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I think there has been a few threads like this, lots of good answers in them. I recommend New Vegas. You should especially get it if you want realism, because there's a mod called Project Nevada, which adds a bunch of improvements to the game, like sprinting, immersive helmet views, balanced loot which can be customized, etc.
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You call 120 mods heavy modding? You whimp I'm at the 255 limit with merged mods :p Anyway for modding purposes both games are great, it's a bit different to Skyrim in a way that both games have their essential "total overhauls" (FO3 - Fallout Wanderers Edition, FNV - Project Nevada) making the games amazing and other than that you only need to use a handful of mods, textures etc. The modding scene of the game is similar to Skyrim with around the same amount of mods (not as Skyrim lol). The basics are generally the same (load order, compatibility, nexus mod manager, ini edits, save games, scripts and whatnot) Btw Oblivion is around the same for modding too, a bit more complicated and Morrowind is a mess from modding viewpoint.
I personally liked Fallout 3 better, but most of the people will recommend New Vegas (probably because it's newer).
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+1 for all of this.
Loved Fallout 3, but compared to NV it feels like a half game. More varied melee weapons. Guns. Your skills affect your responses in conversations. Armorpiercing, hollow-point, slug, beanbag ammo. Crafting system that makes sense, not just an excuse to tick 'crafting' on the list. Minigames. TONS of great and varied quests. Faction system (they can like or hate you. Depends what do you say/do)
New Vegas has the BEST DLC-base game connections I've ever seen." Hey man, you know.. there is some cryptic fellow in the lore. Who turns up here, and there, and then mysteriously disappears? What about making a DLC explaining himself, expand the lore and give an awesome, unique place?" And then, Dead Money was born. Other DLCs also have serious connections to main points of base game / characters.
Meanwhile Fallout 3: Operation Anchorage: simulation. The Pitt? Nooow this was aweome. Point Lookout: great idea, slightly poor execution. Mothership Zeta: Abysmal. Aliens and tons of loot. No real story. Broken Steel: kinda okay.
FO3 just.. wants you to be good. You can't be bad. Talon Company (evil mercs) will hunt you, Enclave will hate you, even though you shoot up every single Brotherhood of Steel Knight your way. Too simple Karma (universal good/bad).
Fallout New Vegas is an old Obsidian game with FO3's graphics. If you don't know Obsidian: they made maybe the greatest RPGs ever.
I love both games, as I love the whole Fallout world. But while Fallout 3 is like 80/100 for me, meanwhile New Vegas is 95+.
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you like realism? New Vegas comes with a difficulty where you have to drink and sleep relatively often...
And as i said many times, as an RPG New vegas is one of the better ones, there are many ways to solve problems, not nesesarly ways to take on a mission, but ways to interact with NPCs and the envoiroment.
And before some1 sas New vegas isnt apocaliptic enough... D: D:!!
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I couldn't get into F3, gave up after 20 hours. Bethesda dialogues, meh story and general sense of pointlessness. FNV on the other hand is my second all time favourite RPG, right next to Morrowind.
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Which should I pick?
some stuff that is relevant about me, that might affect choice:
I WILL be buying the GOTY / Ultimate version, of the chosen. I like having all the DLCs so mods don't yell at me for missing content.
I love heavily modding my game. When I bought Skyrim: Legendary, I started on 30 mods. within two weeks I was up to 120.
I like realism, (eg. Skyrim's Frostfall, Wet and Cold) but not when its ridiculously in the way (eg. Skyrim's Realistic Needs and diseases.)
I'd also enjoy if you mentioned some good mods out there for the game you tell me to pick.
Also, is there a cheaper place to buy a copy than steams current sale, please tell me.
Radeon hd5450, 6gb ram. Quadcore at 2.60 GHz, Win 7.
EDIT: ty everyone for helping! :D
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