Do you have a diagnosis in the autism spectrum?
I have Asperger's. Honestly, it's more of a label to a certain type of person than what I'd call a disorder. I have difficulties, yes, but so does pretty much everyone. That being said, my biggest problem is with sensory issues, mainly hearing.
My first boss told me that she viewed such things as a gift. She had ADHD and said she wouldn't give it up for anything. I like her outlook on that, and even before meeting her, I'd have said the same. It helps make who we are.
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thanks for your input I have the same and normally I dont call it a disorder:) I see some advantages to having Asperger
The hearing I understand cause of this I cant go to a grocery store without medication
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Slight Asperger here! Only One of few disadvantages I have, is that I cannot find my place in the world yet, but fortunetely many normal people can't too :P The other may be suffering from low self esteem, and fear from big changes.
You can find my further comment on that thread too
Ask me for something if You want to, as I started talking too much already xD
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I have the same, its indeed very friendly here, In my real life I only told 5 people I got asperger
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I had awkward situation situation in high school, it was that moment when I trusted my friends enough to told them I have it, and one of them had aspergers too xD Nobody ever noticed anything strange in our behavior over the years or something, so it was little surprise. Shame it was on the last year and we rarely see each other, but I tend to have strong ties with people I've made friends of, so we're keeping ourselves in contact. Anyway, people are so different, that You'll never know if You have autism, or does the rest of the world :P
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Everyone who knows you accepted you (with asperger)?
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Yes, because there is no fuss about it. They see that I'm not so different, but the main factor here is friendlyness, at least I think so. Never been treated badly due to autism by someone.
When I moved to university dormitory last year, I had to live with someone I didn't know earlier. I had many talks with that guy, told him how the situation is, we accepted each other and now we're even good buddies.
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Great :) Autism can be a problem, but doesnt have to be :)
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I'm diagnosed as not being autistic. And that's because I only have traits from 2 of the 3 pillars (communication and empathy, but not the OCD part). Main problem for me is that my communication skills aren't that good. And though there are courses for autistic people to cope with their communication problems, for people with normal IQ and autism-related communicative problems there isn't really anything yet.
In short: the communication part makes it difficult to talk to people and make friends. The empathy part makes it hard to keep a relationship...
Though the diagnosis did clear up some things for me...
Apart from that I'm quite normal. Sort of... ;)
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Thanks for your story. You have been tested?
I dont think there is a standard normal people thats what make people so interesting
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Yes, I've taken a test which came up with the above result. It did explain some things from my youth and why people see me as cold and not caring about things...
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but I guess you are very sensitive but keep it to yourself (at least thats what I do)
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It's twofold. I'm introvert, so I tend to keep a lot of things to myself. But because it's difficult for me to understand what another person is feeling (or how strong their emotions are) I know that my reactions are less than that of the average person.
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I got the same, only with animals I have strong feeling, I cant stand them to see hurt
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the communication part makes it difficult to talk to people and make friends
Don't really need to have autism for that. It's something a lot of people struggle with. I personally have a hard time talking to people, but I have no autism in any form (at least not that I'm aware of).
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I'm not sure I get the question. Everyone has issues. It's just that issues are on a sliding scale from normal to ruinous. If it's severe enough to significantly impair one's life, it's a disorder. Otherwise, it's a quirk.
Why focus just on autism?
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Cause I was wondering how many people got this diagnosis, in the books there is Always a relation to the gaming community and autism
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fair point.
Interesting factoid. When I was little, because of the way I played and interacted with people/things, someone suggested I might have autism. (I don't; I also don't have asperger's)
Related: my kindergarden teacher one day took my mother aside and said I might be deaf. Her response: "Hij hoort u wel, hij luistert niet"
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:D I dont see it as a disease/disorder, but as being different
So you have been tested?
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gaan we nu allemaal in het nederlands praten?
en ja, ook hoogbegaafd
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haha no we switch to English but dont know the word in English for hoogbegaafd
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Your poll options are complete garbage.
The narrow and somewhat confusing set of options aside, the fact that 'disorder' now typically applies only to a narrow set of the spectrum is pretty darn notable- even if you don't agree with it, it's still a necessary sentiment to reflect in the poll.
