uPlay is Ubisoft's service. Battlefield 3 and Titanfall are both on Origin.
Edit: I just looked on uPlay. Forgive me for being an idiot. And BF3 is on uPlay.
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Pretty certain Titanfall through uPlay will still require Origin. Also, internet petitions are dumb and I'd estimate (with no scientific evidence) that about 99.3% of them accomplish nothing.
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Eh, another call of duty game with huge launch problems. No thanks.
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im generation rank 2 allready and no problems at all
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CoD uses the quake 3 engine, so yeah, of course the source engine is better. ^^
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Agreed, this is one of it's annoyances
I would love to play this in english, and I would have loved to not download 34GB of uncompressed audio O_o
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A game published from EA, that has a plataform (a bad one, but they own it)... It will never come to Steam, just like BF3, BF4, Fifa and all other franchises from EA. That petition is empty. They know that everyone hates Origin. They just don't care.
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Not everyone hates it. I use it no problem, little different from Steam. When compared to getting another console for exclusives, running a different program is just a minor problem, that I can't help but think people going on about Origin as a negative are just idiots.
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Their system is heavy, with very few games, no offline system. I have it too for BF3 and Fifa 13. But it only comes tolerable to use after "Outcome". It's a bad plataform and a lot of people thinks that way. I said "everyone", but it clearly was an exaggeration.
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Fun Fact: Steam was the ONLY way you could play Half-Life 2.
Steam was a bad system that everyone hated with very few games. It was required to activate a SINGLE PLAYER ONLY GAME ONLINE.
In a few years from now Steam & Origin could be similar beasts.
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You know how old origin really is?
No, it isnt old three years how people thinks. That was only RENAMED.
Origin is here from 2005, with different names. And after almost 10 years, it is still turd.
EA downloader -> EA link -> EA store -> EA download manager -> Origin
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Just curious.....Has this petitioning ever worked before? From all the replies , it seems not!
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I personally don't have an issue with origin. I just have an issue with EA. I honestly wouldn't buy titanfall even if it were on steam because it would be supporting them to some degree.
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Why would you not buy a game just because you don't want to support the publisher? Its only your loss, do you think EA really care if one less person buys their game? Plus, I see purchasing a game as more support for the developer, even though the bulk of the money might not go to them (I actually have no idea). Point is, why deprive yourself of fun just to spitefully attempt to protest someone who doesn't honetsly care about you as an individual, and therefore will happily ignore your protests, when instead you could be enjoying a game that actually brought them very little support with your purchase (because just like $60 gained, $60 lost would be far from noticeable to such a huge company).
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I'd like for it to be on Steam as much as the next guy, but that's never going to happen. Don't think everyone is hating on your it's just that we all know that EA Isn't going to do it. They invested a lot of time and money into Origin so they can get more money out of their games. Their games library is pretty large so they do have a right. Besides Origin isn't that bad. Just add a non-steam game link and you're good. I don't like the way EA treats devs and customers, but at the same time they have the right to put their game on origin and not put it on steam.
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I believe Respawn owns the IP right?
If they make Titanfall 2 with a different publisher. Then it would come to steam.
BF3 was big enough that many PC users use origin now.
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I don't think it's going to happen for the same reason as BF3, BF4 and Mass Effect 3 aren't on Steam either. That's because EA wants exclusivity on games like those. They know they would have many more buyers if it was on Steam, but the main plan is to bring more people to Origin. That is how EA acts, that why EA games on Steam doesn't have any content, such as Mirror's Edge, Burnout Paradise, Medal of Honor, that's only because they want to bring more people to Origin even if they are losing people to buy their games.
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174 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Microfish
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882 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Trahald
Not a fan of Titanfall, but everyone would definitely love to get it on Steam, i guess.
Imagine the giveaways.
Sign here : http://www.change.org/petitions/ea-and-respawn-entertainment-bring-titanfall-to-steam-alongside-origin
Only 800 signatures left yipeekayee.
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