Just needed to access your profile to figure out.
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Non-bundle giveaways increase your maximum bundle CV by 20% their value, maybe it would help to have bundle games increase that limit by 5% of their value.
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I think you are missing the point of giveaways...
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That may be true, but he still has a point that there are probably a lot of people holding on to bundle keys because they won't get anything from giving them away. You can't force everyone to embrace the spirit of generosity, so why not encourage it?
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"Encourage it" - by rewarding those that give them away? That still isn't generosity.
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Encourage giving...
And are you really saying that any giveaway that rewards CV isn't generous?
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Nope, nice twist on my words though.
There are no GA's that reward CV, those GA's that have a higher CV contribution however reward generosity.
Generosity being someone who GA gifts they paid the same amount as a whole bundle costs, not expecting a rise in CV but because they genuinely wanted to give back to the community or wanted others to try there favorite games.
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I do get the point. But for that reason the CV system shouldn't exist. But it's fine that CV exists. It gives more reason to people to give games. If you give more, you get rewards: The chances of entering some giveaways that not everybody can enter.
But it has the small problem (in my opinion) that it doesn't encourages people to give bundled keys.
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I agree with this completely. I used to drop a bunch of extra bundle keys here until I figured out that you were punished for it. I'd be ok with getting nothing for it, but punished? There are other places to give away keys, so I take them there now.
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I've never had anyone look down on me for giving away bundled games, yet most what I have given away is bundle games.
Edit, I actually think it is more frowned upon if you start massive CV harvesting, like giving away 50 copies of some 90% off game (like T-72 Tank Command). Costing you about 50 bucks, maybe even less if it's bought from different region, but netting you 500 CV. That would actually get you on some blacklists for private giveaways I think...
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Actually, for example the keys from Humble Bundle are clearly marked "For personal use ONLY". Not sure about other sites. So maybe you aren't even allowed to?
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I wish this was how everyone felt.
Unfortunately it isn't, which is why we have the CV system. The problem is that that system isn't quite doing what it was meant to.
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you mean the bundle filter isn't doing what you want it to. Half of the time if you give away a game before it's bundled it will get counted as a bundle game after the fact. But if people really care about just giving the games away they would not worry about raising their CV.
If you want to get the value of the bundle then give away the full bundle and not just people try to give away one key in a bundle for a game that costs $20 when they only paid $1. Or just go to some random site and drop keys. You don't have to create a giveaway for everything.
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"Half of the time if you give away a game before it's bundled it will get counted as a bundle game after the fact."
This isn't true. If a game is bundled after you give it away, you will keep the full contributor value for that giveaway. The site keeps track of the date the game was bundled.
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^ It's truth, you get 30 Cv with bundled games, after that you CAN indeed get more CV from bundled stuff, you just need to giveaway no bundled stuff also.
Also I would say, if you're more interested with what you will get from giving this games to someone, you're not getting the idea of give away... it's just about giving away something...
PS: Yeah it has been discused many many many many times... and will be many more, I guess me and everyone else who keep checking and replying these topics are just chronic masochists lunies or something like. u.u
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Quote: "You don't get nothing right now for creating that giveaway. Only the gratitude of the receiver."
So you're saying my gratitude is worth zilch?
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The thing is, it's not only about CV, but also the attitude.
The 30CV cap is really handy, if you simply want to avoid people from entering if they are just giving away bundled games (2 games are pretty much enough to get 30 CV, but by your rules, adding some more bundled games (costing like, if you pick it out, way less then 1 dollar each) you can probably get over that 30CV mark at ease with 2-3 dollars. Meaning, people who create 30.01 CV giveaways now, cannot use that 'hard limit' anymore. And people who have actually given away non bundled games, have less chance of finding 30.01 giveaways they can enter.
Also, the attitude part, the real incentive here is actually the grattitude here. You get to feel to be part of a community after a while. I have 16 GA's running at the moment, 15 of which are on the bundle list, 14 of which are actual bundle keys, netting me a whopping total of 0.99 CV. Do I look like I care? No, because I helped an event here, because I know some people will probably really like the games they get. And last but not least, they hardly costed me anything (as most of it, is on fact, from bundles, so giving me CV for that would be rather, not in line with what I had to give up for that).
I am not saying everyone has to have that attitude, but I think it does help to avoid the 'commercialisation' of the site, meaning people would make giveaways just because they want to get something in return. And now, it really is more of a side effect that you probably have a higher chance because of CV, or maybe even get invited to groups that do GA's where you have a higher chance on winning.
Please, never expect to get anything in return, you wil be more happy if you actually get something in return. ANd stay as far away as possible from even sligghtly seeing creating GA's as some form of investment. :)
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You really only see all those $30.01 giveaways to spite people who won't buy games specifically to give away here. Someone could spend $1000 on bundle games just to give away here, but with the current system, they would only get $30 CV and people who bought a non-bundle DLC on sale for $0.50 will get more CV and act like they're better than the person who spent $1000 with purely good intentions.
Like you said, it's also about the attitude, and that hard cap is nothing more than a mechanism for discrimination.
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Someone who spends $1,000 on a bundle is likely also someone who would drop $50 on a AAA game and gift it here. The $25 + 20% cap (which equates to the $30) is in place so that bundled games DO count for generous people who gift other games, do count (though less) for people who are at least willing to gift their bundle leftovers, and still leave the leeches (who don't even gift bundled games) out.
Your proposal would make it such that a sufficient number of bundled games could get you to virtually any CV. I believe this would significantly decrease the number of mid-high CV giveaways of good games, which are intended as a thank you to large gifters.
It would make SteamGifts a better place for the less generous, and that makes it a worse place for the generous.
And yes, this is from someone who primarily gives away bundled games.
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I know that bundled games only can get your CV up to 30$ if you only create bundled giveaways.
It's a good way to avoid the CV of people grow much higher of their real contribution. So I don't discuss that those games should have a special consideration and not give full value. And in the first humble bundles you could get bundles with steam keys for 0.01$. So people exploited that and a limit had to be put down to avoid it.
But as there are more and more bundles sites everyday, the number of repeated games is increasing for the people that buy lots of them. You buy a bundle, get 6 new games and one you already have. And sometimes they are on separated keys. But this site as it is right now it don't encourages you to put that remaining key here. You don't get nothing right now for creating that giveaway. Only the gratitude of the receiver.
Why don't get, i don't know, 25 cents or something like that for each bundled game? So for the first 30$ of value of bundled games, it remains as always. But for each subsecuent bundled game you can get .25$ for each. It's a low quantity, but i think it would be enough to get people to post here those spare keys. Maybe there are still tons of bundles buyed at 1 cent but i doubt it.
I know it's a bit cheap to propose this as I have received much more that I have gave here, but, as I said, the site doesn't encourage me to put my repeated keys here.
PD: Maybe it has been discused many times, but I only see discussions about the 30$ cap. Sorry if it's a recurring topic.
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