Which one do you think is more helpful to show?
Perhaps not much, that's why I started with "This might concern no-one else other than me" :P
The thought behind all this is that those who join the giveaway might be more interested in how long the giveaway has been running / will last, while they may have no interest in all that time the giveaway was "behind the curtain" (instead, this could lead to some confusion)
About the not started giveaways, as said, I might be wrong about it.. anyway,
That's the start time, not the created time, so why don't show that even in running giveaways?
The difference is that with start and end time one could tell the length of the raffle, white (as far as I can remember) you cannot as it is now.
I mean, you already know the giveaway has been created because you're seeing its page, doesn't matter when.. what matters is when you're able to interact with it (pressing the enter giveaway button)
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I had that during hog month from talgaby. Every now and then a giveaway will pop up while the created date would be like 3 weeks. Took me a couple of seconds to remember these were created in advance and that the site wasn't just messing up. I've never come across a giveaway being made to wait though apart from twice in the touhou group where I had notify me of wishlisted games and 2 had yet to be start but even then I would've never noticed if it weren't for being given the actual link so it would've just appeared and surprised me
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Or perhaps you're browsing giveaways and see a giveaway you want to enter, nice! And then you notice it was created days/weeks ago.. how did I even managed to miss it all this time? It's even on my wishlist!
Yeah it's because sometimes, people create GAs in advance and then they end up not showing on the "new" page as recent even though they only just started. I missed a few like these and I agree it's annoying and it would be more valuable to have the start date than the creation date because really who cares when they're created?
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It wasn't like that before, the New page used to show only giveaways started close to creation time.. those created long before their start would never show up in the New page.
I clearly remember a discussion addressing this issue but I couldn't find it.
Instead I went to the change log, searched for "new" and found:
February 28, 2017
Fixed an issue with the New page, were it was only showing open giveaways created in the past 24 hours sorted by their start time, instead of all open giveaways sorted by their start time.
but also
April 15, 2016
New is now sorted by start time, instead of created time.
The latter seems to partly be what I'm asking for.. perhaps it worked correctly at first but not anymore since the former (or something else).
Still, I don't get why only the new giveaways are/should being sorted by start time.
EDIT: on a second thought, the sorting indeed works fine, it's just that showing created time makes the list "messy".
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I agree. All giveaways should only show beginning time and ending time so people know exactly how long they need to wait and how long is too long, eliminating the created time display entirely if necessary. I know the giveaway will begin in a few hours, but what if it ends up being a flash giveaway and I miss it because I'm busy doing something else?
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This might concern no-one else other than me, but I think that for the average user it might be more useful to see when a giveaway starts rather then when it was created.
Common case: you go in the "new" section, where giveaways are listed by most recent and see
Created 1 second ago
Created 20 seconds ago
Created 2 minutes ago
Created 3 weeks ago
Created 5 minutes ago
Like, what?
Or perhaps you're browsing giveaways and see a giveaway you want to enter, nice! And then you notice it was created days/weeks ago.. how did I even managed to miss it all this time? It's even on my wishlist!
Also, it's been a while since I last met a yet-to-start giveaway, but I think it shows created_at and will_start_at, so you know (for example) it has been created yesterday and it will start tomorrow, but you have no way to know if it'll last days or just a couple of hours (in this case you could miss the time window to join). I'm not sure about this though, I may recall wrong what is displayed.
btw, has any of this already been addressed before? I thought so, but a quick search didn't bring up anything useful..
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