfer its the same thing as paypal.
(note you can only transfer money to us emails/addresses but this shouldnt be a problem for humble as they have both of those.)
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Today i tried to buy the humble bundle and this is what i recieved
Sorry, your Humble Origin Bundle order has been canceled.
We have received too many purchase requests from you in a short period of time, so we have canceled your order (you will not be charged).
We are very sorry for the inconvenience. Please feel free to reply to this email and we can help you make a purchase.
So my question is: How many bundles can i buy and will my payment method be available again?
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