steamgifts gets you into this loop, monotony and constant repetition of "fake" (who am i to judge) "thanks" that after a wile you start to forget that these are real people we are interacting with here with real emotions...

this community is built on the faith and good will of human beings.

im sad to say i sort of forgot about that and got dragged into the "i'll thank him if I win" or the "I only write when i have something to say".
Excuse me let me correct myself, no one dragged me, i jumped into those things.

I may not be the biggest gifter here but let me say, every game i gave (the few i have so far) and all those to come where gifted gladly and with a smile.

thanks to all of you here. sincerely.

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by dirtling.