maybe this has nothing to do with dota and since you are using achievement manager maybe they monitor achievements so you have a rare one with 2 hours of gameplay i hear most poeple dont aprove that program cause they ruin statistics
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Idle master only cause (very very very rare) false positives, and while it might take some time, you can contact support to have the ban reverted.
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I accidentally left idle master opened once (insurgency vac protected)
and hopefully I'm not VAC banned
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"My profile already looked like crap with a VAC ban from over 2000 days ago..."
I hope Valve bans you even harder next time
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they were not banning pp for life time, depending of the date or the vac, you could have 24 h to 1 or 5 years or suspension.
When a new software/os or what ever is released and trigger a massive vac ban on many pp, they revert it. but it happened really rarely. i saw that on a reply of them
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In my case I got banned for unlocking the console in CoD:MW2 and force-hosting servers with game modes like roll the dice and alike. I assumed that I would get banned for it but I didn't cared really much at that point since the game was full with people using wallhacks and aimbots. for the first time I were able to kick and ban cheaters from my game.
If I knew that it would mark me as cheater for lifetime... I would have just uninstalled the game instead.
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My life started feeling a bit desperate and meaningless and colors started looking more blackish after you commented.. No idea why
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i don't mean they vac ban anyone just because they want to ban them but before, you could get a 24h or + depending of the vac system of the time, so pp could hack between friend and still play after some time on vac secured server with no hack. of course more you get ban more your time was long
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What the hell you talking about??? Vac has never given 24 hour bans, It used to be 1 year but it soon changed to being a full perm ban once caught cheating.
Are you sure you ain't getting mixed up with Overwatch not Vac???
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well than it is really weird =(
then you'd better write a ticket to support (although the chances are they will not even respond)
also you better scan your PC for viruses etc.
and mb it would be a good idea to read the comment section for that workshop map
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Reports will just get you into Low Priority, not cause VAC.
Vac is automated, and gets triggered if you have something hooked to game's files, but there have been cases of manually applied VACs, altho I don't suspect OP is that much a deal (no offense) to get manually vac-ed.
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not always automated,
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I doubt it was from idle master,i never heard of anyone getting VAC for it...
Also VAC bans are forever,so your stuck with it,only in rare times do they get reversed and that is on a knowing false positive.You did something to trigger it,nobody gets one for doing nothing.I am not saying you where cheating,but something caused it,weather it was a cheat or something else and weather you did it on purpose or does not matter.I am just saying nobody just gets a random vac ban something triggered it for whatever reason.
Also if it was from say workshop maps VAC bans can be delayed so if it was from that,you friends could still get the axe.I am not saying it is i have no clue if they can as i do not play DOTA.
It could have been something on your system that caused it,in the end you will never know as they will never reveal the reason for it.I am sorry this happened to you,but since it is a free game maybe you should have made a dedicated account for it?
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The deal is, I don't like dota that much. TD's were fun for an evening but that's it. I already uninstalled it after playing with my friends since I didn't thought of playing it in the next couple of month since there are only a few "good" maps to play.
But yes, you're right. I didn't get banned for nothing, there is something that triggered it. The question is how will I ever find an answer to it..
Thnak you for your time.
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You will not know unless you can verify what caused it...
Like say it was a map,if you could verify the map caused it with other evidence like if it was some sort of hack map that allowed you say unlimited loot and you did not know it did that,It would not reverse the ban but at least you would have an answer.
I am afraid tracing the source will most likely be impossible,if you did maybe a fresh install of windows and steam and this game,then maybe you could check for things that should not be where they are or what not.
Best you can do is use malware scanners and such to make sure you do not have anything like that on your system so it does not happen in other VAC games as i have hard of cases where people got infected and it triggered vacs.
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They don't show you the reason for the VAC? That's kind of stupid. How are you supposed to learn from it if you don't even know what you did wrong? If that really is the case, the punishment is kind of pointless if you can't learn from it...
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Maybe, but if you did something by mistake, not knowing it would cause a VAC ban (and yes it happens, but rarely), you know what it was and know to avoid doing that in the future. Plus if you use an aimbot and get a VAC ban, I'm pretty sure you'll know it's from that aimbot anyway (at least you can guess as much).
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I assume you picked the guy i just added since he had the same issue as me, he wrote something about a vac ban without knowing why.. well at least he >claims< that he didn't cheated. It's like in my case... nobody will ever know if I tell the truth or not.
I added him to find some clues what it might caused.
