Please share with me websites that sell Steam key for ubisoft games, thank you very much.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Meaning stores/websites or Steam keys?

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

7 years ago

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damn... you must be right, as I think more of them both, I can only think of Steam, Steam and Steam Gifts :/

7 years ago

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There's sites to sell Steam keys for ubisoft games actually. But there isn't keys. Soo that's easy teller for scam sites :P

7 years ago

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all retail keys from ubisoft are for uplay only
the only chance to get those games are over the steam store

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Some games published by Ubisoft are steamworks, like South Park Stick of Truth

7 years ago

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Well It was, they updated it to use uPlay. Only way to get original steam version is from steam now.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

7 years ago

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Not exactly (just 98%), in the Humble Ubisoft Bundle Call of Juarez: Gunslinger and Grow Home where Steam keys.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

7 years ago*

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Ah, you're right, sorry.

7 years ago

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the only way to get Ubisoft games on steam, is buying them directly from steam,, if you buy from an external website you won't get steamkeys outside of a few games like Child of Light (iirc)

unless they do like a humble bundle where steam keys are offered directly..

7 years ago

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be aware, that, if you have an uplay game on steam, in most cases you'll need an uplay account as well. so it pretty much doesn't matter, if you buy it on steam or uplay

7 years ago

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That is true, though some people still want in their Steam collection.

7 years ago

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sure, but in that case they could just import the .exes into steam...same thing

7 years ago

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Collectors want it on their profile, not just starting it from the library. Also receiving and crafting booster packs depends on this. Don't know if some old Ubisoft titles also have achievements on Steam.

7 years ago

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not the same thing. think of steam community features like screenshots, videos, forums, workshop trading cards, different pricing (also for DLC), different download servers for the game and updates etc. there are lots of reasons why one would prefer the steam version over the uplay version. and of course also some against it, like having steamworks as an extra layer of DRM.

7 years ago

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Well, yeah I agree, pricing may be different. However, when taking into account official third party sellers for Uplay keys like Gamesplanet, you may not even be better off. Steam community features like profile, achievements etc. are basically just another form of online surveillance, so I'd tend to opt out on those (putting my Steam client in offline mode). In my rather limited experience with Anno 2070 (most games published by Ubi just aren't my cup of tea), the game is updated and downloaded via Uplay anyway, so the download servers should be exactly the same. That basically leaves a few cents worth of trading cards to make up for the extra DRM. All in all, I still think you're better off getting Ubi stuff directly for Uplay, but hey, each to their own.

7 years ago

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If you download Anno 2070, you will do that via Steam servers (proof: Updates should also be downloaded from those servers. If they implemented an integrated update system for this specific game, that might be different here (although I can hardly believe that, since it probably would break the "verify game cache" function). In general updates will be provided via Steam servers. Since the UPlay servers are known to bottleneck quite often, that's definitely a pro.

If you don't use any community features, this might not be an argument for you. Is is for many others, though.

The extra DRM doesn't hurt at all, if you ask me. Steam runs 24/7 anyway on my PC (and I am sure it's the same for a lot of people). It has not negative impact on my gaming experience whatsoever. For quite a while Ubisoft changed how UPlay games get started via Steam. You don't even see UPlay anymore. Practically, you don't even notice the difference.

There are certain downsides to this double DRM construct. But I feel they all come from UPlay rather than Steam. Like UPlay server downtimes, which from what I've heard are way more frequent than Steam's.

But you're right, everyone has to make that decision for themselves. Just stating my view on this. :)

View attached image.
7 years ago

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If you download Anno 2070, you will do that via Steam servers (proof: Updates should also be downloaded from those servers.

Interesting. Maybe they changed it. I'm quite certain that my game was downloaded via Uplay. I bought this game in 2013, when I was new to Steam. In fact, I did not even know about different DRMs and Uplay at all. I bought it during the holiday sale on Steam. Imagine my surprise, when instead of an actual game that was downloaded like all the other ones I had on Steam, I only got a key for Uplay and a severely outdated Uplay client which after setting up my account (and going through all that nonsense with adding friends like with some freaking social media) finally let me download my game.

