In case any of the people who where worried didn't know yet, I'm fine.

I'm guessing some of you want to know what happened. That new job I got? Couldn't handle it. So I tried to kill myself. There's a long story with that, but it ended with me being hospitalized for the past week.

I guess, for once it helped. I don't want to kill myself anymore.I still wish I was dead, and am still plagued with constant suicidal thoughts, but it's a start. And if I'm not going to kill myself, nor do anything dangerous that may lead to it because I'm a pussy, I can at least make my life not as bad as possible. But I don't think it will ever be good. I can't make it, I don't have to motivation. I can't do it for me, because I hate myself too much to do something good for myself. And for others, I've changed myself into what I am now to do right by them, and I've failed horribly. I can't fucking do it again. I faked it 'till i made it into a someone that most don't completely hate, I'm too scared to be myself who I already know people will.

Happiness isn't something I think I'll reach. I got problems I can't overcome. Others have way worse, but I'm too weak to deal with depression and anxiety and other issues. That other issue is that I wish I were a girl. That's a secret that I haven't told anyone, but fuck it. privacy ain't a thing to y'all. I mean, my mom figured that out by what you sent my parents, so I guess I might as well confirm it to anyone of you wondering so you don't assume I'm gay like everyone else does. Btw, my mom wanted to say "thanks for reaching out."

I guess I shouldn't be mad. I saw the two posts, I'll reply to some of the replies later. Y'all cared and worried about me, sorry for that, I'm not worth it. You also made they past year of mine a little more bearable. I can't talk to people, and while this ain't a good enough substitute for a friend, it made me feel better than I would have felt without it, so thanks for both of those things.

I not doing giveaways right now, swing by lugum's post if you want them.
I don't really know what I'll do with sg in the near future. I don't even know what I'm going to do with my life. This is still a place of comfort, but it's no longer private. Anyway, thanks again.

Love Y'all!


Edit: Hahahaha, it's my cakeday too? Fucking hell.

8 years ago*

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Glad to hear that you're okay! Hope things get better for you in the future! ❤

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Glad to have you back tree :*

8 years ago

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I'm glad you're back Tree.

I could write a long post but I don't think I could say anything that others here haven't said (and better than I could). Just try and keep going, find people who will support you and things will look up. If you want to change then tell those who love you and hopefully they will help you along this long journey.

A small train for your Cake Day:

8 years ago

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Maybe this will cheer you up.

8 years ago

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I still have the wildstar e3 pack for you.

8 years ago

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My life is complete.

8 years ago

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I'm glad you are here.

I hope that one day you will be able to find happiness, even if you think that is something that you won't be able to reach.
I hope that you find someone to talk to, specially about the problems that you have to overcome. Professional help would be best, if so don't worry about what others might think about it, and try to find something that might help. I did! And I'm better, I was not at the same point you are, my issues were mental blocks and social anxiety, I still have some mental blocks but others are gone and I was able to overcome them, my social anxiety while it was mild, now it's even milder and when I think it's going to pop off, I know that I have something that can control it and that makes me feel better.

I hope to continue to see you here, specially if it's a place that makes you feel good. Don't be scared about what others (we) might think, that is irrelevant. Everyone has issues, those that might be mean are usually the ones with more issues. So don't turn away from something that improves your daily life, turn away from things that don't.

Happy cake day.

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8 years ago

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That's the spirit, TreeB. Relax, forget everything that happened, and just dance. ;)

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8 years ago

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wish I could tell you something more, but my english sucks too much to write it down quickly. I'll keep it short and hope you understand at least a little bit xD
I know your feelings, a part of them, just like many others do, not everyone admits it though. is this helpful for you? no, acutually not. in the end, we have to go through it alone. BUT you can still be happy, you can still enjoy life. But you have to enjoy it in your way, with living your interests. not how others want to see you. not what others expect from you. don't let anyone tell you what you have to do. get a job get a wife rise kids wear those nice clothes blahblah... finding your path is hard, especially if you're not think along similar lines as others. if one would have asked me "before" I was born, if I want to go thorugh this journey, I'd have said no thanks. But since there is not such an option, we just can make the best out of it. you'll do it :) in your way. now gimme a smile ;)

8 years ago

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I'm not worth it

That's not true. Also, don't try to look too far ahead, take baby steps and don't worry yourself with the future. We are all glad you are with us.