Edit: the friends I played with didn't get banned as of yet.
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So you are cheater you got banned for cheating and for sure right now you cheat again... Since there is no such thing like Lord Gaben gives you another free VAC. And as answer to your quote Yes i dont belive cheaters "You cheated once you will cheat again" simple as that. Many games suffer by people like you sorry but thats pain truth.
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A 2000 day old VAC Ban is over 5 years old. I'd say if he hadn't gotten another one since then (not counting the one the thread is about, obviously), it's fair to say that he (she?) learned their lesson.
No system is infallible, so perhaps it really is like they say? I'm not saying a false positive necessarily, but something that caused it other than cheating.
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it's fair to say that he (she?) -> he :)
Collecting games and designing my profile was something (more or less) important to me.
I would be a big idiot to not expect to get banned for cheating and make my profile make look even worse.
Do something stupid once... fine. But twice after so many years?
Thank you for your comment. :)
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No problem. Not everyone that gets the cheater label is actually a cheater. I think sometimes people get tunnel vision with regards to this because of all the "Unfair VAC Bans" in the thread at Steam, and assume everyone is a cheater.
While I believe most of them that post in that thread really are cheaters, I don't think all of them are.
I hope that you are able to at least find out what caused it in the first place.
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Don't really have any input towards the topic at hand but I was curious if there is a way to see how old the first VAC Ban was or if you were just going by what inn0s said? I'm not saying he is lying or that he is telling the truth, I'm just personally curious.
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So you are saying that if somebody did something stupid (like cheat in a game), they always do that? That's just stupid. Of course he can learn from it and never do it again. Please just stop being so close minded and see that people can change. And for all you know his first VAC ban was just because he did something stupid (or even on accident). That doesn't make him a life long cheater...
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i am 34 now. so, what you're saying is that if i cheated once when i was 14, you would still think i am a cheater today and the possibility i changed simply doesn't exist? are you serious?
something to watch for you. if you're really intersted in how VAC bans can be false positives, i suggest you watch the whole thing (it's only 7 minutes).
you can get VAC banned for stupid stuff, like mod that allows to control Winamp within the game. or if you have a certain virus on your system. those things have nothing to do with cheating, but Valve will mark you for life anyway.
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For me cheater is a cheater he confirmed that he already cheated once.For me people who cheated even once should be banned permanently from any multiplayer games.I stop playing many multiplayer games i loved due problems with chaters ( Quake 1 , UT99 , Quake 3 Call of Duty 1 and 2) also stoped playing CSGO 5 weeks ago since in evry second match there is cheater in game.There is no excuse about cheating you destroy other people time by cheating thats why you should be banned permanently.And answering to your question about false Vac Bans i know problems there is no perfect Anty-Cheat program there was many false bans in other programs like UAC3 or Punkbuster from Even Balance.But as i said he banned already once for cheating how can you know that when he was banned first time he dont do same thing as here open discussion that he dosnt deserve to VAC on other forum? 99% of cheaters looking for support in community forums If he realy innocent he should send ticket to support not complain to steamgifts community. I was fighting with scumbags cheaters in Clanbase league maybe this is why i just hate them.
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For me people who cheated even once should be banned permanently from any multiplayer games
did you even make a mistake in your life? ever? for example, did you break something when you were a kid? what did your parents do? did they ban you from their house permanently? ^^
people make mistakes. and people change. this whole "one time cheater, always cheater" thing is so stupid. most of the cheaters are probably under age anyway. it just doesn't make sense to assume they will never change, not even many years later. i did lots of things when i was 14, which i would never do today. people do change. it's silly to claim otherwise.
99% of cheaters looking for support in community forums If he realy innocent he should send ticket to support not complain to steamgifts community.
i disagree. if there are problems with Valve's system, everybody should know. yes, a support ticket would be the correct way. and in addition to that we should always try to make problems as public as possible. a company won't change its behaviour, if there is no bad publicity. so in general it's always a good thing to make any problems you have with Valve public.
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haha. I loved to play as female characters in ragnarok-online. you needed to determine your gender which made you unable to create female chars if you choose male. So I created a second account for roleplaying ;)
It needed a "proper" name, so i could remember it.
My younger self came up with that shitty name, lol. A few years passd by and I found myself playing only with the female account. Therefore I sticked to the account name x)
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I wouldn't be surprised if some shit from the workshop caused that.
After all a few months ago there was some malware there...
Try with a ticket but... considering how steam support works... good luck.
