I just realized it's my cakeday, sorry for no train.
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Haha. Of all days, it just so happens to be a cakeday. Welcome back, man.
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Glad your still with us. Some super heavy shit in there but just keep plugging away and being yourself and I am sure you will feel better and better about life in general over time. Even if better is just slightly more bearable. Feel free to reach out to some of your friends on SG any time shit is getting crazy.
Again glad your with us and sorry life is after ya. And happy cake day.
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Really glad to here that you are safe I completely understand wishing you were dead daily I do the same thing hating ones self is really easy to do and usually you're way harder on you than you would be on others. I know hearing stuff like this from a stranger isn't gonna help but just take things slowly try to be you don't hide it anymore I really do wish you find the happiness you want especially since we feel similar try to find something/anything to draw some strength from me I use hate and anger. Love ya 2 TreeB
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Love you too. Glad to see you're alive, I really am.
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good luck tree, just remember that there are a lot of people who care about you, in r34l l1f3 and here, you are not alone.
happy cake day 2 :P
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I'm glad to hear you are safe. That's the most important thing right now. And yes, you are worth caring and worrying about.
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everything is a process, TreeB - I've gone through rough patches myself :(
be resilient enough
try to encourage yourself to go outside your comfort zone
be more willing to say yes to things
and your perception will change - your outlook will improve.
Trust me on this!
Finding something you're passionate about can really help you feel like you have purpose.
I used to feel pretty worthless too, but I found a way to change my outlook.
For me it was parlaying my passion for basketball into coaching kids last year. This year I did summer camps!
I used to be very shy (I still am), but on the court I get to be as loud as I want encouraging my kids :).
We're all very happy to hear you're ok - you can always post here - we're behind ya!!
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that wasn't my message at all tbh.
there's no way to switch it on and off - like i said it's a process - just have to keep working at it.
My biggest message was that changing perception is the major key in changing your outlook in life (that and kinda doing "The Opposite" [ a la George Costanza])
Edit: I can see why it came off as you say though :( Wasn't my intention - I've gone through a dark period myself - so I understand it's callous to tell someone to just get over it - it's a complex issue.
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Happy cake day! As "sorry for that, I'm not worth it", well if you wouldn't be worth it then people would not care as they did. Try not to think that way, look at all hose GA's people collected for you, for all their care, and efforts. You have given many people good memories from the posts, GA's, even that arena forum event. You are one and only, unique, our TreeB. As my personal experience maybe try to reach out for life more at the cost of cutting a bit online time. Maybe there are some relations that can be build into friendship, maybe there are some things you wanted to try, and they can evolve into hobby. Anyways take care, wishing you much peace, love and happiness.
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I spent a long time convinced that I would never, ever be happy. I still argue with myself over whether I am, have been or ever will be happy, sometimes I feel all can be answered with a yes but others that all can be a no. I've spent a lot of time working with, being helped by and helping others cope with depression, PTSD, anxieties and various other mental health issues but I'm far from being an expert. I don't know you and could never fully understand your situation or issues (nor anyone else's) but I can tell you that sometimes life will be absolute, unendurable hell. the key word is sometimes. it can be difficult, especially since depression lends a strong perspective bias, to look for the good instead of the bad, but that doesn't mean that they're not there somewhere. I can't promise that it will get better, I wish I could. but I can promise that it might. it's difficult, unpleasant at times (and can often seem like it is all the time) but there is always some hope, however small or frustratingly far away it can sometimes feel
remember that people here, mostly people whose only knowledge of you was some of your words, cared about what was happening with you. maybe we don't know you very well, maybe nobody does, maybe you don't even know yourself well, I can't say, but no matter how bad things can be you have seen proof that you have touched the lives of other people and left an impression that makes us care about whether you live or die. that might sound like a small thing to some people, personally I think it's huge
as for who you are, who you want to be and everything else, I hope it works out. you can try to change who you are, many people try to (most of us probably do in some degree at least) but ultimately we only have so move control over who we are. personally I think the only real thing that matters about who any of us are though is how we treat other people
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Don't worry about the cake day, just wait until the next one ;)
Meanwhile, I'm glad you are fine. And remember this: when we are grateful for things we have, we can be happy. Yes, many of us (I include myself) tends to forget many things we have like family, friends, a place to sleep safely, food, health, etc., and put our concentration in things we want, but when we don't reach them that may makes us feel down. Of course is not bad to want something, and work to get it, but never forget everything you already have, be grateful for it and you will feel happy. Also, keep working hard in what you want to achieve, because more is the effort you made, more will be the success feeling when you reach it.
Have a good week Tree and everyone else who read this :)
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Happiness isn't something I think I'll reach. I got problems I can't overcome. Others have way worse, but I'm too weak to deal with depression and anxiety and other issues.
I feel like this, but I'm not in it quite as deep as you, I think. If I find a way to the other side of it I'll sure as hell be waiting for you.
I can't offer you any words of wisdom or say anything that won't sound hollow, but for what it's worth, I'm glad you're still with us.
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Didn't know what was all about , but now that I know it a little better , I hope you get well soon.Be yourself , some people are going to love you some others not , but don't take the bad things as the ones that can rule your life... It's hard very hard , but you can go through this and more . Life is not always a sweet thing that we all can bare , but with time we can handle it . I don't know what is your situation and why all those thoughts of you started to popping up in your mind but no matter what remember that you are who you want to be , that you will be the one You want to be no matter what! . I don't know you , but you have my support , I hope you get well soon :) * Sorry for my english and Happy cakeday!
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In case any of the people who where worried didn't know yet, I'm fine.
I'm guessing some of you want to know what happened. That new job I got? Couldn't handle it. So I tried to kill myself. There's a long story with that, but it ended with me being hospitalized for the past week.
I guess, for once it helped. I don't want to kill myself anymore.I still wish I was dead, and am still plagued with constant suicidal thoughts, but it's a start. And if I'm not going to kill myself, nor do anything dangerous that may lead to it because I'm a pussy, I can at least make my life not as bad as possible. But I don't think it will ever be good. I can't make it, I don't have to motivation. I can't do it for me, because I hate myself too much to do something good for myself. And for others, I've changed myself into what I am now to do right by them, and I've failed horribly. I can't fucking do it again. I faked it 'till i made it into a someone that most don't completely hate, I'm too scared to be myself who I already know people will.
Happiness isn't something I think I'll reach. I got problems I can't overcome. Others have way worse, but I'm too weak to deal with depression and anxiety and other issues. That other issue is that I wish I were a girl. That's a secret that I haven't told anyone, but fuck it. privacy ain't a thing to y'all. I mean, my mom figured that out by what you sent my parents, so I guess I might as well confirm it to anyone of you wondering so you don't assume I'm gay like everyone else does. Btw, my mom wanted to say "thanks for reaching out."
I guess I shouldn't be mad. I saw the two posts, I'll reply to some of the replies later. Y'all cared and worried about me, sorry for that, I'm not worth it. You also made they past year of mine a little more bearable. I can't talk to people, and while this ain't a good enough substitute for a friend, it made me feel better than I would have felt without it, so thanks for both of those things.
I not doing giveaways right now, swing by lugum's post if you want them.
I don't really know what I'll do with sg in the near future. I don't even know what I'm going to do with my life. This is still a place of comfort, but it's no longer private. Anyway, thanks again.
Love Y'all!
Edit: Hahahaha, it's my cakeday too? Fucking hell.
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