My first idea would be a travelling game. You have the choice to travel mainly by car, but you can also go by bike, camper, or motorcycle. You choose a destination across America, or Europe, or even the whole world (in the future when the computers can handle it). You also have to choose a budget. But it wouldn't be "I start here, I go here." Let's say you choose by car. You start your journey when... Blam! Flat tire. You have to find a garage, unless you have a spare. But you can also choose to leave your car there and buy another one if your budget can handle it... Name of the game? I dunno... World Travelling I guess...
Second idea:
Disaster Simulation.
A first person game. The game starts at any of the locations you choose (city, tropical island, more stuff like that). Then you choose the disaster of your choice (tornado, zombie apocalypse, alien invasion, flood, fire, volcano, or earthquake. Now we're talking.) Next, it's just you vs. the disaster in a open world. Need guns to fight off the zombies? The weapons shop is right around the corner. Need a big 4x4 truck to cross the flood? Got it. Need something to just crush through everything? The military base has a tank fueled and ready to go. Hell yeah.
And sorry for the one mile long post :D
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Thanks! Been thinking about it for a long time, yet, it's the first time I ever talk about it. XD
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I've got to say that the Disaster Simulation thingy would maybe catch on. But you will have to either make it realistic or comical. If the scenario's solutions aren't varied and wide to choose from, people won't really like it ( if going for realistic )
Just my thought on it :)
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I would choose realistic. But the idea would be to have total freedom on everything, like mods included in game, hard or easy, peacefulness or total chaos.
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I would totally buy a game like your second idea. Done by the right person the proper way, it could really be amazing.
Really sounds like something that could sell.
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I have a couple of game ideas. A game that would be scary, surreal and atmospheric. Most horror games atm are crap. Another idea would be an intelligent futuristic scifi game with lots of neon lights and possibly many genres (adventure, rpg, fps?). Then a game in a tropical island, probably adventure-tps-rpg (perhaps similar to Lost except for some bad stuff). And ofc an epic fantasy game that would have alot better story than any offered so far.
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I'm sorry but your ideas aren't so much better than mine. :3
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Some sort of 4x SciFi Strategy/FPS/RPG mashup.
E.g. You start as simple Fighter Pilot, fulfill a few missions, you level up. Now you can get bigger ships. Once you have a rank high enough, you are allowed to recruit/build new ships for your fleet, and when you conquer a new planet, you become it's governor, now you choose what to built.
Since it's also some sort of RPG, you earn skillpoints, and with these points, you can, e.g. gain more money from planets, or command huge fleets easier.
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So it starts as a FPS, gets to a RPG, and ends as a Strategy game? +1
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Yeah, it's like.
When you have a big fleet, you can comand all of the ships, like in a RTS, or you give premade orders, like. "Attack this or that point, but stay safe. And then you play just your ship. Like in EVE, e.g.
There are also RPG Elements already in the beginning, when you recieve your first LevelUp.
But yeah, in the End, it'd probably be alot like a Strategy Game, since you have huge fleets and many planets.
sigh If that could ever come true...
And what does the +1 mean?
(I am new. D: )
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+1 means nice post/comment/idea/whatever. Usually used to say that you'd say the same thing, but to avoid double comments you just reply saying +1.
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Really? Hmm. Yeah, maybe that fleet stuff. But what you have in SPORE is quite simply. I want to have it more complex, y'know?
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Retro Adventure RPG game (I actually made a demo for a school project of it)
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A third-person action adventure flying carpet racing game.
In a fantasy middle-eastern inspired world where magic is abundant but dangerous and forbidden a poor and young burglar dwelves in amateur flying carpet races (which are illegal), with dreams of participating in a tournament; Something only those of noble birth or of the religious/magical caste can do.
Adventruous stuff happen and he finds himself with an amazing 'carpet', mistaken as a famous rider and thanks to that get invited to a fabled lost city in the desert where the biggest and most epic race occur, supposedly where the first flying carpets were created by some wizard/alchemist. But finding where the city really is is an adventure and race by itself, since entry is 'first comes', no one knows where it is and all the greatest racers are looking for the same place- all while you're hunted down by imperial lackeys for your trickery and the arfifact you stolen from the prince.
But it all comes down to racing with fast flying carpets, jumping from carpets to carpets, fighting bad guys of your carpet and using lots of parkour: the only way to race, since falling off the carpets is easy and knowing when to jump off and back again to your carpet is where the real skill is.