Back then, there was no warning about this procedure in the Steam store and even up to this day, the store page fails to mention Uplay directly (just mentions TAGES DRM and 3rd party EULA). That very same Uplay client also caused several problems like that it had to be run manually as Administrator to prevent it from crashing.

If they implemented an integrated update system for this specific game, that might be different here (although I can hardly believe that, since it probably would break the "verify game cache" function).

Yes, that's exactly what they did. Before starting the actual game, it runs a specific Anno Updater, which applies the actual patches and DLC. No idea how that works with the game cache on Steam, but it's still implemented like that. I just started my game to verify.

I recently installed an up-to-date Uplay client when doing a fresh Windows setup anyway. It works way better than what came with Anno, but since I've bought my game via Steam it still requires both DRMS. I know, that's not an issue for most people as they run Steam along with Windows, for me less DRM-spyware is always better. Maybe I'm just weird: I don't run background applications unless I have to, I block their online access when I can and I don't use social media.

7 years ago

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sure there is. but if it is about playing the game, it doesn't matter, i think.
if man do not like uplay at all, then i guess they'll need to boycott ubisoft games.
i remember when steam came up, nobody liked it...maybe one day ubisoft get's uplay to an usable platform and it all will go to non discusable.

7 years ago

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sure there is. but if it is about playing the game, it doesn't matter, i think.

sure, if you disregard all the arguments as unimportant, then they don't matter anymore. ;)

i remember when steam came up, nobody liked it...maybe one day ubisoft get's uplay to an usable platform and it all will go to non discusable.

i think uplay is very usable already, actually. i can't remember the last time i had a problem with it.

7 years ago

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usable was the wrong term...i mean, they could at a few more features to the launcher

7 years ago

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like what?

7 years ago

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like a profile-view in the launcher, without opening a browser

7 years ago

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like more gamestats

7 years ago

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last year uplay gave a lot of free games, a few weeks ago they gifted watch dogs (1) to the community...just for the pricing argument

7 years ago

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Doesn't that mean you get it in both in that case? I bought Dragon Age Origins during winter sale and now have it both on Steam and Origin.

7 years ago

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Nope. uPlay & "Steam-uPlay" version are separate.

7 years ago

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That's the difference between Ubi and EA. If EA sells the game through Steam, they tend to provide both a playable version on Steam and a Key for Origin - it's just, all their newer games are Origin exclusive and aren't sold on Steam at all.
Ubisoft on the other hand, they tend to sell their games on Steam and fail to tell you that you need UPlay as well. Well, there's that small notice about third party DRM Uplay now, but that wasn't always the case. The result is that you have to launch both DRMs in order to play your game. You'd actually be better off (except for the trading cards maybe) if you got the game directly for Uplay (at least if you want to keep your computer memory clean of unnecessary stuff).
I really used to hate Uplay, a lot. However, recently I had contacted their telephone support with a problem that turned out to be entirely my own fault and I must say, their telephone support is excellent.

7 years ago

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Their email support is also excellent. I failed to change my login email to protonmail for whatever reason (from yahoo), then I contacted them -- after verifying it's really me they changed it without hassle.

7 years ago

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I heard that was because Steam refused to let EA sell their DLC on Steam for the newer Dragon Age games.

7 years ago

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Other way around, EA refused to sell DLC on Steam and Valve didn't like that as it made Steam versions worse than Origin versions.

7 years ago

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Guess that makes more sense. Then it was Steam that removed those games instead of EA?