[Or, more to the point- anyone that doesn't consider themselves to have a disorder is going to take the 'I'm sure I don't have a disorder' option, which is really heavily going to skew your results. :P]
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ok I dont think I follow you, what should have been changed?
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As far as I know, I don't have any form of autism.
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aspie here, wouldnt say I have any difficulties whatsoever to be honest
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Guess I'm the odd one here; I've got several diagnosis:
Aspergers Syndrome & an eating disorder being the main ones.
(And I keep on hearing about this personality disorder I'm supposed to have, but as far as I know nobody officially diagnosed it, which tend to kinda piss me off)
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Who is telling you that you have a personality disorder?
thx for your input btw
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(I live in a sheltered living facility)
A few social workers, psychiatric nurses, I tend to hear it a few times when I'm admitted in a crisis ward,
...And there are always other professionals who counter it, saying the personality disorder traits I display are obviously caused by Asperger/crisis related behaviour.
Tl;Dr: Apparently I'm just a giant mess. :p
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I believe the other professionals, from what I know here you almost never get a personal disorder if you have autism (according to the psychiatrist only other disorders like anxiety)
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Same in the Netherlands, it's just that they think I'm complex and they can't explain all of my symptoms on 'just' the Asperger/eating disorder, even an autism expert had as theory after a while that due to my messed up youth I've developed a personality disorder on top of it, and I do recognise some traits in myself.
To be fair, I don't quite care if I have it or not (But obviously, I'd prefer not to have it.) What pisses me off is that I'm shipped between departments, organisations and people so often nobody really took the time to put me throw yet another 'real' diagnosis thingie.
Like, I've known for myself I had Aspergers since I was like 14 because it was quite often in the news after Fortuyn got shot, and I recognised all the traits in myself spot on. The first guy to diagnose me with it, at 21ish, simply seemed to read up the wikipedia page and asked all the questions to my mom, who was sitting next to me, and it just pissed me off: It'd be like me diagnosing a sibling with a random DSM diagnosis by looking it up on wikipedia.
Only after he refered me to a hospital and we got a bunch of tests, background talks, etc. I accepted it, because I understood where they're coming from.
Anyways, if you live in the Netherlands, don't display more as 1 disorder! Organisations get confused like hell ;)
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I indeed live in Holland bij mij werden ook symptomen gevonden van een andere stoornis, maar deze werden verklaard vanuit het autisme
Did your testing for Asperger took long? Mine was for about 8 weeks one day a week many hours
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About 3 months - Erasmus Ziekenhuis is quite busy, long waiting lists, etc. ;)
Though the doctor there pretty much confirmed the suspicions in the first talk we had.
En mja, de afgelopen 6 jaar heb ik dit gehoord van verschillende organisaties.
Je hebt het syndroom v Asperger, ook al heeft het EMC dat nogmaals bevestigd, toch twijfel ik daar persoonlijk aan omdat je er, op het eerste gezicht, te sociaal uit ziet.
Misschien ben je depressief, maar misschien ook niet: Je hebt in elk geval wel last van behoorlijke stemmingswisselingen, bent crisisgevoelig, en blablabla.
Wij denken dat je anorexia hebt, maar dat kan ook verklaard worden uit de depressie en autisme, waar we dus ook over twijfelen...
Geloof dat nu iedereen in elk geval de Asperger en eetstoornis geaccepteerd hebben, het is redelijk aannemelijk dat ik de afgelopen jaren een persoonlijkheidsstoornis heb ontwikkeld, en tsja, ik ben niet depressief, alleen maar af en toe suicidaal/crisisgevoelig/laat iets te regelmatig alarmbellen afgaan.
De eetstoornis kan niet behandeld worden door mijn Asperger (Want groepen, gebrek aan herkenning, blablabla)
Asperger psycho-educatie kon niet in een groep omdat ik te veel andere problemen had.
....En dan vind iedereen het gek dat ik vrij regelmatig iets heb van zoek het allemaal lekker uit, dit schiet ook niet op.
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Regio Rijnmond inderdaad; ik woon sinds een jaartje in een BW op een eiland in de buurt; nadeel is alleen dat alle zorg/spoedzorg op het eiland is wegbezuinigd, waardoor je voor bijv. normale noodgevallen (gebroken gips ofzo) naar een ziekenhuis in Rotterdam mag rijden...
