It would be good ?
No, it would be bad for the environment and endangered species.
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+1 replies make a ton of spam though, and they bump the threads. Like buttons could have the advantage of reducing spam and not bumping the thread.
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For various reasons - no.
First, it would increase the amount of "forced" popular content such as overused jokes and reference because they are "funny" and people are points/likes whores who WILL try to get attention by posting what will receive likes, and only that.
Second, it would push the community in having one mindset - the popular one. Nobody likes being ignored or disliked, and having a visual representation of what is considered "good opinion" will tend to change a person's mind about what they were about to post, and instead go for the approach other users who received lots of likes have already posted.
Third is a follow up to second, being that you, as a user, will no longer feel comfortable posting your unpopular opinion, resulting in a bland, consistent collection of the same, popular opinion.
Fourth, herd mentality IS inevitable. If someone sees a comment with many likes, they will be more likely to like it. If they see one with dislikes (if applicable) or no likes, they are more likely to dislike/ignore it, and instead only pay attention to what is highlighted by a pile of likes.
Of course, I'm not saying everyone is like that - Many don't give a shit what others think and will gladly state their honest opinion. But the fact remains (and it is a fact) that people, even those who deny it, tend to be influenced by what I've stated above. It's in our nature to want to feel accepted and liked.
Why do I think all that? Well, it's simple. I've spent time on other websites with like/dislike buttons - It's all the same shit. Every online community with a like/dislike function has a specific general "personality". Why is that do you think? Because there are few mindsets - what is disliked by the majority, gets drowned out by the majority. It's not a bad thing if you share that mindset - you'll fit right in. But I've compared online communities and one thing about SG is (or was) that it has such a diverse combination of opinions.
I say "was" because since blacklists/whitelists were implemented, SG lots a piece of that diversity. That was already a fuck up which caused people to feel uncertain about posting (if you spend some time on this forum, you must have noticed the regular "why do I get blacklisted", "how do I avoid being blacklisted", etc), which only got worse with visual stats. Let's not add "likes" and ruin what was once a nice, simple online community.
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Liking works for social media sites, because they're based around indirect interactions of that sort, and on ranking-based sites, where sorting of comments by rank is beneficial to communication flow. When you add it to discussion-based forums, it typically adds a lot of unnecessary drama and disconnect from actual discussion. Some forums (namely smaller ones based around constructive discussion on a specific product, product line, or hobby, where ranking can be associated with the content itself) can avoid that, but drama-laden, deal-oriented SG wouldn't be one of those.
Moreover, a site like SG wouldn't derive any actual benefit from the inclusion; so, much like what we saw when cg added blacklist-tracking, it'll end up spawning resentment or aggravation in some, and just be no-value curiosity piece to most. (Or, just look to Alienware forums for an idea of how useless a one-up system implemented without proper consideration can be).
To rephrase that:
Other than a desire to have one's ego stroked, what benefit would "liking" offer SG, a site not designed to benefit from such a function?
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The problem with 'like' is was it a 'don't really care, agreed like for lolz' or "like because I support this poster even though I have no clue about this topic" or 'meh, okay... like' or did someone actually agree with something in a comment, then which parts of the comment? In a discussion thread, a like button might as well not be saying anything that contributes to the discussion, many thread creators already have a yes or no poll that works towards agreeing or disagreeing with a certain idea. It also brings up the problem with popularity contests, should the comment with 100 likes weigh heavier than a (for example) better constructed counter-argument with only 20 likes? Maybe a few of the 120 likes in that example had their own valuable thoughts not already posted but with a convenient 'like' button, they were lazy instead of posting a short reply that may have injected new perspectives. I think not having a like button encourages more thoughtful quality replies.
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I don't need any like and i'm not an social media site fan. Just thought getting away from spams and trying to say 'i love your comment' but now i accept i'm wrong. Because if i love a comment or idea i would like to write it :) TY all for messages and brain storming
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I've been on forums with like buttons and everything worked out fine.
I've been on other sites with like buttons and things were terrible popularity contests.
Like buttons don't make things crappy. People make things crappy. I say add the like button and just don't be crappy. I for one would welcome the addition since I view likes less as something for other people to let me know I'm awesome and more as something for me to let other people know they're awesome.
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yay. I've been too on forums with like buttons and such but I never used those features, even if they didn't affect me in any way.. I have never cared about "reputation points" (like in some sports forums) or simple likes or dislikes.. it depends, it's like you said. I'll keep on never using them 'cos generally I don't like that system but I won't complain at all if such a thing would be added, it's not a bad thing per se, as I experienced on other forums
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I don't think it would be such a good idea. Well, it could be useful to some kind of "distinguish" the correct answer in the comments section. But on the other hand, there's so many threads just about everything, like politics, society aspects and it is great, that anyone can comment on these discussions and can not be judged for his/hers opinion without any reason. Also when there are things like "likes", people often stop to think by themselves, they just want to see which comment got the most of likes and they take this information/opinion without any analysis of what it is saying.
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Good/bad button?
Things with a large number of votes are correct.
That way, one-way will turn into a place of mission for the group to claim to be right. Real cult simulator┐(´Θ`)┌
Just want to meet the need for existence verification?
In that case, only the "Good" button is needed and the others are unnecessary.
In any case, I don't feel much need.
It is more natural to add a word to the Comment. ((φ(・Θ・。)
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It's very easy for developer, but is it good idea ?
I will add GA here when 27.04.
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