hello guys before days i've recieved a request to change my steam e-mail and it include another steamID , so i've contacted steam support they said provide us the first e-mail & and a picture of a cd key i have them should i proceed or not cause i'm afraid that they will close my account ! , Thanks !

10 years ago

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Whoa, hold on, what's the e-mail address it was sent from?

10 years ago

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the problem is steam support email

10 years ago

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So you made sure it was actually from steam support and not someone just saying they're from steam support?

10 years ago

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Care to write exactly what email it is ?

Someone might have managed to get your Steam credentials and might be trying to take entire control by getting the account associated with another email. Make sure SteamGuard is enabled, you don't download fishy .exes, and also make sure you don't connect via shady sites that might be impersonating Steam API.

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 10 years ago.

10 years ago

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Someone seems to be trying to hijack your account. Don't worry, if you are careful enough it won't happen.

YOU SHOULDN'T POST THE 5-CHAR CODE HERE because : if the person who is trying to hijack sees your post, he will be able to confirm the code and change the email.

Consider changing your password to a more secure one (long password, uppercase/lowercase/numbers) and make sure your email password is secure too have SteamGuard enabled and be careful and it will

10 years ago

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Aaaaand 10 minutes later, the code is still here.

10 years ago

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David don't worry the code doesn't work and my password is hard to guess , & steamguard enabled since 2012 , well just want to know if better to send steam support the informations they want me to provied or just ignore them ? (i've opened support ticket)

10 years ago

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I think you should ignore. Someone else sent the request, and you don't want his request to be granted.

edit : But you should maybe ask yourself how the guy managed to make the request. To me it means he managed to get your Steam credentials, you might want to check your computer for viruses or keyloggers.

10 years ago

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yes before days ago and my steam not hijacked i've changed the password in case of being hacked , thanks mate i'll not proceed with them they may close my account lol

10 years ago

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Closed 10 years ago by iXeN.