But they have real value.
Just because they don't have value to you, that doesn't mean anything.
Some people will never understand why someone pays huge amount of money for Picasso picture, just because they don't see value it doesn't mean that it has no value.
As long as there is demand for those items, there is and real value, for someone Picasso picture is just picture but for someone it is something truly amazing and beautiful, same goes with item, if something is very rare, and there is demand for that item, it will cost a lot.
One guy sold his Dota 2 courier for 38 k $, one week later other guy sold for 45 k $ , you can say it doesn't worht that money but that would be wrong, there is demand for item and person who bought item has enough money to pay and for him that item has real value.
Supply and demand.
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You know, privated accounts, they are trying to avoid their bank accounts and nude pics to get hacked and leaked... (Irony)
I can't understand it neither.
To avoid scammers, in my profile i ask to set profile to public before adding me. If not, i won't accept friend requests.
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·If you have a proper Steam profile made with information, e-mails, social media, then what's the point in set it as hidden? (If you have all that info in your profile, what's the need of not sharing that info with people)
·If you don't have any information in your profile to share, completelly blank profile. Then, again, what's the point in set it as hidden? (you don't have anything there at all)
In both cases, pointless.
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well, i have a blank profile, but why should anyone know:
which games/how long i play
if i am online
whats on my wishlist
who my friends are
completely unnecessary to share those informations.
for context: i do not use facebook, i encrypt my emails (whenever possible),i use strong passwords, i block scripts, i block advertisements, you cannnot find me (by my real name) on the first few pages of google and so on. i keep a very low online profile because i care for privacy.
perhaps i am just paranoid - or simply know too much.
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I see your point. Didn't think in the games, hours expent and friend list.
But what's the point in people wanting to know your games, how long you play, etc? This info is so normal in a video game platform, people can be interested, or not at all.
It's so basic and typical that maybe, 99% of people wont be interested in it at all. I'm not interested in what my friends do, how many hours they expend, etc. I have friends to play with them, just that. I really don't know how people are, how much they like to digging into other's profiles, but i don't have that need. I want friends to play coop, multiplayers, etc.
However, if they share pics, artworks, guides or analysis, i do.
In my opinion, it's just irrelevant info; not your bank account, or your e-mail, pics of your face, family, etc.
Nobody can't hurt you with that basic info (games, hours expent, etc).
Thanks for your time. It was a pleasure :)
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well, right - who might be interested in such information?
well, just think of a employer who somehow gets the connection between you and your steam account.
you're sick, but playing all the day.
you're late, because you forgot the time and played till 2am.
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Fair point, but lemme throw in an opinion real fast. I believe that a person employed by someone/some-corp who has the time and resources to look into each employee's steam account hours played (and how would they get your steamid in the first place?) is probably not someone who would be playing video games until 2am and causing themselves to be late to work. (On another note, I know managers who will call out on release day and be 'sick' all week.)
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Some people are just very anti social or likes to keep things to themselves personal. It isn't they have anything we would deem needs to be hidden, but they simply themselves decide it is so. The less people know about them, sometimes the better to them. I don't put jack shit on my Steam, but I know I pretty much nuked my Facebook profile to have as close to nothing on it as possible.
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People have private accounts to hide the games they don't want people to see like Sakura Spirit. (Switches to private to hide game now ;p)
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Personal,bots have mostly private profiles,or public but very new ones,and only 1 or a bit more games. Personal,because most profiles i see are friends only... You know why,snice they are like private(they are friends because they dont like bad people and add on spefic conditions like fun random playing),you cant answer or ask them why they are private or somethin. Due to that fact,theres a groups of players who say if your profile is private/friends,i will ingore/block you. Sometimes its rude,but thats the community. Scammers and fraud people also mostly have private profiles. Inventory is another cause snice theres alot of beggars that say if you dont gimme a key/item,i will report you for being rude or somethin. Having it private(beggars and scammers are reason)is another reason for blocking/ingoring invite.
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Well, I'm hiding my inventory, because I got tired of beggars and trade offers like winter offensive case for stattrak with stickers and name tag.
My sister has a private profile, simply because she sees no reason to do otherwise. She is not trading or seeking people to play with.
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Mine is friends only .. which is effectively the same thing as private - considering I only have like a few friends, who often are aren't online for weeks. The question is why would anyone want any of that information on their profile to be public? It's none of anyone's business how many games I own, how often or long I played them. It's annyoing enough that Valve collects that kind of information and I usually block out their client with my firewall just to spit into their soup. In fact I only go online with my steam client to install updates, farm cards or for pure online games. One more reason why I prefer single player stuff.
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Why do I get the impression that you're good friends with a Nigerian prince?
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I have a private profile because it really cuts down on the random adders and beggers. Also being a Developer I used to get a lot of random people adding me, usually they start by being chummy asking about this that and the other thing, then ultimately ask me for free stuff. Sometimes just a copy of one of our games, but more often than not AAA tiles that I myself do not even own.
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Peruvians hide their's profiles because no one like to Doto with peruvians.
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I was just wondering, apart from the scammers who don't want you too see their trade bans, or that their libraries are empty, why do people set their profiles to private ? I mean it's not a social website where you want to hide your pictures from people you don't know, but the opposite :3
EDIT: I forgot that trade bans can't be hidden :p
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