Found a guy that didn't activated his gifts (5 out of 6. one was very recent and was borderlands2 goty) but i can't report him because the report button is gone. Is is a temporary bug? What should i do since I don't think i'm allowed to post his name here?

11 years ago*

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oh nvm saw the button. hope he gets banned soon

11 years ago

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How long has it been since you sent the gift/code?

Some people don't activate them straight away, given they're not always at the computer (and sometimes have to attend to work/family for several days before even thinking of this stuff).

11 years ago

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Friendly reminder: we still can't see normal reports. So unless you are using SGP, please open a support ticket for any and all reports.

11 years ago

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Ok ill submit a ticket.

11 years ago

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Little question: does tickets opened for 3 weeks something normal in December, or something went wrong?

It's nothing big (now it's just an info about missing Shadow Warrior Upgrade on list). Still, makes me wonder if it went through, as my earlier tickets were answered in week the most.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Now that you mention that huge backlog you guys have been dealing with, why doesn't ST have any mods?
I've submitted a couple of tickets regarding the removal of fake -rep myself and i'm sure other people do that as well which only adds to the total number of tickets that need to be handled by SG support I assume.
I've always wondered if there was any reason in particular for CG not to assign a couple of mods to that part of the network, any idea?

11 years ago

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SG and ST mods are the same, though only two of us have the power to remove rep, for some reason. I tried to deal with ST, I really did, but I just got fed up of it being completely abandoned and having to go to other people to deal with any problems. I'm pretty much the only mod that actually wants to go into that hell hole and I'm not allowed to. It's absolutely backasswards.

11 years ago

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Correction, what i intended to type was "Why doesn't ST have any dedicated mods?"
But yeah I've noticed your work over there, and I can't say I blame you for getting fed up with it, it's a ton of work just handling all the reports not to mention all the people that simply want to complain and refuse to put any effort into a ticket whatsoever (think screencaps, proper readable format)
Is there any reason in particular for CG not to want people modding ST? I can understand not wanting active traders as mods due to conflict of interests, but if even you guys aren't allowed to actively mod that part of the network it kinda seems CG must have a really specific reason for that.

11 years ago

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I doubt there was a conflict of interest. At the time, my rep was about 10+/0-. Almost all of my 75+ rep right now has come from the last month. The number of suspensions I've doled out to the people I actually like on this site should also be testament to how much I try to avoid potential conflicts of interest actually affecting my work.

It's been a while (over a year, I believe) since I talked with cg about it, but if memory serves, it was basically that cg just wanted to focus on SG's upgrades rather than ST's needs. That, unfortunately, led into ST basically becoming a no man's land. The only mods who have any official power there don't really care, the people who might would need to go through them for every other request in my old stickied thread, which would just get spammy on everyone's part. So, it just got left to rot. We'll wander in to deal with an obvious scammer here and there when we're pointed to them, but for the most part we won't touch it. It's sad. :(

11 years ago

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"Friendly reminder: we still can't see normal reports."

Always makes me wonder how many thousands of reports there are we can't actually see or deal with. How many people escaped punishment because a user without SG+ reported them?

11 years ago

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cg said something in the lines of 25k a few weeks ago, if I remember the number correctly.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Less work for you it seems.

11 years ago

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so that basically means if i report via the Report User Button without SGP it will be lost inside a Batch of about 25k others (which no human person can read on its own and you supporters can not see)?

11 years ago

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Correct. :(

11 years ago

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That explains everything...thank you for the anwser

11 years ago

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How long has this been going on? I reported a user for regifting several weeks ago, and nothing has been done. Also, what is SGP?

11 years ago

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Send a support ticket, instead, and SG+ is a user-made plugin that does all kinds of things (in your browser) for your SG viewing pleasure.

11 years ago

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They should change the support page then because it says "Reporting Users: If you're reporting a user, please do not use support. Instead, click the Report User button which is located on their profile."

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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That's really weird...

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by Getty.