I check the winners of giveaways now and then and NO ONE has a comment/entry ratio even near 1:1, hell most of them haven't even done more then max 10 comments on hundreds of entries.

It should be required to say a simple thanks before you even enter IMO.

lazy ungrateful bastards! :/

12 years ago*

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Check my profile bro.

12 years ago

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Mine too.

12 years ago

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Got to admit I didn't read through the posts between op and mine, but I just want to state my point of view on the matter anyway. If you think that everyone should say thanks to a giveaway's creator when entering it, consider this:

Saying thanks in the comments directs the gratitude to the creator of that giveaway you enter and ONLY to him. While it was free to you, it was not free for everyone. You paid for the entry with points, and others paid for these points by paying for products they gave away in raffles you did not enter.

Now imagine what it would be like if every giveaway would interest you. That would mean you could only enter 5% of all the giveaways you would like to enter as that's exactly how many points you get from the giveaways. That would suck quite a bit, don't you agree? So if you are grateful that someone gives you the chance to win a game you want to have, don't forget to be grateful to those who gave you the points you need to claim that chance. How do you show your gratitude to them? They deserve it as much as the creator of a giveaway you joined that's still open, for without them, it's just as though the giveaway for the product you want wasn't there since you can't enter it.

Because of that, it feels wrong to me to thank a single person for giving me the chance to win a game I want to have. At the same time, thanking each and every creator of a giveaway by commenting appears to me as just a little unreasonable. That's why I don't say thanks in a giveaway's comments, ever. If I had to post a comment before being allowed to enter a giveaway, I'd probably end up being annoyed and posting "asdf"ing spam into the comments as I'd still feel uncomfortable in directing my thanks to just that one person.

Also, I feel it's more appropriate to say thanks if you actually won something. I don't say thanks to the guys from that superstore whose 1.000.000th customer received a gift either if that customer isn't me.

Feel free to agree, disagree, flame, troll or love me now, or any combination of those. Or surprise me with something that's not in the list.

12 years ago

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unlike a superstore my giveaways are not a ploy to get more customers/clients.

12 years ago

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True - if someone gives away a game on here, it usually is to his own loss of money rather than a promotin, and I am grateful for that as I explained above. However, there are two "stages of gratefulness" on here to me (searching for a suitable wording in a hurry can lead to fascinating constructions...):
1st stage is discussed above - getting the chance to win something you want to have. I already told why I don't say thanks in that stage.
2nd stage is when you actually won and thus gained something - in that case, if I have the chance to do so (for exmaple by trading directly and thus chatting with the person who made the giveaway), I do thank that person because in that case, he didn't just give his money to the masses I coincidentally am part of by gifting the people who didn't enter some points and everyone who enters the chance to win, but also gave his money in form of the game to me. I actually gain something when I win, thus my gratitude for the creator of the giveaway increases to a level at which it feels reasonable to me to say thanks to him rather than to everyone who enabled me to enter.

I hope that makes sense. It at least does to me, lol.

12 years ago

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All I can say is I got a near 1:1 ratio.

12 years ago

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I will jump in with full admission that I have not donated a game on here yet. I have, however, donated to Child's Play and generally donate dozens of hours a year and a few % of my yearly income to various educational and family service charities. The next time I do any of those things purely for a "thank you" will be the first time. I donate time/money for a variety of reasons: to help someone out who needs it; to offer something I have in excess to someone who is lacking; and/or to give back in some way that I have been helped in the past. I also donate for the selfish reason that donating makes me feel good.

To me that if someone is doing a giveaway, they are doing it for one of many reasons perhaps including some of the reasons that I do it. I have never known anyone who has ever donated purely for a thank you. Quite simply, and many have already said this, to require a "thank you" takes away the power of the "thank you."

Are getting "thank you's" nice, sure. But there is nothing worse than insincerity. I hate to see people visibly angry over others not being appreciative enough - as if this site is the last battleground of society for us to make a stand for manners. This site is a great service and a great community, but also a commercial enterprise (though I can't imagine the ad revenue alone is enough to keep it up and running). I will continue to enjoy the giveaways and at least lurk through lots of threads. Now that I won my first giveaway (Lucid lol), maybe I will add in a giveaway soon.

You can thank me later ;)

12 years ago

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Well, in my opinion, a thankyou said out of necessity kind of loses its effect.

Sincerity > Necessity, and all that. I'm a new member here, but I'll be running a few giveaways soon. Personally, I'd rather see a few sincere Thank Yous (sincere people generally go a little further than to say thanks, such as saying more than one or two words to express their gratitude) than to see hundreds of "thanks" "thx" "thanx" messages.

That's simply my opinion. Like it or not, it's what it is.

12 years ago

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I have 389 entries and 389 comments

12 years ago

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instead of useless pointless comments like 90% of spammers here... maybe some of us like to keep it private. It would be rude not to thank if you will win a gift. but to spam thank you on all entries is pointless. i never read and i bet no one reads all the thanks spamed on a giveaway... i never did that... but i felt ok when the winners simply added me on steam and said a simple "thank you"

Thats the think i belive is to be apreciated... not the moronic bullshit of spamming thank you and get posts like the postwhores some of the users are... QUALITY BEFORE QUANTITY!

I'm out of here

12 years ago

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I fail to see how typing the exact same letters of thanks on hundreds of entries can qualify as an act of gratitude. The very idea of repetition dilutes the sentiment entirely, though the time it would take to write a personalized note to each and every giveaway creator is nothing short of ludicrous.

Spamming is hollow and lacks sincerity. I apologize if I've ever come across as greedy and selfish in my vow of silence, but I do appreciate the graciousness of everyone that does contribute, if that counts for anything at all.

I hope to eventually express my gratitude more meaningfully though, i.e contributing to the giveaway pool like all of those before me. Just need to wait till summer.

12 years ago

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I think that writing "thanks" just to spam up your comment count should be prohibited. either write something interesting or useful or original gratitude. No one will bother scrolling trough 100 pages of thanks coments and finding posts that are actually interesting.
Saying thanks should be reserved for the time you actually win something, not spamming countless Fortrix giveaways where you don't even give a fuck if you win, you just enter becouse it costs 1p and then spam thanks.

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by magixe.