...Zelfde geld voor GGZ-crississen enzo. Ooit geprobeerd om om 12 uur 's nachts een lift te regelen van iemand die al 20 minuten verderop woont van je huis naar Rotterdam? Geen aanrader ;)
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I think I am lucky because I don't have any relative with any form of autism.
In another perspective, however, not having one, I don't know for sure what kind of difficulties one has face, I can only imagine some of them.
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some are experiencing problems especially with social situations others have more problems with sensory overload (like too much noise etc)
Someone with autism also could have no problems at all
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do you take medication for your PTSD? I have an other anxiety disorder but it indeed gives more trouble then Asperger.
Honestly I dont mind having Asperger (only when going to the stores, cause of the noises)
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I used to, then I stopped cause I couldn't do much of anything cause I'd just feel like a zombie all the time, but then I had a nervous breakdown and went back to it. These days I avoid medicating again cause otherwise I can't write, but even though I'm being very careful in avoiding triggers and stress, I bet I'll end up regretting not taking the medicine again-- but a guy's gotta be able to eat and pay the bills and I don't have any other support or form of income, so... : /
As for Aspergers, I pretty much can't leave the house without headphones and my music, I really really can't handle the noises and the chatter of people talking.
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With the noises I have the same, I also wear almost all the time sunglasses due to the sunlight
Isn't there a milder form of medication which don't give you the zombie feeling?
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We've tried different combinations, but so far, nothing's really worked properly. Doesn't help that my metabolism seems to work in such a way that most medication doesn't even affect me in the slightest (it's been like that since I was a child), so it always ends up having to be something incredibly powerful in order to have an effect; except then it's too much-- I guess what I'm trying to say is we haven't been able to find a middle ground so far.
PS: sunlight and even just strong indoors light hurts my eyes as well.
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too bad you couldnt find a medication that helps and at the same let you function normal
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ohh thats bad
especially the bullying. You get any help for that?
Never have been bullied myself, but I know its bad, cause I have worked with children who have been bullied
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isnt it better to find help maybe a kind of therapy?
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I don't know where you live, but isn't there an autism related psychiatrist? It helped me a lot
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mmm Here in Holland you can get also online therapy, I dont know if thats an option in Hungary?
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I'm also no talker, but typing/writing is a lot easier. Hope you will set yourself to it so you would feel insecure
and will never get bullied sgsin
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thanks:) you too
A depression is bad, hopefully you get "cured" do you take medication for it?
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I do, but I'm afraid I have to learn to live with it. I probably already had it as kid but nobody noticed it and the older I got, the worse it got. Various events in my life "supported" it. So yeah, here I am. 7 years out off school and not really able to do anything because every time I try to go out and work or interact with people I have breakdowns, fluctuating in strength. If strength is the right word in this context.
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oh that sounds awfull, would you be better off if you had a job which was more solo? So there would be less social interaction?
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I guess so. Recently I try to get a job as translator for novels. We'll see how that goes. But still, in every job there is in a way stress and I can't handle stress that good anymore. Probably because I'm in a way always under stress. So if there is some more of it, that's that for me. All quite complicated -.-
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to the stress I can relate (cause of having a general anxiet disorder) I am also always under stress thats why I sometimes take exazepam and it helps me very well
Luckily I have never had a depression
Hope this job works out for you, sounds like a nice job :)
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It's not really nice. But I have great parents who help out a lot. and I have two wonderful baby cats and an old cat lady, they cheer me up a lot :)
Well I love reading in english and writing in german plus I can do it in my time, so yes, it sounds great. Now the people there just have to realize they want me :)
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glad you find love with your cats, I love animals a lot
Got two (older) ragdolls and a dog
A job you can do in your own time sounds less stressfull, isnt it?
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Not all people with autism are gamers, but in the books there is always a topic about autism and gaming
Good luck with your therapy :)
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books about autism ofc :)
Er is zelfs een compleet boek hierover en dan met name gameverslaving
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I meant can you name some?
