So, you learnt english in 3 years and are now telling people they can do it in 1 month?
Yeah, sure.
troll detected
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Just because you wouldn't spend your time translating for other people doesn't mean others wouldn't.
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Ah, you're one of them.
"Why should other people have it easier than I did?"
boo hoo hoo
No-one survives or prospers without the help of other people. Hell, you don't even come into this world without other people's help.
And yet, here you are arguing about why other people should be helped into understanding the rules regarding this site by a translated FAQ. It would be pro-active in reducing the amount of misunderstandings, support tickets etc.
Maybe you don't understand what a community is?
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You couldn't care less?
You were the first person to reply in the thread and were against it.
"If they can't be arsed to do so, why should we? ^^)"
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your wrong :) english is easy. easy grammer . words .everything is easy in english you should lesson to chinese japanese korean arabic !
anyone can learn english
when you learn to speak arabic youll know english is nothing ....
im a persian i can speak arabic persian and english ive studied other lang so i can tell easies is the english
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I would say a month is pretty steep, it's probably doable, but it seems quite steep. Although it all depends on how quickly we (i.e. the person) can learn, and how 'good' the teacher is. Plus there's always the 'easy to learn, hard to master' thing, especially with languages. You can probably learn the basics relatively quickly, but learning the ins-and-outs will still take much longer than that original time period.
The main thing a translation would help fix is the: 'help with insert basic site rule outlined in help section please' posts, or something of that sort. Where the person may not have read the whole help section due to language limitations. So I don't think it would hurt, but neither is it necesserily 'needed'.
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I feel like the help section translation would be good, but is not necesserily 'needed'. If the rest of the site was also translated, I would see more of a point, however, if the majority of the site is only in English, people will still need to be able to read English to participate.
In terms of thinking about the sort of situation where someone can read, but not 'fluently' or quickly, I can totally see the possibility of a sort of; 'oh no, big chunk of text, I don't really want to read it' OR 'it will take me too long to read this' mentality. Which is likely larger if someone is not very fluent in a language, and they see a huge chunk of text in said language. I have seen a large amount of posts with people asking basic things about the site and rules, who seemed to have not been native English speakers, so translated rules for this sort of scenario may be useful.
Hence my response to the poll is 'Sure' :P
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Well, there are some translations of the FAQ [Most of them out of date] in Spanish, Polish, Korean, German, Italian, Romanian, Bulgarian, Danish, Dutch, Swedish, Portuguese, Lithuanian, Hebrew, Serbian and Indonesian. I assume some people doesn't know how to search, and/or doesn't care about at all.
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Damn, there are quite a few translations. The problem with this is I feel most members would not even think about searching the discussions for the rules. It would likely be more effective if they were 'official' or at least linked in the English FAQ as 'translations avaliable in the following languages:...'.
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People that doesn't search for FAQs, no matter the language.
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The community that speak that language? I don't think all of the portuguese speakers on SG [Talking about my native language] would let an translated FAQ be riddled with errors.
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If you made a translated FAQ, and it has something that's wrong, someone who can't read english wouldn't know, but people that speak both languages can point it out in the comments.
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I believe that, except for the first 3, those are way outdated [The topics are even closed], so they would need an overhaul.
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I always assumed people would just use google translate. It has worked good for me every time I needed it, but i haven't had to use it that much. Does is not translate good enough?
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I do not speak English,but I don't expect the page to be translated to my mother tongue,because there are few users in my country.
I always translate the page, right click and translate,....
of course I would have a lot of ideas but I won't publish it because I'm sure I wouldn't understand because of a grammatical error....
I speak Hungarian and German, English has no place in my head anymore:))
sorry about my english if you not understand:)))
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I've always thought of FAQ translation as a good idea but still we have to face 2 main downsides imo:
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