So my latest giveaway just ended, I sent the game to the winner and it was marked as received. Everybody happy, right?
Not quite, I checked on the winner's profile as I do on occasion and it seems they're just idling for card drops (large number of games recently played for hours, zero achievements).
I wouldn't mind so much if I was just giving away trash, but this time I really would have liked my game to go to someone who would have actually played it and perhaps enjoyed it rather than just helping them get another twelve cents or whatever.
Sure, my track record isn't perfect. I've won a few that I haven't played as much as I'd like (curse you backlog) but I'm not entering every random giveaway just to make a couple of bucks.
Should I restrict any future giveaway to higher levels only? Am I expecting too much of people here or is it just luck of the draw?

7 years ago

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am I being unreasonable?

View Results
yes, get over it
no, these people are the worst

This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

7 years ago

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Well, you are giving away games here, and cannot police every giveaway. Still, if you want, you can try to develop a whitelist and give away such games only to those people, or enter a group with verified users, where this thing is forbidden, or nonexistent. Upping the level requirements on the giveaway could help, but level is not everything. I too have a few wins that I did not play already, but backlog here also :). But generally, I find the site to be not parasitic. Your mileage may vary :)

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Probably the best solution as well as easiest

7 years ago

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This is where I send the games I want someone to really enjoy, otherwise, I'm just rolling the dice on a public GA.

7 years ago

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+1 Came here to say this!

7 years ago

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+1 There is nothing more to say

7 years ago

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Easy but hardly a solution. Played rate will probably rise but it's a bit of a gamble though as your expectations rise so does the disappointment :P

7 years ago

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some people farm the games immediately but still have intent on going back thru and genuinely play them too. ^^

also... "Family Share" xD


Should I restrict any future giveaway to higher levels only?

those levels can be worse at not playing them, as they tend to have a lot more titles to play.

7 years ago*

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+1 i agree you on there today. :p

7 years ago

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+1; That's exactely what I was thinking, I use a program to get cards but I do play the games also...

7 years ago

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yeah, out of my 3.800+ sent games there has only been one single GA i actually hoped the winner to play, and they did play it some. (it had no cards or achievements, yet had playtime on it)

7 years ago

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For curiosity's sake what was the game?

7 years ago

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elder scrolls online

7 years ago

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There are also high level farmer...
You can turn yourself to group as Playing Appreciated and such.

7 years ago

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usually i only reserve the good GAs for special occasions and limit the entry to a certain few.
It's sad when u spent on something special only for it to be idled but.... it happens.

7 years ago

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Restricting GAs to higher levels won't solve anything, every kind of person is on every kind of level, so even if you made level 10 GAs you'd still run the risk of it going to someone that does not fill your individual criteria.
As Yirg linked above PA group, and in addition Actually Playing Games group, are both decent choices if you want there to be better chances of the game being played. There's several other small groups that are primarily populated by people with similar mindsets but only those two to my knowledge have this specific focus.
Also as psybreeze suggested whitelist can also achieve this effect if you only populate it with such people.
A third solution would be forum giveaways gated behind SGTools with a custom rule that only allows entry if the game is wishlisted before the starting date + the total wishlist is below astronomical amounts.
Otherwise you can only include in the description that you wish only people that intend to play the game to enter and pray they abide by it.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

7 years ago

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A small story. I recently posted a DLC for a game, which was used in its bonus game mode only. I had even a nice little description on why it is good for the players, hoping that it will make some player's life a bit easier in that mode.
Very first entry: never played the game. Ever.
(The winner as well, by the way, but then I also just sighed and stopped caring.)

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

7 years ago

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You are kind of expecting too much but you are not being unreasonable. I also am disappointed when I giveaway a game I like to people that just leave it on their backlog and it idle for cards. Also real life, current plays, and other stuff may delay playing your wins... If you give them time maybe your winners will surprise you.

Increasing to higher levels would not do much, I think. From my experience, high level users also tend to have more games and a bigger backlog. Maybe you could try entering groups that require members to play their wins in a certain amount of time or for which not playing wins is considered impolite...

7 years ago

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Considering the game that you gave away, I would say that you are not being unreasonable.
On the other hand, you made it public, which means that anyone can win without satisfying any custom requirement other than the level.

Don't get me wrong, public GAs are important and very much in the spirit of giving, but one also must be realistic and change their expectation accordingly...

The solution is either limiting those kind of high profile giveaways to private groups, or do private giveaways behind a Steamgifts Tools wall.

