
In the view filter of searching for similar giveaways where we select "All", "Coming Soon", "Open", "Closed", "Deleted" (when we filter by a single app) you currently have these 2 "Views", as they're called:

  • "Available"
  • "All"

Can you also add a third option for "View":

Where we can see the "Open" giveaways that we did NOT enter yet? Or to see which closed giveaways we did not enter (even for those that think "ah, damn it, I didn't see it" or some OCD :) )?

Thank you!

6 months ago

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Not what you want, but take a look at the search parameters to narrow your searches.

6 months ago

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This seemed promising and almost is what I want, but I can't identify a param for "GAs where I am not participating". Otherwise it would have been perfect :(

6 months ago

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dont entered GAs fade out even without an add-on?
so everything you havent entered yet would be not faded out...
i personally feel its enough to see what i have or havent entered yet of a game. but maybe you have a different aim for that feature?
i havent encountered a GA yet i have looked at that had more than all currently available GA listed on one page

6 months ago

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It is not necessarily for visuals. Yes, what you say is true and it is faded out, but when a game is on sale, there can be even 30 GAs for the same app. It is harder to manage which to join or leave (f.e. depending on the number of entries or whatever else). If we're talking about 6 GAs on a page, it's enough, but my issue was for apps on sale that have many giveaway posts on the site.

Let me give you an example now: search for "Saku" on the main Giveaway list. You'll see over 20 (if not over 30) games from the Sakura series. 4 weeks or so ago, same thing for the LEGO franchise. So if you'd enter, say, 4, then refreshed, those 4 would disappear if you had an "Unentered" View.

6 months ago

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ok i guess i see where youre coming from.
i thought of individual game pages only and not about these kind of search parameters
might actually be useful for even just looking at "All"

6 months ago

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Even for a search for a single app. You'll still have a lot of entries for one title in cases of "on sale" GAs. Whether you search the main list for a partial name pattern or whether you filter a single title, the same problem appears. Implementation-wise it shouldn't be too hard (since the fade of entered GAs is already implemented). So the "opposite" of that criterion would be used as a View instead. It's just a matter of whether the site maintainers are willing to do it. Which I hope they will :)

6 months ago

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Sorry to destroy your hope, but i'm fairly confident this feature will not be added.
The lack of responses to this thread is an indication that people don't care much about this.
I personally fail to see how this would be useful in any way. There are never that many giveaways that you'd need to hide the entered ones.
Yesterday after you posted your previous comment, i searched for Sakura games out of curiosity and there were ~40 matches. This is one of the more "extreme" cases and yet it still fits on one page.

6 months ago

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I am not sure the search has multiple pages, to be honest. Again, the number of entries is the issue, not the number of pages necessarily. And yes, as you said, the lack of response is a sad indicator.

6 months ago

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I'm not really sure what would help you.
Entered giveaways are faded out, that makes it easy to scroll past.
If you want to compare giveaway entries, you can check them in your Entered page.
And check entries of not-entered in the "normal" page while ignoring the faded out GAs - they stand out and it doesn't take long.

6 months ago

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I would argue it helps the same way as the modes that the site was split into now (upcoming, deleted, open etc.) as filters on the left and Views (all / available or whatever other option) on the right, as having less entries means faster load times (assuming you can set it as default, f.e. in Cookies or settings). So you can say I kinda burrowed (as to not say "stolen") from the current site structure (and thought of a way to reduce it more as some claim that there are still slow loads sometimes).

6 months ago

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I'm using ESGST for that 🤔

6 months ago

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