Do you just want the ability to have larger text to make titles for different parts of a thread? There is a formatting page that has some options. You can also add a line to break up the post like this:
You can use the quote feature to make text stand out like this
Important info here
Or you can get yellow text
by formatting is as code. The correct symbol to wrap the text with for code is the one on the tilde key to the left of the 1 key.
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Thanks again kind sir. Unlike ""Edit Discussion" (ahem!), I actually have familiarized myself with SG's formatting. And now I use ESGST which makes it easy!
This is what I am thinking...
This is from an existing forum thread on SG (first image)
Something like this is what you could get by allowing the header row to be eliminated and allowing the table to have only one column. (second image)
Of course that is a bit ugly, but the borders would not have to have a width of 8 like the second one. That was just to show the difference that could be achieved of the border width could be tweakable.
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So you specifically want to wrap the text in a box? It seems like the only way to currently do that makes the box cover the entire width of the page. The quote formatting will put it in a box or you can manipulate the table to make it kind of single box with a bit extra on the top or bottom, but they will both fill the width of the page. It looks like you can change the text size in a quote, but not inside of a table.
Why not just use something like the medium heading instead? That should be big enough to get someones attention.
Here are the different quote and tables I could come up with, but like I said, they all fill the page instead of just wrapping the text.
This is an important announcement
This is an important announcement
This is an important announcement
This is an important announcement
This is an important announcement
This is an important announcement
This is an important announcement |
This is an important announcement |
This is an important announcement |
For the tables, I only used one side of the table, so it doesn't add a 2nd box to the left or right. To get the small empty box, I used the formatting to enter a URL, but I didn't add any text that can be clicked. I used [](blank)
The first table with centered text looks like this:
This is an important announcement|
I personally think the small or medium titles are good enough to break up sections of a thread and get peoples attention.
I don't know why the site doesn't let you add more than one blank line, but if you want to break up sections with a bigger gap, I use blank links on multiple lines. That will add a line, but not have any content on the line.
For example, this will leave 2 blank lines. I used it on this comment to add more space between the quotes and tables sections and then again before this last section. You can write anything in the URL section, you just can't have spaces.
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What you did with the tables is essentially what I am after - just without the second row (either above or below). I tried doing it using ESGST's table insertion and it did not work... an error message that I had left cells empty and no table was output. It seems that is an ESGST issue and I was equating it with an SG issue.
You are doing a good job of reminding me to delve a little deeper before opening my mouth! 😀
I will play with the actual markdown code and see if I can figure out what I am looking for. If not what you have provided is very, very close! And shows just how easy it would be to modify the existing features of SG to remove the second row (either the one with <th> or <td> cell depending upon whether you wanted a <th> shaded or non-shaded <td> box.
Again, I say to you, thank you!
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That's interesting, but hard to remember. I always wondered if there was other formatting code we could use that is not listing on the formatting page. Do you know if there is a list somewhere of all the formatting that will work on this site? I remember when I used to use a lot of forums that were based on phpBB and you could use the same formatting code on all the sites, but I don't know how this site works.
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Have you confirmed that marking/highlighting text works?
==Highlight this text==
does not seem to get tagged by the engine.
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Thank you. I had tried forcing <br> or <br/> into the text and thought for a brief second about  , but since every other code I had tried failed, I thought non-breaking-space would not either.
It seems so often on these questions, I get so close to solving it without needing help and then I give up to find that I was sooooo close. :)
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@AllTracTurbo @veebles
My friends, do either of you (or anyone else!) know of a way to format text WITHIN a table as a header? I'd like to be able to use a larger font (say H2) for some text within cells. Even being able to do so for an entire row or even for the entire table would be a welcome addition.
I have tried ## before the table and (in various ways) within the table so far without doing anything more than breaking the table or showing the "##" as output text.
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I don't know too much about tables and I know almost nothing about coding. The only testing I ever did was for my comment above and at the time I tried and could not get larger text to work. The only thing I could get to work was to use bold and it only makes a slight difference.
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Thanks! That is exactly where I ran into the proverbial brick wall as well. :)
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See what I've done in my train thread. I like the result a lot better. Thank you!
But I am stubborn and still playing to see if I might tweak things a little bit more. :)
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You're welcome :)
It definitely looks a lot cleaner and is easier to read with all the sections broken up with titles.
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SG uses markdown, and if something is not available as option there I guess it would be really hard to implement it. Or even if. What you see is already generated HTML in site source, not how site accepts input and converts it into HTML. I'm not web expert, so anyone with more knowledge can correct me. But for any kind of custom stuff cg would need to write it from the ground up.
Never thought to make one cell tables before, but solution posted by AllTracTurbo looks really nice.
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I understand enough about the underpinnings to realize that it might not be easily possible. But then again, it might be and I thought it doesn't hurt to ask. :)
On different but related topic - adding line breaks to add blank lines. I dug enough to see that Markdown does seemingly have a true/false setting to allow that or not. Also, Parsedown allegedy allows line breaks But, again, that does not mean that the particular implementation that SG uses will allow that. For now, using AllTracTurrbo's fake internet link is a work around that does the trick.
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A quick look at the source code of a table in SG Discussions shows basic <table><thead><th> <tr> tags.
Simply adding the ability to disable the <thead> and <th> tags.... while also allowing 1 column tables (instead of the minimum mandated 2), would allow users to put a border around text. For example, section headings in a post, or something that the author wanted to highlight as important.
A secondary addition allowing the border tag to be assigned to a number(s) greater than 1 would also be a nice addition. Of course this would be dependent upon whether or not the markdown used by SG allows tweaking this setting or not.
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