4 years ago

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Those aren't a valid reason to reroll. They are there usually for if you don't follow the rules you get blacklisted.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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You can check actual reasons why someone can request a new winner in FAQ/guidelines or through making a reroll ticket. There is nothing about custom made rules.

I think the only legit way to make a custom set of rules - make invite-only GA behind sgtools or smth like that.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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I always thought it was on it but couldnt find it either. You may be right on that or i am missing it too.

4 years ago

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Years ago, it was possible to ask support for such a rule and, once granted, one was able to state and enforce the rule in any GA of his (support grants rerolls in this case).
I don't know it this is still possible.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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I don't remember If it was written or customary rule when support was accepting re-rolls based on what was written in the giveaway description. But when I joined support wer were already not accepting it. So it had to be gone for some time already.

Now we don't accept any kind of custom rules. If user get the link in legitimate way they entry is considered valid. Unless they like joined group, entered all giveaways, were kicked out bc they did not create their own giveaway. But it's specified in "Entering" part of the FAQ.

4 years ago

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It was well back in SG1 era, like 5-6 years ago, along with custom blacklists before blacklist feature was implemented :)

4 years ago

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Oh, now I recall something like that. Creators had to prove somehow that user entered GA after they added them to their "BL". Those blacklists were kept on some servers and listed in GA description.

4 years ago

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ah yes, back when Richard Dean Anderson was more known as that guy who was Macguyver, right?

4 years ago

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So it had to be gone for some time already

For the record, I had such a rule approved... in Feb. 2014 !

4 years ago

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I joined site in 2013, damn it's 7 years already :sweatsmile: But support like 2 years ago.

4 years ago

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We don't allow custom rules. Be it extra requirements to meet in order to receive your win, or automatic permission to delete the giveaway.

It is my opinion here, but if it would be written in the guideline that it is not allowed to write or hint towards extra rules - it means that doing so breaks the site rules. We don't have "wrote extra rules in the description" suspension reason. So should we suspend for it? I think it's enough to not accept those rules and write to users that extra rules are not allowed to tackle this issue.

New users could see some sort of banner that summarizes basics regarding entering GAs on the GA pages. Like there is a summary of basic rules when you join the site. But we don't have something like that (and users don't read what is written in front of them...), so now it's best to write "custom rules to enter GA are not allowed" so that users can see it. You can still be blacklisted if you don't follow what is written in the description, but no one can deny you your win. Unless creator wants to accept not received feedback.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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It was specifically stated on the previous version of the guidelines, but it was removed for some reason. It's still a rule, but it's one of those hidden SG rules that aren't in the guidelines and you can only learn about by word of mouth. The previous rule said: "You cannot ask users to perform any special action in order for their entry to be considered valid".

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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Here's the last archive of the guidelines page that archive.org has before the SG rules were updated.


4 years ago

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4 years ago

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To be clearer about the distinctions involved there:

* You can gateway the access to a giveaway. Circumvention of such gating by deliberate means invalidates an entry, if such circumvention can be reasonably confirmed [which is why SGT and its entry-logging is so useful]. If the creator posts any such bypasses within a public medium [including public giveaways on SG, even if they've long since been closed] then staff will not consider the giveaway properly gateway-ed. (Hence it's better to give invite URLs directly through Steam, rather than through a user's past giveaways.)

* Once an entrant has entered, then you no longer have control over their entry; They now qualify to keep their win, regardless of any rules you may have made about entries being valid or if you've blacklisted them since or similar. The key exceptions to this are:

1. If you're providing a package and they own an amount of content you're not comfortable with, and the content they're entering for can also be obtained outside of that specific package.
2. Their entry is no longer valid for mechanical reasons (eg, due to no longer being part of the group at the time the giveaway ended, or due to no longer meeting the level requirement needed for entry.
3. The user is suspended [this is also the basis for rerolls based on a user's Non-Activations/Multi-Wins, which is why you can only reroll if they haven't been suspended for that Non-Act/Multi-Win before]

There are also a few more fringe situations where staff may allow for a reroll. For example, if the winner harasses you in regards to the giveaway, and you can provide proof of such. Do note that the harassment needs to be significant: Simple annoyances (even if they violate site expectations, such as being bothered during the 7 day grace period) won't be given consideration at all and, while staff may strike off putting weight behind the associated Not Received if their harassment is something along the lines of significant pestering during the 7 day grace period, you shouldn't expect a reroll unless they're making death threats or the like.

Of course, if they're doing that on SG, you could likely push for a suspension and get a reroll based on that; However, this exception occurs as a separate consideration thanks to the fact that it associates to the entire process of you providing a win to them, and thus isn't limited to interactions on SG alone. In other words, staff won't suspend for off-site harassment, no matter how extreme, but they may still consider it valid grounds for reroll. [Note that the SG group counts as part of the site for such considerations.]

4 years ago*

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That's it. I was looking for it too because I was sure there was a specific, not misunderstandable rule.
Now it's worse then before :/

4 years ago

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Yeah, I mentioned it here back when it was changed, but never got a response.

4 years ago

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