Dear passengers,

It's my birthday! To celebrate the occasion, I would like to welcome you to a week-long ride on the DOOM bullet train!
You may access and join the following cars:

Shooter Class:
DOOM (1993)
Doom 64
Quake II
Turok 2: Seeds of Evil
Shadow Warrior Classic Redux
Duke Nukem 3D: 20th Anniversary World Tour
Serious Sam Classics: Revolution
Return to Castle Wolfenstein
Wolfenstein: The New Order
Wolfenstein: The Old Blood
Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus
(the last three Wolfenstein games are region locked - not available in Saudi Arabia - sorry)
You are expected to find a code to access your cabins. It should be easy to spot. Please wait patiently in line to board the train. There’s room for everyone, no need to push.
If you need assistance, I advise against approaching the train staff, as they are all heavily armed and possessed by demons. You better shoot first and ask questions later. Come to think of it, it’s probably more informative to just RTFM.

Boomer Class:
Forgive me Father
Metal: Hellsinger
Dread Templar
You may only enter your cabins after you complete a perfect ultra-violent ride of the first leg of the journey. Frag’em all and hit every secret spot! Good luck and godspeed!

Space-Marine class:
DOOM Eternal
A reliable source informed me that your cabin is locked past the Boomer class cabins. ‘Nuff said. Oorah!

All aboard!
There’s only one last thing to verify before we leave the station:
Does this browser train run DOOM?
(it may take a short while to get going for the first time)

Please don't forget to
Rip & Tear & Bump!

This is a fork - with a few giveaway related modifications - of Cloudflare’s WebAssembly DOOM port, which is based on Chocolate DOOM.

The train site will only be up for the duration of the giveaway, and is not intended to be used for any other purpose. Buy the full game! It's cheap! It’s great! I’m just a fan - I’m not affiliated in any way, shape or form!

3 months ago*

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3 months ago

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I apologize to all of you who struggled with the controls. It's not part of the puzzle. Here's what you need to know. Use:

  • WASD to move+strafe;
  • arrow keys/mouse to move+turn;
  • E to “use” (open doors, etc.);
  • SPACE/left click to fire;
  • SHIFT (hold) to run;
  • F / Alt-Enter (when in game) to switch to fullscreen;
  • RETURN to select menu options;
  • ESC to enter main menu/exit menu (ESC is captured by the browser, so it also exits fullscreen);

Hope this helps.

If mouse motion is erratic (seems to happen mostly on firefox), remember that DOOM was originally designed to be played without a mouse. So you're actually getting the more authentic experience...

3 months ago

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Original doom didn't use wasd, original doom doesn't NEED wasd. And for that reason I'm out :D Original idea for GA's though.

3 months ago

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3 months ago

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You're absolutely right, didn't mean to offend :D Now if you'll excuse me I'll be in my corner crying :D

View attached image.
3 months ago

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Definitely not offended :-)
Some of my best friends are religious too.

3 months ago

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Hints so far (you may want to reveal them one at a time):

Shooter class
1st hint - it's a real hint, even if it sounds like it isn't
2nd hint
3rd hint - the low resolution confused some people (didn't notice it, sorry! - thanks go to Mithrenes for the heads up)
Guided DOOM meditation

Boomer class
more info (the video is a bit misleading but it's cool nonetheless)
lowercase/uppercase - you're looking at a single code, not two

Space Marine class
1st hint
2nd hint

3 months ago*

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Rip & Thanks!

edit: dang the mouse feels awful, my browser may not run doom properly.

3 months ago*

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I had such issues with firefox. I suggest you switch browsers if you can.
In any case, you can mostly make do with wasd+arrows for motion and aiming in Doom, you don't usually need to be so accurate, especially once you get a shotgun ;-)

3 months ago

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You're right, what was I thinking. This is OG Doom, I should be using the arrow keys.

3 months ago

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3 months ago

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Happy birthday! 🍰
I've no clue where the code is though :s

3 months ago

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I do suggest you read again the instructions... there's not much to it tbh.
I'll probably drop a hint tommorow it these prove too obscure to follow.

3 months ago

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3 months ago

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Thank you :)
I played the game a bit yesterday and reached lvl 3 but whenever I fall into water it's over lol
I don't think there's a dedicated jump button if any?