Of course, if everyone only gave away games inside of private groups, it would become a circlejerk for a few chosen ones. Again, public giveaways are part of what makes Steagifts what it is, it's a shame many users enter them indiscriminately.

Also, it's important to remember that people have their own priorities. If the winner just hasn't time to play it, I feel it's totally fine, even if it's months. At the end, when the time is right, they will/may enjoy the game to the fullest.
Your winner unfortunately doesn't seem to fall on this category though...

7 years ago*

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I've been following winners (not just of my giveaways!) for months now and sadly more than 80% doesn't play the games, some don't even idle them.

Then I realized sometimes it takes me months to play something, and that's with wins having priority over stuff I buy myself... it's not that I don't want to, it's just that stuff happens at work and then there's no time and you're tired and... being a gamer in 30s is hard. Of course, I don't enter lots of giveaways for years now, only if I really want to play something... and even then I think twice and re-check what I've already won and didn't have time to play... and yet it happens that I win a game I wanted for years and I start playing, then have to stop for a while, that break grows longer due to circumstances, then... it's weird to continue and even weirder to start over...

That said, there are people who don't care what they enter for, they just wanna +1 and... well, it's not what I'd like for this website, but it's not against the rules.

tldr; people will be people.

7 years ago

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I don't care, unless the user is on my whitelist and if it's a giveaway for a more "premium" game. I'm not a rich person, so when I give out non-bundled stuff etc, I hope it goes to "a good home".

I used to put people on my whitelist just based on good ratios etc, but then I noticed some people didn't actually play any of their games or very few, so now I curate my list more carefully and don't just add people if they have good ratios.
I don't expect them to play the game right away. I don't mind if it takes them years to play it. Hell, it will probably take me years to play everything I've won. I just wish that they will play it and not just farm the cards and forget about it.
I personally don't "farm" any of my games. Even the crappiest looking bundle trash I at least try to play. Sure, sometimes they're such garbage or simply don't even work that I only play them for a minute or two.

There used to be a person on my whitelist that had like 3000 games on their account, but they had only achievements in 2 or 3 games.
Why have thousands of games and not play any of them?! I thought even card farmers played at least some of their games.

7 years ago

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You will eventually be so numb about it that your mind develops total apathy towards this behaviour. I just cannot bring myself to even hope any more that no matter what trick I try, the game I sent out will actually be ever played.

7 years ago

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I mind it too, especially if I went out of my way to buy a good game. I usually blacklist people who've played like 5% of their wins, but obviously you can't find anyone. Maybe try joining a group that requires the winners to play the games they won?

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

7 years ago

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I would do the same but I found the blacklist feature in ASF too late D:

7 years ago

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If that person is farming cards from Life is Strange instead of playing it there is something seriously wrong with him/her.

7 years ago

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Hi there. I think the game you have given away must be fabulous. I am pretty sure I was entering your giveaway as well :). It can always happen that your giveaway is won by somebody who does not appreciate it and just wants it for card farming. Here is the solution: If you REALLY wish the game to be played, it is easiest to put it in groups like "Playing Appreciated" or similar ones (there are some around; and no, I am not mentioning this group because I am a member myself, it is just the first one that came to my mind. Feel free to check the forum to find other groups). Sure, this adds some restrictions (actually a lot restrictions), but then your game has to be played.
In general, I would not try to be too sad, since there is no way you can change it now, but to keep in mind that a restriction might help you in the future to achieve your goal (however, I think there will never be a chance of 100%). Another way of not getting unhappy about it, is simply not checking what the winner did with this game.

7 years ago*

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Either give it to Playing Appreciated, or just wait. When I was idling my library ASF just went through everything, so while everything is idled, I do want to play most of them still. So: I understand your concerns, but 2 days is only 2 days. Most of us is playing something, and not stopping a game in the middle just to start a new (won) one is understandable in my opinion. I personally have to-be-played games from 1-2 years before, just to show that people like me / us do happen :D

7 years ago

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I personally don't care. I farm every game (because ASF is so effective), I have a big backlog but I'm intended to play every game won. It'll take time.

But a thing that really bothers me a lot (mostly with high level winners) it's when I check their profile and all the giveaways are group related with 10 or so entries, or absolutely all the giveaways being region restricted.

7 years ago

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Since it's very easy to identify who you are talking about I'd rather close this thread. It's fine if you want to discuss topics like this one but try to be more general and do not mention specific users.

7 years ago

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Closed 7 years ago by TempeteJoachim.