sounds like you need an Android. Better quality phones for the same price. Same quality phones for lower price. and the Android OS beats the crap out of iOS in pretty much every way.
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I like the food, but the company is shit. I don't see the point, I never had the "need" for any apple products, majority of it seems to be just "oh I need the popular shit, that's Apple iDildo let me get that!" same goes for every following thousand products, and people get the newer products when they have perfectly working older ones, for no good reason other than to have them... Oh I have an iPad, but I want an iPad Mini, BITCH! Wasn't the point of the iPad to have that size tablet in the first place? Ain't the iPad Mini just Apple's answer to the Samsung Galaxy Tab, which is still better, but people wanted the iPad Mini because Samsung had released a better product earlier, but since it wasn't an Apple, they didn't buy it, I mean really?
Then really do I have to go into how iPhone just keeps releasing a new product, and people keep buying them? Really, what's the point in buying every new one when it comes out? Why buy them if they don't have a long life of being up to date? You know the latest iPhone is just gonna be outclassed by another iPhone in a year, two if you're lucky, and if you're gonna buy that too, won't the same thing happen then? And since when has anything iPhone done been actually advancing? They're behind Android in almost every possible way, but somehow Apple fans consider them still better? I'd rather get a Windows 8 phone than an iPhone too.
Really, what's the point of all this stuff that just gets replaced not so long later? You don't see every Android user buying a new phone each time a new one comes out. I kind of wonder if the new iPhone releases and the fact that people are so quick to buy the newest ones, isn't some kind of mask to cover up flaws with all of the models that they're not gonna last very long if you just keep using them for a few years straight, yeah people still use older ones, but there's probably some downtime in there after X person buys the new one, and Y person activates X's old one, and continues down the chain too as it seems even those using the older ones, upgrade to the 2nd newest ones once the people using those upgrade to the newest... Seriously? Mind boggling. I don't get it.
Oh, and the only Apple product I ever cared for, and easily give a lot of credit to, and say it was actually good, was the Apple II, that thing had some real balls.
Edit: Made it not a single block of text.
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You're definitely not the only one guy, red delicious? More like red disgusting. Don't even get me started on braeburns. Those computer things are pretty sub-par too I guess.
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Eh, not a fan of apples. Don't know why, they've always tasted weird to me. I prefer bananas, myself.
Oh, wait, we're talking about the company, right? Well, I only got an Apple account when Infinity Blade was free, but since I've never owned a fancy-schmany-rich-person Apple device, it was kind of a waste. I will say that trying to navigate the appstore and logging into my account was pure hell, and it was NOT worth having access to more apps than Amazon's appstore. I probably don't want an iDevice now because of how ludicriously convoluted the process was.
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I love Apple. I switched to a Mac just a few months back and I don't think I'll ever switch back to Windows.
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i was 4 yrs old w/ a texas instrument then spent like 1.1k usd on an apple an apple fan...too expensive...but decent os is built for novices i built a better computer than my dads for 1/4 the price....dont hate the player...hate the game...suckers buy beats audio stuff cuz dr. dre says so
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Hurt yourself, please. Seriously.
inb4 "sukc dik lal fegg its mi opinon xDDDDD"
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I like apples, especially green ones. "An apple a day keeps the doctor away."
Now for the trading mark "Apple" i don't like their products..too expensive and not that high quality for their price.
Also many people work for "Apple" products for inhumane salaries. I won't say i hate something, because hating something would give that something my power, which is attention.
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Lets see, overpriced, cant be upgraded or fixed, lesser technology for higher prices, scumbag business models.
No I hate them too.
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Call me old school but I still buy my music on CD... I'm a dinosaur...
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I don´t hate the products, but I hate their marketing. It´s like brainwashing. People buy apple products only because are Apple. They don´t need, but "ohhohoh it´s Apple I wanna buy". I understand when people buy because work or something like that. But for people who only uses for Facebook/Youtube it´s just stupid. And the worst, some people really don´t have resorces for expensive laptops/cellphones, but they end with debts only because they wanted an "Apple". That behaviour it´s annoying O_o
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So this is the reason why I hate apple.
One day I was checking my bank account I saw a charge from apple, 16,16 DKK.
It made me confused because I didn't buy anything at the time of the charge.
So I went checking my iTunes purchase history and so.
nothing showed up.
So I contacted their support to find out what this all was about, but they couldn't find the charge or tell me why I got it.
Than I got pretty upset.
Than I got a new credit card and bought a thing on iTunes.
When I looked at my bank account I could see there was another charge. This time I got enough. I will never use Apple again when I can afford a new phone.
I am wondering. Have any of you experienced the same??
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