Thankfully, we're not in danger. Both of the scary close ones are heading in opposite directions but a lot of good folk did end up losing their worldly possessions, a few their lives sadly. We're getting rain today and it should help, albeit, a little late. Thank you!
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I hope you get better soon, sinus problems can be a pain in the ass. Wildfires happening in summer is normal but still I think there's not enough control to prevent them, and that's not even counting the pyromaniacs who start them for shit and giggles. Sadly it's very tough to catch them. All you can do now is just hope they don't manage to reach where you live and have to abandon your house.
But at least you're enjoying Baldur's Gate 3 and that's something.
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Appreciated. It's been a struggle for over a month now. Sadly the circumstances aren't helping either. Control is the difficult part, our policies have been to preserve and protect but it seems to be creating a lot of ideal conditions for these blazes. Then account for things like Bark Beetles, crazy people(someone was arrested this week for threats/starting small fires), etc. and small problems are now big problems.
As for BG3, Act 1 has been amazing. It's lost a bit of the polish in Act 2 but I'm still enjoying it. I'm afraid it's a bit of a front loaded game but it's been a welcome distraction haha.
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Hope things around you improve soon. Sounds like its more the smoke than the antibiotics but hopefully this will pass soon. I can imagine BG3 is a great distraction.
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Probably more smoke than antibiotic, but perhaps a bit of both I reckon. Doc gave me the good stuff but warned me of the side effects. Road to recovery and all that haha. Thanks!
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This DIY box fan filter setup is supposed to be very effective. Hope your sinuses and your atmosphere clear up soon.
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I've been recommending this to my neighbors! Simple, effective, and relatively cheap if not a bit ugly. Luckily, I've acquired a number of air purifiers throughout the years. We've got one in nearly every room at this point which is helping quite a bit. Sadly, when you live in a valley surrounded by mountains it all just kind of settles right where you want it least.
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Damn I'm sorry to hear that, it really sucks! The heat alone is bad enough but fires all around and constant smoke are something else entirely, can't even imagine how bad it must be having to deal with all of that having respiratory issues.
Hope you're staying safe and I'm glad you can at least enjoy BG 3 despite all this happening!
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Heat hasn't been too bad until last week when there was a huge spike in temperature. It's what kicked one of the wildfire's off I believe. I know a good chunk of the world is being taken for a ride in terms of abnormal temps though. Crazy times. Stay safe!
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I'm really sorry to hear about the wildfires affecting you :( The wildfires in Canada are very bad lately along with lots of other places! I hope they'll calm down soon and you can rest and feel better! It makes me really sad thinking about all of the wildlife, nature, and people's lives and homes the fires are destroying...
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Yeah Canada has been hit pretty bad with fires this year too. It's insane how everything seems to be going up in smoke. Stay safe out there!
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That sucks, hope things get better. Sinus issues with all this makes it even worse.
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I find myself with quite an availability over the last week and foreseeable future too. Numbers must only go up from here! :P
Thanks for the WL, I got you too. I should probably make a WL gib someday haha.
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Smoke inhalation is exceptionally bad for anyone with sinus or respiratory issues, especially COPD. I don't know what kind of air filtering system you have where you live, but this article might help with some DIY ideas:
I hope you feel better soon, and you and yours stay safe!
p.s. Thank you for sharing an awesome train!
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What's killing me is this smoke has my brain malfunctioning. I don't have anything chronic thankfully but some of my family does. My luck is I get a horrible infection a week before the fires kick off. Lots of air purifiers here but sadly there is a point where regular filtration struggles. My neck of the woods hit hazardous on the index for a few days but should be leveling out soon thanks to changing weather.
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Hey, thanks for checking in! The smoke has cleared out quite a bit thanks to the weather. We're still fluctuating through the index but it's at least somewhat breathable now. One of the fires is about 70% contained, 250 structures lost and 10,000 acres burned. The other big one is about 15% contained, 400 structures lost, and 11,000 acres burned. Our crews are working as fast and safe as they can still.
I'm doing alright. Still feel quite a bit of pressure in the ol' noggin but it's not quite as bad. It comes and goes, but overall I don't have much to complain about, especially considering everything that others directly impacted by the fires are facing right now. The faculties are functioning better at least 75% of the time lol.
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Wow. 😲 I hope that weather is helping those crews battle the fires and puts them out quickly, as I cannot imagine how exhausted they must be by now. Canada, Greece, Maui in Hawaii. So much lost and so much land is devastated in such a short time. Man, there are just no words.
I am glad to hear you're doing better... especially how near you are to some of it. Always love to hear great news! Please keep me posted.
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I know right? The poor crews, not just here but worldwide, sure have their work cut out for them. Trying to find the silver lining here, at least this should help for the future to a degree. Nature is cleaning house so the areas getting hit right now will begin to regrow and won't pose an issue for many years to come. Hopefully.
Thanks again for checking in and stay safe out there!
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I know it's been a minute since I was last on, but I wanted to share this with you:
No words can express the devastation and the incalculable amount of loss for so many. Great thing about nature is it will grow back!
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Oh believe me, I'm going to be setting records for reclusive behavior this week. Steam should have a personal statistic for most time spent playing in a given period because I'm going to break a record.
Let me know if you still aren't able to find the last one by tomorrow. I could rearrange the letters or add more visibility if needed. The smoke is killing my ability to think so it might just be poor placement on my part.
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Glad you found it! I managed to rearrange things anyways so it should be a little easier now. Just think of it as eye exercise lol!
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What I find hilarious is that I also had a similar mental image in mind. Eyeballs in the gym for a few hours doing reps before going 'home' lol! It'd make for a wild writing prompt. I might have to whip one up when my brain starts functioning again haha! Take care~
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The thing is, I like things CountryFried. I'd prefer if it wasn't me though. I do enjoy a good bit of dark humor though so laugh away!
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Giveaway's have finished.
Bonus GA from xurc - Ended
There are too many wildfire's near me. The two closest are wIthin 30 minutes and both hAppen to be over 10,000 acres. That's a lot of land torched and the smoke is thick and heavy as well. As if that wasn't bad enough, I already had serious sinus issues ongoing. I'm not sure if it's the smoke or the antibiotics but I feel like I'm slowly dying here. On a side note, being under the weather has its advantages. Baldur's Gate 3 is a blast.
Thanks for coming to my
Ted Talkrant.Comment has been collapsed.