I found this via a quick online search: "Children with spectrum disorders (ASD) spent approximately 62% more time watching television and playing video games than in all non-screen activities combined. Compared with typically developing siblings, children with ASD spent more hours per day playing video games (2.4 vs. 1.6 for boys, and 1.8 vs. 0.8 for girls), and had higher levels of problematic video game use. In contrast, children with ASD spent little time using social media or socially interactive video games."
By this correlation I could be autistic. I have relatively high screen time (although more general internet related things than gaming or television) and don't care about social games or social media :P
Although it doesn't of course in any way show causation.
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one quick link to a book (cause I'm doing some giveaways)
Maybe I will add more later
Dutch book
en deze:
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totally forgot to look for more links. Did you check the two I gave?
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After a couple of years dealing with MDE, my third attempt (nobody on my family or friends else you all here reading this on internet knows this ), and makes me think a lot. I've been unemployed all this time trying to figure out, what the heck i want on this world, and why seems everyone is going on what they want, or what they are biologically programmed to do. I've been collapsed alone, at one point i only feel connected (and in love) with one person, I can't explain how she somehow makes me want to be ready the next morning to take another coffee, another picture, learn a lot again, and somehow, things can't happen, at that moment I had a lost, and crushed me a lot down but keep on work and doing stuff because somehow we had each other at that time, one year later at the same time, i was feeling down again for that reason, she had a lost in her life, but I hide all because somehow she needed me, but i felt how inside me i need help. She doesn't came when i ask for help (so you know what happened next).
Long history short, dealing and reading about my "personality", keep me questioning, about life and death, to me both are valid, but is hard for those who can't read you, for those who lives in the regular world, chit chating, pretending they like each other bla bla bla, at this point, I know nobody know what the fuck wants or what they are going to do, being called "weirdo", "robot", or "you don't have feelings" hurts, and hurts a lot.
So by now, I need a job again, something near my house and with a low interaction with others, so bad I can't follow in school for money and stuff, by now I will put my bet on life, I don't now where to begin, or with who I must talk, i learn nobody in this fucking world has any idea about anything, and even this words. So by now I don't know how people makes this "rules", and follows it, and nobody "normal" can explains it, because find it weird to explain, so yep, I'm deep shit lost. But trying to figure out the world, like everyone else on this planet.
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Does MDE stand for Major depressive episode ?
If I read your story I would surely find help or do you already have help? Or do you take medication?
I myself was never depressed so I cant imagine what it feels like, maybe others here can relate more?
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that must be hard without anything
Hope you will find a job soon
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Well , I don't think I have any form of autism, but I'm incredibly shy and I have a ADD disorder(without the hyperactivity part)it's pretty annoying by the way
I think that the fact that player's community is so expended is a good thing because it allow to people with some issues in social interaction to express themselves a little more. Talk through a screen is a lot easier than in front of an actual person. there is a sort of safety place, where you can say things that you never say otherwise (you can take time to thinks of what you want to say before submit a comment, edit it, you can read a comment and take time to think about it before responding etc etc ....) sorry if what I'm saying was a bit confusing, I'm not really good in english
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I totally can understand you and I think you have a point cause writing is indeed easier for some then talking
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I have something else that makes me score somewhere between normal and autistic in online Asperger tests, if that counts. Mostly social incompatibility issues though, or typical introvert stuff. I don't have many sensory quirks or hobby obsessions or other characteristic Aspie things.
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autism in on a spectrum so one could have no issues at all till severe issues
You could have a mild form or could be close to it
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Since I have something else diagnosed, I've been quite thoroughly tested, so I doubt they missed something like that. And I don't have the most characteristic ASD traits anyway, like not understanding people's tone of voice or facial expressions... I've taken tests online that are about spotting people who lie (you get shown videos of people talking, and later you have to guess if they're lying or not) and about guessing person's emotions by only photos of their eyes. I got average or slightly above in both of those...
And I don't quite get if it's so mild that it doesn't get recognized by myself or the doctors, how can it still be on spectrum...
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Here in Holland when you get tested for other disorders they dont test for autism. Only specialized organisations for autism do the testing. So here there (mostly females) are people who gets another diagnosis first.
Dont mean to say this has to be the case in your situation.
Do you think the diagnosis you have now is correct?