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I was wrong, it wasn't a malware
it was a critical vulnerability, but it makes no difference.
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There's no bloody way he wasn't implying it was a map. I've been playing dota 2 for thousand hours I know how it works.
Hint: I opened Idle Master and even SAM and many other 'dubious things' in the background and I have not been banned.
Why would you even read a well proven cheater's alibi? lol. Fail.
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Hackers, or however you'd want to call them, found a way to make people download "steal steam account.dll" while joining their servers, they even found a way to make sprays in Source steal accounts.
I really wouldn't be surprised if they would find a way to make custom map with some nefarious stuff in it...
Not saying it happened. But really wouldn't be surprised...
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I would love to see a source to the "CSS sprays stealing accounts".
The most recent issue allowed RCE which could have been used to steal or perform whatever on the victims computer. This was only if you joined a malicious server and had certain options set though.
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I'll try to find it in the morning. General idea was that "bad guys" were putting some malware as sprays, and since sprays are something most people always download client-to-client, it allowed those "bad guys" to send steam-cookies-downloader or other keyloggers or stuff like that.
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But judging by second comment, after some time story "from where attack comes" has changed a bit. I only heard about it when it was "turn off all downloading, source has terrible gap that can be used if you download anything from other players, including sprays". So while it wasn't all false, I guess first version made it bigger than it turned out later. Sorry about confusion.
Unless second comment is a bit wrong. No idea.
And sorry if my English right now is, well, confusing, not enough sleep :(
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wrong, he said multiple times that he doesn't think the maps were the problem.
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there are so many possible reasons for a false VAC ban. even a fucking virus can be the cause. and in such a case, since no anti-virus software is perfect, we really can't say this is the users fault.
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Quite good approach.
No software is perfect, but VAC looks fine. It was released on 2002, and only seven major incidents until today. That is, assuming Wikipedia is a valid ground for debate, anyway.
Given the fact that the Topic Creator has had history of cheating, I'm staying with what I said.
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7 incidents mean thousands and thousands of players. then there are the 4 points below that. graphical mods should not trigger VAC, according to the VAC FAQ. but they do. and those bans don't get lifted. if you want to know more, check out this video:
the thing is, we don't know how many false positives happen. whenever someone claims to be a victim, nobody believes him. all just call him cheater, insult him, and tell him that VAC works 100%, which we know just isn't true. so, i bet you there are way more people with false bans than you think. everyone who likes to use mods is a potential victim.
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also, in case you didn't see it:
didn't read the whole thing, but it looks like workshop maps that execute code on your local system. isn't this exactly what you said is not possible (at least for Dota 2)?
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"It has never happened to me, therefore it can't happen"
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Usually Valve bans after some time after you detection, so most probably it's not because you played with your friends (but who knows?).
And, valve never tells reason for bans. All this to make life of cheaters harder.
As far as I heard - there is nothing to do, you can't remove VAC ban. If you really got it for nothing - it's really bad luck.
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I'm not 100% how much time passed between the last time I played the game until the recent event of playing with my friends.
But I assume it's between 1 and 2 years.
Within this week I started the game like 4 times (one evening and the following day at the afternoon) only to play with my 2 friends.
I didn't played anthing else than fun/arcade/workshop maps.
I guess there is really nothing I can do about. But I wrote steam support anyways. This is going to be annoying.. -.-
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Does it work? You don't have to enter if you don't want to, of course, but I already posted it a day ago (in another forum thread about VAC) and there's still 0 entries or comments. It's a common and not very good game, and it's a weird requirement, but zero entries is a little surprising.
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You didn't had SAM open/used it while running DOTA?
Not sure how it works there but in the beginning i had it someone started a vote on that i was supposedly hacking on TF2 (wihle i wasn't) seen it many time on others. Just because someone might play good.
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I heard that it could be possible to get bans for unlocking achievements that result in gaining items like it's the case in TF2.
But I'm not sure if that's true.
It happend many times to me that I forgot to turn off idle master and I never got banned in any VAC protected game. Don't know about SAM but I assume it's the same thing.
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I don't think that would do it, I used SAM to unlock all the items on my son's account and it was never banned. This was like 2 years ago, can't recall if he played any Teamfortress 2 or now. I've likewise used SAM to unlock most of the Payday 2 items and no vac ban.. I could be wrong but I don't think Steam necessarily cares about achievements, nor the associated items.. The items are tototally locked to your account, not trad-able, not marketable.