8 years ago

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Maybe think of this as a service to all the other similarly tormented souls out there if you don't think there's some positive side to this..
There always is one..
And take one step at a time.. it's better not to overload..

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

8 years ago

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There are people having their life worst than all of us here... they still have the determination to stay alive.... while we are stressed, filled with self-ego, problem we could not solve we would often have suicidal act and this is third world problem .... Every now and then there are people which choose suicide as another choice but does it solve the problem? NO. Parents would feel the sorrow more than us as they feed us from young and yet not repaying anything, we end our life... those who are left behind would feel worse than what we felt.
Just look at how disable people looking at their future and those who are wheel bonded while they are born. I'm a failure but when I look at those who are suffering, I have the courage to continue on.
It's good that you gave up the thoughts of killing urself. The motivation of life, you must seek urself. However, stepping out of your safe zone would be a difficult move.

8 years ago

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I'm glad you're alive, TreeB and sad that you feel the way you do.

I've never faced depression, hope I never will, but I can still lend my ear if you want to chat, as long as you don't mind hearing inane things like 'maybe you could get a dog'.

8 years ago

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"...or a cat."

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

8 years ago*

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Im glad to hear you are on the road to feeling better. I'm sorry that you still have suicidal thoughts, I can't imagine what that would be like. I hope you sit back in your chair, you look at this page and realise there are 4 pages and going of people writing paragraphs and wishing you nothing but the best for you. SG is a community and we all share similar passions and interests, and just know that many(including myself) are just a message away to give that little boost in confidence and maybe a little distraction.

Happy Cake Day to the true star<3

8 years ago

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you're not the only one who feels that way. still, no need to rush the inevitable

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8 years ago

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Happy to see that you're back mate!
As you see many people do care about you, so it must be worth something.

And by the way, if I could have been a girl I would have been Michelle Yeoh.
Unfortunately, when I was born that spot was already taken. By Michelle Yeoh, apparently. Damn ninja woman didn't even say "thank you"!

Oh, and happy cake day! \o/

8 years ago

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Glad to hear you're Ok. Hope you can get your emotional strength back soon.

Only advice I can give is to focus on finding out who you want to be, not on who others expect you to be.
If other people are giving you trouble, you can step away from them, but you can't avoid what's in your own head.

8 years ago

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my personal advice: you speak english and you are young. leave everything behind in the near future and go and live somewhere completely different, another country. i know it sounds impossible right now, still have to do some basic job and stuff, but actually it isnt. nothing to loose anyway. there is more than this life you are living atm, i can assure you. i made that journey and it saved me.

8 years ago

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Apparently there are some other threads. Uh, I'm so disconnected...
(Didn't know anything about this)
I don't care at all on your gender, what you're "seeking" and what you want to be, I mean, it's not our business, just tell us how you want to be treated and we will do that way, except trolls which you shouldn't care at all. Just focus on positive people who make you feel well. Stick to them and they will present you other people alike.

In RL you should do as suggested by Tango, find something that makes you happy and dedicate your time to it, that activity will make you find more people who cares about that and not so much about the "issues" that people sharing the activity/passion have.

PS: Probably you may end finding a job related to such activities, perhaps bad paid, but money isn't the most important in this case, happiness, "distraction of thoughts" and being busy may be much worth it.


8 years ago

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happy cake day :)

8 years ago

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TreeB, I'm happy to see you back again, and knowing you're a little better.

And, as I didn't comment on Lugum's thread but I was following the story, let me tell what a nice community this is. What a great gesture it was to move sky and earth to get in touch with TreeB's real life contacts.

8 years ago

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This is a great self-help book, the best chapters are:
cap.1 (Taking charge of yourself)
cap.4 (Breaking free from the past)
cap.11 (Farewell to anger).

8 years ago

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Happy cakeday. Glad to see you here again.

8 years ago

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Good to see you back. Happy Cake Day!

8 years ago

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