Most people take the AQ test at home first it think its this one in English
Btw I understand peoples face expressions quite well (its more a male autism thing)
I also can make contact with people very well if I want to :)
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I don't know if it's correct or not, but I think I fit the diagnostic criteria, according to Wikipedia. I don't have some of the most stereotypical stuff associated with it, but I'm adminning a Facebook group for the disorder, and most of my little crazy-people are similar to me there, only a few show those stereotypical traits.
I wasn't tested for only that, because I didn't have anything specific in mind. I started going there because I had issues with school (not real issues, I was a smart kid, the issue was that I just didn't wanna go there because I didn't like it) and they just had to figure it all out by themselves, so I'd assume they at least tried to go with broader methods at first, to later narrow it down to what I got diagnosed with.
I tried the test, got 28.
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I got 37 on the AQ test
Its also not important to get a diagnosis for anything I think only when someone needs help
Its nice that you found a group where you found people with similarities
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I just tried to take this test and ended up with an error after submitting. Still, I was curious enough, so I calculated my score manually. I wonder if this say anything about me? ;-)
My score is 28. I've never been diagnosed with anything and don't feel socially or otherwise challenged, except that I don't like parties, that I spend a lot of time online, and that I enjoy travelling by myself (but also enjoy travelling with others). Oh yes, and I am somewhat fond of round numbers :-)
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you cannot calculate it yourself because some answers have more points then others
here is another link hope this one works
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Are you sure? I just followed the instructions at the bottom of the questionnaire. Quote:
How to score: “Definitely agree” or “Slightly agree” responses to questions 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 12, 13, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 26, 33, 35, 39, 41, 42, 43, 45, 46 score 1 point.
“Definitely disagree” or “Slightly disagree” responses to questions 1, 3, 8, 10, 11, 14, 15, 17, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 34, 36, 37, 38, 40, 44, 47, 48, 49, 50 score 1 point.
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thats strange they have another scoring system as the dutch version
Because here some answers have 1 or 2 or 3 points
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I just entered the same answers in the test (based on a screenshot that I kept from the wired page) and got 25. Either I miscalculated the score of the first test, or indeed they're using somewhat different scoring system. Either way, the score is probably fitting a functioning person with various personality quirks :-)
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Dont know which it was or miscalculating or a different scoring system
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I have brain damage from an auto accident and the left side of my body doesn't always function properly. not Autistic but I feel yalls pain
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oef thats bad. Where you young when this has happened?
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It happend in my early 30's and im 42 now so about 10 years ago. I was not the driver but i cant drive any more until i get a medical release. Hasnt happnd yet loli
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10 years, so it wont get better I think, or am I wrong?
Here in Holland we have diagnosis for this, do you have this also in your country?
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I don't have anything personally (apart from being very shy (most of the time)), but my brother has PDDNOS (no idea if it's the same in english though, it might just be the dutch word). He can't function too well in society on his own, but with some guidance, he's now doing pretty well.
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ýes its (pdd-nos) the same (didnt know that either, had to look it up yesterday)
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Quite some very successful people had been diagnosed with autism, like Daryl Hannah or Dan Aykroyd, but there are many more.
You can live with it and be successful in life like everyone else.
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Yes indeed
But for some people it can be a problem
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My son has autism, and does school online, one year he was asked to complete a typing test, when we sent the results the teacher refused to believe it, "Can you retake it and send us a video?" Sure enough, I recorded him retaking the test and the teacher had to eat his near 60 words a minute... not bad for a 13 year old... Who with my guidance built his first computer at the age of 9!
Autism ROCKS!
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Asperger here. One of my biggest things is being tactile sensitive. I can't wear certain types of fabrics or eat certain food textures (I would go back in time and destroy the first onion if I could).
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hahaha I got this with broccoli and zucchini
and fabrics nylon mostly I get goosebumps from it
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I was wondering according to this older thread how many people on steamgift have an autism (related disorder) I was diagnosed too with autism
Cause the gaming community is sometimes associated with autism.
What difficulties do you have in the ordinairy world? Do you have any other disorder related to your autism?
What do you see as (dis) advantages to (your) autism
Update: only 2 days left in the autism awareness week
And this game is on sale:
giveaways are over
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