3 months ago

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There's no jumping in DOOM...
I won't stop you having fun playing, but to unlock the code there's really no need to go beyond the first level. In ultra violence difficulty. And kill everyone. And find all the secrets. Some people can do it in as little as 87 seconds :-)

3 months ago

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Awww you're a gem xD I'll try this tomorrow as I'm not playing anymore today. Thank you!

3 months ago

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The secret button is missing from that video. Is it also not supposed to have music?

3 months ago*

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Thank God I'm not the only one. I don't see the very first secret button as well.

3 months ago

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Apparently there were minor level changes depending on version.,_1993)/Revisional_Differences#E1M1:_Hangar

3 months ago

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You're right on both counts:

  • I couldn't get the sound track to work. Sorry. I did try.
  • The secret button doesn't exist in the shareware version of the map.
    There's another entrance to that secret area from the other side (at the end of the zigzag road).
    See this guide for example.
3 months ago

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Got the Boomer class. Now I just need to bruteforce the shooter code.

3 months ago

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Nice. Good luck!
Also: hint

3 months ago

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This comment was deleted 3 months ago.

3 months ago

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3 months ago

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Wow! thanks for that!

3 months ago

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I hope this is not a dumb question, is there a giveaway link somewhere, or a puzzle?
Also, when I go to the link my PC says "Multiple online threats blocked", so I hope that's not the puzzle.

ps - I'm 74 and I actually bought the very first Doom on disk when it first came out 😜

3 months ago*

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IMO there's no such thing as a dumb question.
And yes, the link is actually the puzzle(s). I can only give you my word that it's not a threat. It hosts a WebAssembly port of DOOM and it makes legitimate use of API calls that are often used for fingerprinting your browser by bad actors. No way around it actually.
Any chance you can access it via the TOR browser? it would be slower to load I guess, but should run just fine under the default security settings. Sorry.

Just saw your edit: It's my birthday and you made me feel young at 54. Thanks!

3 months ago

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I got it to load. However my mouse only lets me turn a few degrees, so I can not maneuver my character other than to try running backwards a lot, lol. I do fondly remember that opening level when I first stared playing Doom in the early 90's. I guess I will not be able to do the puzzle.

ps - My birthday is also in May (a couple of weeks ago). Happy Birthday to you!

Also, the year you were born, I performed with Stevie Wonder. A nice coincidence!

Gotta go fix dinner...

3 months ago

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Try WASD to move and the left & right arrows to rotate. And E to open the door, which took me an embarrassingly long time to figure out.

3 months ago

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The fact that the manual says that Spacebar is Interact when it is clearly used to Shoot really doesn't help. The main boss of the game is the first closed door. ^_^'

3 months ago*

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Like Skwerm says, you should be good to go with keyboard alone.

As for the rest, wow. All I can think of is this:

3 months ago

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3 months ago

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Spacebar to shoot

3 months ago

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Bump for "solved", lol, and happy birthday!

3 months ago

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I've been through the manual and instructions, played the game (Including checking for saved games), checked the source of the HTML as well as everything posted here.

Unless there's an end of game message (Which I don't have time to get to just now) I'm all out of ideas.

Thanks for the fun looking though!

GL everyone!

3 months ago

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I compared this really quick to Chocolate Doom with DOOM1.WAD and I think I see the code when I RTFM, but it's partially obscured, even after the thing blocking it jumps to the left. If that makes no sense to you or especially to the OP, then I am on the wrong track for this train. Waiting until tomorrow for a hint.....

3 months ago

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Bruteforce the obscured characters I guess 😬

3 months ago

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Yes, the skull seems to be in the way of what I would like to look at Skwerm.

3 months ago

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Stuck on this one too.

3 months ago

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3 months ago

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Same, I found it easily, but no way to get the complete code.

3 months ago

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You do not need any assistance.

3 months ago

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speak for yourself, I need all the help I can get! Tapped all the buttons and couldn't get it to move more. ctrl f'd the commit on the string I could see and didn't see anything. I'll keep trying but that's what I did yesterday.

3 months ago

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I'm actually trying to help - this is a hint.
I suggest you read the instructions again. Hope you get it then.
Enjoy the show!

3 months ago

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I'm lost too. Do you mean read the instructions here on steamgifts or in the game?

3 months ago

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I See. Sorry. Here.

3 months ago

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So the hint is that there is no hint?

