Well that's pretty ridiculous. You're telling me that someone can spam the site with inappropriate pics and we just have to put up with it until someone gets around to removing them? Another good reason why this site needs more staff.
I will close/remove this post when the pic is gone.
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Because there are only 2 staff members who can delete comments
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That's something that apparently needs to be addressed then. All it would take is for some idiot to spam the site to royally mess things up. Fortunately in this case the person was caught before they had a chance to spam a bunch more of them but what if he did? Is there no way to contact one of these two staff members in case of an emergency?
How about closing the thread until someone can delete it? Can anyone do that?
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Well, if they're not online, there's not much we can do besides waiting for them to come online.
cg is the only one that can decide to add the "Delete Comments" permission to moderators and/or supports, so if you want to get his attention you should try posting in Bugs/Suggestions instead.
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Moderators can, although I'm not sure they can reopen a thread afterwards
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Support Staff are volounteers, doing their work for free in their spare time, while also having their real life, family, work, school etc. What do you expect? Phone to Lina/cg "Hey, I don't care if you're in the middle of meeting, tell your boss you gotta leave, because you're needed at SG"? Also closing the whole valid thread because of one comment is a little bit overkill don't you think? Not to mention punishing everyone who were participating in discussion. And if something like that happens it would be then exploited by idiots to close topics they don't like. You're a bigot and don't like "Gay Marriage" discussion thread? Post a dick-pic and get the topic closed! You don't like the fact that someone posted SGT thread and you cannot enter GAs? Or maybe you got blacklisted by OP and cannot enter GAs? Post a dick-pic and get the topic closed! Someone suggested something you don't like? Post a dick-pic and get the topic closed! You don't like some other user? Post a dick-pic in each and every topic he ever creates and get the topic closed! It would do much more wrong than good. Not to mention the fact that you are doing quite a big deal outt of just one comment that most people would not even notice if you wouldn't bring their attention to it.
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7+ hours the pic has been there and the topic is still open for others to see it. I only suggested closing the topic until the matter is resolved because there's no one available that can delete the pic. If it was 100 pics more people would have noticed it and still be complaining but because it's only one it makes no difference?
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and day has 24 hours. Out of which 9-10 hours you spend in work and travelling to it, 1-2 eating and for hygiene, ~8 sleeping. Is it so hard to believe that if there are only 2 staff members (Lina and cg) who can delete comments it's totally possible that none of them was available in last 7 hours? And it's not "only" few hours of closing topic. It is "as much as". Like I said - closing topics would create a bad precedent. In many cases closing a topic "just" for few hours is enough to totally screw over OP. If it was some announcment of asomething happening right now, if it was a puzzle/train/anything-GA-related with short time - OP gets no entries. And so on and on. You basically propose to give a very dangerous weapon to any troll-idiot out there for the sake of solving relatively minor issue.
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if we are talking about the same picture: keep cool! even adult males can have a small penis
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do we talk abouth the same picture?
a guy wore glasses over his penis and drawn a mouth on his legs?
do you call it pornography? cause nudity is also part of our art. i wouldnt like to call this picture "art", but i also wont like to call it porn^^
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a picture dont need to be funny to be allowed...
and if i would say "a naked girl has always to be forbidden", we had to ban many pictures out of our museums... so no, i dont think that a naked person has to be porn...
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Yeah, sorry your child had to see that.
Definitely not something that belongs on these forums.
Takes all kinds to make the world go around, I guess. Just wish I could move a few of them into a woodchipper. ;)
EDIT: I messaged CG on Steam with the link to the comment. Hopefully it will be removed soon.
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Okay, I want to say that I truly sympathize with you and you have every right to be upset.
However, you must realize that this can happen anytime and anywhere. No matter how many restrictions are put in place, no matter how fast authorities are at defusing a situation, nothing can stop a random idiot from flashing a penis on the Internet or in real life.
It should certainly be taken down. But, it sounds like what you're really upset about is the fact that your child saw it in the first place. The hard truth is, it only takes a moment and the deed is done. It's not your fault, it's not SG's fault, it's solely the fault of the person who chose to act like a moron. That person deserves to be reprimanded, but please do not cast all of your anger on the small, overloaded staff of this site. They only do what they can.
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Well, first off, I'm sorry your child was exposed to that. It's something that should have never happened. But, to be fair, I've been here almost three years and have never seen anything like that and I consider myself a pretty active user on here. This IS the internet were talking about so things like that are bound to happen no matter how many people in support we have. You should always exercise caution when browsing an online forum. I'm with Mullins on this, and I think this thread is causing more exposure to the comment than actually helping the situation.
TLDR; Support is aware of the situation and I'm sure they will delete it as soon as possible.
P.S. I don't mean to offend either, I'm just a pragmatic person to the core.
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A member here posted a pic of male genitalia in another thread. They are suspended (related?) but the pic remains. I put in a ticket for it a couple of hours ago. The pic has now been there for 7+ hours. Will the pic stay or will it be removed now that I hopefully have the attention of the support staff? If the suspension was because of his post then why was the pic not removed? My 9 year old really didn't need to see that and I shouldn't have to worry about what pics I see when I visit this site.
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