Also Idlemaster is pretty safe, i've been using it forever, including when I'm playing vac enabled games and haven't gotten hit yet. I think it's just paranoia.
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Idle Master and SAM are safe even when open them when playing Dota (idling other things).
I've been thinking about this, and I thought (despite I'm doubtful of you being truthful,) I'd say that if you really don't know why:
Dota 2 is very sensitive for any external tool attached to it. If you're using your software to do funny things on Dota 2 memory pool, you'll get banned. Heck, using Cheat Engine attached to Dota 2 process will earn you a great 30 days suspension and permanent VAC ban for 2nd offense even when you don't play multiplayer and don't do anything else other than hooking.
Check your PC software, is there anything as such? Keyboard software? Mouse software?
The last thing you can do is to verify your Dota 2 cache. If it restores files, check which file. If Dota 2 files are modded directly, it's a ground for VAC ban.
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ITT: People still telling each other that people get VAC banned for no reason all the time. That just isn't true and it never has been true. There's no such thing as a "false positive" VAC ban. I know I heard from some guy who watched a youtube video about how it happened to his friends brother that never hacked before. The VAC system is very intricate and picks up on anything you try to manipulate through the VAC servers. Your idlers ARE NOT VAC PROOF. Your special custom skins/props/materials are NOT VAC PROOF. VAC like most other anti cheat softwares scans your directories too and you can be banned for red flags like a CHEAT ENGINE. There are a billion reasons why and how you get VAC banned. Somewhere in there covers your VAC ban I assure you.
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It does NOT scan your file for cheat engine,you can have it installed without worrying about it lol
If so then why do i not have a VAC?
VAC scans the .exe of the game running for changes in the memory,which cheat engine can do a long with a lot of other ways..,also you can only get VAC while connected to a a VAC server.
In fact every game i have used,that uses other anti-cheats have never been banned for having cheat engine installed.
And yes there can be a false positive and Valve revered the VAC of those effected but it is rare,and usually steams from a approved program or what not thinking it is a a cheat.
I do agree you do not get a VAC for nothing one way or another it detects something that may be a cheat,it does not scan all your files.Some anti cheats also check files for size differences and may say flag it as a possible cheat/mod and so on.
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"There's no such thing as a "false positive" VAC ban." - bullshit,
In first case you have GabeN saying "we screwed", in second CSGO-developer is saying "we screwed".
ff you'll look around internet you'll find more stories of people reported false VAC-ban to Valve and got it reversed.
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2 of my alt accounts got VAC banned in TF2 and I didn't know why (still don't know to this day)
but after a few months valve revoked the bans, proof:
if you don't know, when you get a VAC ban in TF2 all of your TF2 items are deleted, after they revoked the bans the items were returned by the support
false positives do exist
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Valve should stop banning people for no reason, maybe someone reported you
I believe VAC ban is not just about cheating
It's about communication abuse too or others (You can see the reason when you're reporting another user)
But if you believe you're doing nothing wrong
You can ask the supports and wait
Yeah, that's the best you can do I guess
Hope it helped :3
Sorry can't help more than that :(
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There are some people who legitimately use cheats like maphack, auto-cast spell / item when the enemy is near, auto-techies-mine, etc.. And they are fine because those cheats can't be detected by VAC.
And there's someone who got VAC-banned just from playing custom maps.
VAC detection in Dota 2 is a joke.
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good luck with that. I got a vac a little over a month ago (I didnt cheat) I contacted steam and told them I have never done anything but they said that VAC bans are never removed. It was a bot reaponce which took a month to respond so i gave up on that. Well I wish you the best of luck with steams shit support
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Can someone tell me why people are so stubborn and douchey over people with vac bans, pretending that they're infallible and that Valve is never wrong, like the comments in this video are utter trash
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just for curiosity check this
129 K VAC bans and 25 K Game bans . . . january was cheaters day :D
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To date: 3,679,839 VAC and 246,707 game bans in the database
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I'm about to puke... I hate life so much. Dunno what happend.
Two friends asked me to play Dota2 Fun maps like TD's. I usually don't like Dota-esk games. But I love TD's.
So I installed it, played the whole evening with them and suddenly I'm vac banned (two days ago, I just realized it on my profile).
WTF? I don't get it. I have no clue why I got banned, even tho not many people will believe me I guess.
Is there anything I can do? My profile already looked like crap with a VAC ban from over 2000 days ago... now it's even worse.
I hate everything right know -_-
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