3 months ago

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idk what i need to do and also Happy birthday mate \m/

3 months ago

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Happy birthday bump! This is a fantastic puzzle/train, everyone should enjoy it!

3 months ago

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Happy Birthday! I'm not far behind you and it's good to know there are a few of us hm... vintage folks around ;) to appreciate oldies and how far we've come in gaming and hardware.

3 months ago

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"Vintage" - gonna use that! Thanks again!

3 months ago

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... like a fine wine, a great vynil or... you know... computer disks.

3 months ago

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Happy Birthday!

I got the codes up to the boomer carts by playing, but I am not sure of the capitalization of the letters in each code. It's a bit hard to read DOOM's font re: similar looking letters and I also don't see any lowercase letters. Are there lowercase letters?

3 months ago

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I have two words for you: Lowercase/Uppercase.

3 months ago

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Damn, me dumb. So obvious once you said that. Also, happy birthday!

3 months ago

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Still wrestling with this 😖

3 months ago

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Well, the DOOM display font doesn't have lowercase letters, so I needed some way to mark this.
Source text:

Text wIth miXEd LowerCase and uPPerCaSE leTTeRS

Displayed text (hope I didn't botch it):


Note that the letter "U" looks too much like "V" in the DOOM display font (thanks ThatDave).
As I said: Lowercase/Uppercase :-)

3 months ago

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This is only for boomer, not shooter though, right? I must still be missing something.

3 months ago

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The shooter code happens to be all uppercase, and contains two digits.

3 months ago

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Thanks. Solved.

3 months ago

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I got the code from the first level and applied the capitalization from the code underneath and it still doesn't work.

3 months ago

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This comment was deleted 3 months ago.

3 months ago

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Yeah, he should put something like that right underneath the actual code so it's obvious.

3 months ago

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Or anywhere really.

3 months ago

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Like I'm not supposed to brute force it?
I played the game, I passed the checks....

3 months ago

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Rip & tear! Happy birthday ZungBang!

3 months ago

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3 months ago

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Bump. It's been so long since I played this, I forgot one of the 1st level secrets. ☹

3 months ago

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Happy birthday!

The game didn't run well on my Firefox, however private window with no extensions enabled did the job.
I guess I'll try again tomorrow since I don't remember the secrets. NO JOY. :)

3 months ago

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Happy bday!
I wonder how do i get rid of that pesky skull.

3 months ago

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Happy bday!

I reached the second train :)

3 months ago

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bump, found boomer, space marine, something special, but nothing on that shooter class skull manual stuff

Edit: Woo found all. Fun stuff.

3 months ago*

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Looks like I'm only a shooter class

3 months ago

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Ok, I've found the boomer ticket, but looks like the ticket inspector doesn't let me get in

3 months ago

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Please pay attention to letter case.
Hope this helps.

3 months ago

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Thanks for the help.
Yeah, at first I've tought that I've had two codes, then I got to your comment, and realized that is only one code, and the other are instructions. But I think I'm missing something, since every variation of lowercase/uppercase I've tried didn't work

3 months ago

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After some technical issues, got my access after all. You should fire the staff, man, they're not well!

3 months ago

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Shooter Class bump.

View attached image.
3 months ago

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hacker voice I'm in.

3 months ago

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Ok, so I'm an idiot. I played through the whole thing and didn't understand what I missed so I closed the tab and came back here to check, just now I noticed what I should have probably seen the first time around. Needless to say I can't be bothered to go through it again.
Happy birthday tho!

3 months ago

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Nah, not an idiot, just maybe too eager :-)

3 months ago

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In the end I went back and beat it again to get the code :P
I actually had fun playing through it yesterday, and getting lost in the map, on easy so I wanted to give it a try on normal difficulty. Kinda weird that it took me 30 years to actually bother to play Doom for the first time and discover why people like it despite the fact that I've known about it since back when Doom 2 was the big new game for PC, maybe the fact that I was like 4 back then has something to do with that.
So thanks for giving me a reason to try Doom, now I wanna give a go to the couple of entries that I actually own on Steam.

BTW, technically speaking I had played a bit of Doom 3 once at a friend's house and I played through both Doom RPG titles (the ones for old mobile phones), it's just THE Doom that I never played before.

3 months ago

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This is fun! Thanks for the train! :)

3 months ago

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3 months ago

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