7 years ago

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I think, the thing is, EA, being a big fan of microtransactions, wanted wanted to sell certain DLCs only for in game currencies like Bioware Points, which is not how Steam works. So Valve and EA kinda agreed they disagree, resulting in newer EA titles being Origin exclusives and even older ones (like "Alice Madness Returns") rather being pulled from Steam when there was a problem instead of fixing the problem.

7 years ago

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i can confirm this. i had an issue one time, and the guy from phone support was very nice and solved it for me immediately.

i disagree on your other point, though. i prefer the steam versions of uplay games every time (some reasons:

7 years ago

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There are a few exceptions (for example, I purchased a Steam key for Far Cry 3 Deluxe at Amazon a few years ago), but generally you can only get uPlay games at Steam from Steam directly.

7 years ago

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I got the same deal, also got AC III and AC IV: Black Flag when it was cheaper on Amazon before regional pricing was on effect.

7 years ago

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the only site that I have seen sell Steam keys for Ubisoft games that don't outright require Steam in the first place is Amazon, and it was only for certain games. I don't know if they still do though.

7 years ago*

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This depends on the game you want to buy. E.g. you can buy Steam Keys for Rainbow Six Siege from 3rd party sites, but no Steam keys for Assassin's Creed Origins.

7 years ago

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I think there are no RS6 Siege steam keys

7 years ago

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Even AC Origins has 2,671 reviews with key icon in Steam Store

7 years ago

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gifts show as keys.

7 years ago

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nice to know, thanks for info =)

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Requires 3rd-Party Account: Uplay (Supports Linking to Steam Account)

7 years ago

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Thank you all for the help !

7 years ago

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Can someone then explain to me why there is a big portion of reviews having the icon of a key? Every Ubisoft game has this on Steam.

7 years ago

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Gift copies bought on steam also have the key icon.

7 years ago

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nice to know, thanks for info =)

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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I'm so lazy that I've been waiting for someone else to ask this question for quite a while now. Judging from the answers, I can say goodbye to my hopes of finding a Steam key for Steep. Thank you for stepping up and writing here so I don't have to.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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The only place to get Ubisoft games for Steam is Steam only. Everywhere else is Uplay keys.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

7 years ago

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...which is almost never the case. what actually happens on these sites is that you get legal digital or retail keys from cheap countries. stolen games are an exception. i would guess your chances to buy something stolen are about as high as on ebay.

7 years ago

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Assassin's Creed III, FarCry 3. You can choose Uplay-key, or Steam-key.

7 years ago

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I still find it absolutely weird you cannot buy some DLC for certain Ubisoft games on their own store of all places. For example, Assassin's Creed Rogue DLC is not available on uPlay anymore and you can only choose between standard and deluxe versions of the game. You have to go to Humble Bundle or similar places to get a code which you can then redeem on uPlay.

7 years ago

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You know you'll still have to run Uplay even if you own it on Steam, right?

7 years ago

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steam versions are still better in my opinion,

7 years ago

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True. But imo it's not worth the extra money.

7 years ago

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sure, that's a valid point. for me personally it's worth it, though. i have only very few exceptions. i believe Anno 2205 is the only uplay game i don't have on steam.

i should add that i often buy those games with what i currently have on my steam wallet. latest example was AC: Origins (great game, btw). i had 45€ from trading cards anyway, so effectively the steam version cost me 15€. who knows, maybe i would have gone for the uplay version, had i not had that much wallet at the time (doubt it, though ^^).

7 years ago

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Some Uplay Cdkeys can be redeemd on Steam too. For example, I bougth once Call of Juarez: Gunslinger for Uplay and the key worked on Steam too. (Or it was the opposite? I have my doubts now...)

7 years ago

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well u only can buy some games from resellers websites..u will find some but they have higher price such GTA V steam version is..

7 years ago

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Would you mind switching the category of this thread to Off-Topic or General [by clicking the green Open in the top right]? The Deals subforum is meant for informing others of ongoing promotional offers, so off-topic questions like these make it harder to find actual Deals within the subforum.

7 years ago

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