Well... something along that. Thats just one of the AAA ideas i would like to make someday.
But for now im sticking with small ideas, right now pushing a pitch on a 2d hibrid of adventure, text-adventures and rogue-like that doubles as an online tabletop rpg table. Thinking of kickstarting it as soon as some of the art and the whole team is nailed down.
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Not giving a fuck simulator. The story is complex, it focuses on a young man and his social interactions, nachos are involved at some point. The gameplay is very complex, there is a lot of things you don't give a fuck about and a lot of mechanics, accordingly. The setting is kind of a creative reimagining of our everyday world, but with some twists (don't get to excited, but goats can twerk in this reality. I KNOW, RIGHT?!!!). A lot of pop-culture jokes are included. A lot of fart jokes as well. Obviously.
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I have had this idea for a while. You start off as a male or female who just got a loan. You get the choice to buy a shop in the city/ street of your choice. Once you buy the shop, you just manage the shop, have employees, and run to auctions and stuff to buy better items cheaper. However, it isn't that simple. There can be robbers, rowdy guests, bad employees, and your job is to keep it all in check. Eventually, you can micro-manage more then one shop.
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Sounds like a charming carrerr choice actually...
Games are for escapism, even realistic 'sim wannabes' games about war are. Unless theres something else for this managers life to make it interesting seeing life/thins trought his perspective, sheer store management is too close from reality and not fun enought for a game.
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Like survival game in real world in real time and size. No missions. Map would be google earth.
Its only for PC and recommended hardware would be 16gb ram, nvidia titan, i7 4770k, ssd and 3 monitor setup : )
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Like many other people, I'd make a shooter. I'd make a Future/Advanced Tech style FPS, using various specular and normal maps to make any lights/neon pop out. I'd go for a mix of a realist vision of the future, blended with the typical 'VHS future' setting seen in a game like Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon, but instead of 'Cyber-commandoes' they would have prostetic limbs working with the human brain. It'd be based on Stealth, and feature different elements of avoiding various enemies. It'd take place in what would be a facility, the closest comparison I can think of is the SCP Foundation. It wouldn't be filled with the types of horrors as the Foundation, but the facility would have the same type of research/technology themes used. The entire idea of the Foundation is to 'Protect society and research anomolous events, artifacts, and entities for a cause complying with science.', This would be similar to what I would create. You could be a test subject, or you could be a guard while a test goes horribly wrong. Another idea could be a revolt from the test subjects. A lot of different scenarios for that setting. Maybe it could also have a take on the RPG style of game, kind of like Far Cry and the Fallout series.
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If I'll ever create a game, I will create a never-ending game, no matter what genre. Whenever you play there be always a generated level\mission for you to play\jump in and it will not be boring or repeat itself often. :)
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you can know it... in 5 years... or 10... or 20... or... in ani moment... just wait.
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iv always wanted to create a video game, if it was me i would create an open-world survival game where nature is your enemy eg (floods,heatwaves,volcanoes,snow storms) the idea would be to adapt to the environment to survive. co-op would also be interesting, helping each other to survive. Maybe one day il be able to create a game like that :)
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Wrote out the story for a revolutionary MMO once, persistent world and all that. Imagine your fantasies made more realistic and with real world grime.
Named it Zephyr, because the game world would be continually changing just like the wind.
Coolest part was the lack of boundaries, from drastic differences from factions and species to entire worlds under water. All before Shitaclysm came out.
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pretty much, two player online game. every match has a randomly generated city. now player one runs around the city in 3rd person GTA style. as time passes, player one continues to get money, which they can use to buy weapons, powers, and stat upgrades in a drop-down menu. they can also do missions, rob stores and banks, and do other stuff to get money. player one's job is to survive.
player two however, views the city in an rts style view. they also earn money over time, however at a faster rate then player one, to make up for the fact that they can't do missions. player two's job is to kill the ever-loving shit out of player one. they do this by spending money to call in units to attack the player (cultist, mobsters, zombies, and giant robots to name a few examples,) cause localized natural disasters, alter the environment ( crash a building down to block a path, make a street drop off suddenly into a cliff face, etc,) and other random effects, i.e.: awaken a giant slumbering elder god beneath the city, cause cars to fly towards the player, stuff like that. if player one survives for a set amount of time, player one wins.
sorry for the long ass post, more ideas coming soon.
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I mean: Genre, Story etc...!
I'm just curious ^_^
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