just put your real info, I did that a few years ago and I haven't had a problem
not a U.S citizen
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i was, but in the end the option didnt change anything
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Weird. When I did it I just told them where I was (UK) and that was it. They accepted it. and didn't even want proof.
I have heard that if you're from certain places they sometimes want proof (I think it's places where fraud is more rife, or countries that the US tax people think are a bit suspicious but am not sure on that).
I'd say to just tell them what happneed if you really can't live without market access. Say you tried to fill in the form with the correct details but nothing worked when you did and that's why you put in US details.
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i dont know, they still doing some shit with the CTI. Should i make a ticket ?
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There's no "click here" option again, i was filled it last year with U.S Citizen because the non one doesnt change anything.
Already read those things, nothing can help this problem
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well, if there isn't just put you real info as I did, they only sent me an email confirming my address a few months later
also this:
I am not a U.S. citizen nor am I a U.S. resident alien.
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I want, but how to change it ?
Should i make a ticket and say i moved to another country ?
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just tell them the true, if you keep lying to them, nothing good will happen
tell them what you did and why
if you tell them that you moved, they will ask for proof
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maybe he wants to pay taxes, to help us economy or something
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if you're in the USA, you gotta tell think info like your Social Security Number and shiz, it's for tax information that they're required to give the government, incase you profit $20k USD. If you aren't a USA Citizen, then you only need to prove you're not, I guess some form of ID?
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I got my ID, then how to prove it to them, i was filled as US Citizon tho.
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Really? 0.o My friend from the UK said he needed to.
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So he was fill it with U.S Citizen, and change it to non-US Citizen ?
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Basically, he went to the page where he had to provide the information they ask for, and they ask "are you a US citizen" or not, you click you aren't, and then he said he had to add some proof of his ID.
Weird how it's sending you to your profile.
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Lemme quickly see if I can find you a link to the page you need to put your info on.
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That should be what you need
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Actually - if it's that big that would be considered a business - totally different taxation scale.
But! If you get $200 or more in profit - you HAVE to show it in your tax form when you file your taxes. Anything less than that and you don't have to do it. Thing is - Valve wouldn't bother sending info to IRS if it's anything less than business-proportion. But if you get audited by IRS and they will find out that you basically skimmed on paying more to them (not sure about the threshold - maybe around $50, maybe less or more - I didn't dig that deep) - well, you will get penalised.
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I dont understand this part, my english is not good enough. Then, what should i do for this ?
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Don't worry about this, it doesn't apply to you as you aren't a US Citizen~ it's just legal stuff that we have to deal with XD
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Since you aren't a US citizen - nothing. Or check with your country central tax office how it should be done. Though honestly - I wouldn't bother if you don't amass hundreds of $$ in sales. After all - it's virtual currency, not real money, and you can't transfer them to real bank or buy real stuff with it (well, aside from games, which are, again - digital). Here in USA even real money that bank pays you in interest on your accounts - you don't have to show it on tax forms if it's small enough.
And again - you should change whatever you put in from generator - to your real info. If no solution will be found here in forums - send ticket to support. Just say that you have problems and can't enter your info. Don't say anything about "fake info from last year". Don't give too many detail unless asked. Usual tactic in legal cases - the less you talk the less info can be used against you ;) If they ask - then say that you moved.
P.S. translate.google.com - your friend when you need to translate something from almost any one language to almost any other.
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Thats 200 listings, not $200, and the reason they need it is incase you make it enough to be considered a business and taxes need to be legally charged to you. That's what I was trying to say XP Sorry if I didn't communicate that properly.
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That's for taxation purposes: if you sell a lot on market (or really expensive stuff) and as a result you get more than $200 in income from those sells - then you have to pay taxes on it. At least that's how things work in USA, idk about other countries. So this is one of those instances when you actually better off not been US citizen.
Just put in your real info and forget about it.
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Thats what i want, but i dont see any button to change there
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Sorry, can't help you with that. I filled mine last year as a real US citizen, and never got any messages again (though i don't think I made that many listings this year).
But I see Shikibara already stepped up. Good luck!
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Ok, now, should i make a ticket to them and say i moved to another country ?
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No, because US citixens living abroad have to file tax returns anyway.
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Well thats really shit. I do use my browser, the same problem happened too. Should i make a ticket ?
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It's not shit, it's the system being confused because you lied to them last year. Try filling in legitimate information instead of lying, and you will have fewer problems.
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You will have to contact Steam but i would not advise doing that again,i doubt they will bother you but in the U.S. that is a felony adding false info for tax purposes.
If nothing happened when you put your info in you should have contacted them instead of being impatient.
They might have checked it and found out the info was fake and so now Steam may have blocked that info from being used though i am just guessing on this.
Either way let this be a lesson that it does not always pay to lie,in this case it has backfired lol
You keep asking if you should make a ticket it,i would assume so as nobody here can help you if the info you put in last year is false and they are asking for it again i can only assume it came back as fake,why would you even think fake info would work,you do realize they do check that stuff.
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To be honest, i dont mean to do that, but when i clicked the non-US Citizen things, there's nothing happened again, it still showing up on my market, again and again. So i filled it out with a fake US information. But yes, i really feel bad for doing that, i mean not because the market things, i just hopping i can change the whole information for my account
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Well you can not say you did not mean to as you new you where filling out fake info to by pass something to use the market.
You did it now you have to see if you can fix it by making a ticket,though i am not sure how you would explain to them why you filled out the wrong info.
Good luck either way,i never listed enough yet to need that,not sure if i ever will but as of late i have been thinking of selling all my cards during the sale and be done with Steam as i am getting sick of all the stupid moves they make more money but use the excuse to make the community better.
None the less good luck and i hope you get it fixed if not i guess you will have to deal with with limit.
The only other thing i can think of,but not as easy now since you have to spend 5.00 to get market access and such,is to make another account just for selling but this time use your real info.And if you still have issues inputting your real info contact Steam.
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"For non-U.S. citizens, in cases where you previously provided us with a U.S. address, we may be required to collect additional documentation from you to validate your non-U.S. status. Valve uses a third-party validation service (currently, Compliance Technologies International (CTI)) to receive and validate this additional documentation. The third party will not be permitted to use any information collected from you for any purpose other than validation of your documentation for Valve, and will be contractually obligated to keep any information you provide confidential and secure."
The first sentence is important. You're not US citizen but you gave them Us adress and all. They want more information from you, prooving you're NOT 'murican. So better contact them through support or directly through the form (Steam is acting up today, maybe if you try again tomo you'll have more chance)
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There should be an email from the Steam for this right ? Does anyone know the subject tittle ? I kinda get a lot of email from steam lol
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So, i was gonna sell some of my item to the market. I already fill the U.S Citizen form last year, and now i got this again
Well, i'm actually not a U.S citizen, i just googled some Citizen generator, it works fine in 2014, but now in 2015 i got this thing again, can anyone help me ? what should i do now ?
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