Dont care about size or multiplayer. Game just looks plain boring.
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Who cares how big the file is and whether or not is has multiplayer. Not having those things doesn't mean it can't be sold at $60. Wolfenstein: The New Order doesn't have multiplayer, does that mean it shouldn't have been $60 at launch?
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Yeah but at more than 50+ GB at least u can be assured you have some content and some graphics, cutscenes, etc. 500-1000 + more people working on it
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The size of a game doesn't mean anything. I could make a 100GB game full of just random things, but that doesn't mean it's good. Just because a game is 50+ GB, has cutscenes, and over 500 people working on it, doesn't mean it's good. A game being 50+ GB doesn't mean it's good. Very few games are even 50GB. The file space and how many people made the game doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is how good the game is. Something like Super Meat Boy, which was made by 2 people, is far better than the Division, which probably had thousands of people working on it.
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I agree, i was just pointing that this game has none of it. I mean it just does not justify the 60 price tag, when few people created an average game tbh. I mean 5000 people work on a game for years they get salaries but it's a good dev company balbalbla, get motion capturing tech all that, it's normal to put a 60 E tag and the game may flop or not. Put a lot fewer people on some pc's hollywood sets, no motion capturing, no actors etc...even if the game is amazing the price tag should never be 60E...hence super meat boy.
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doom ultimate edition was 4-5x floppy disks.. though thats an extremely old one, still games download size does not matter.. i dont think minesweeper could be turned into a large download size game even if it was in VR. also not to mention compression rates ive seen lately.. ark: survival evolved download size is only 8-9gb but then it expands to 50gb after launching the game.
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I actually think that i'm right on the money with this one, take call of duty series, the cutscenes are nice, star craft story cutscenes etc and then depending if it's a hit or not you drop price earlier or sooner.
And again...those games literally cost substantially more cause of paid actors and all that, i repeat it doesn't matter if the game totally sucks, it will drop price and buy then. Kudos to the people who created this, they seem to know what they were aiming for but 60? no way in hell
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Titanfall got cheap really fast, now it's 10 bucks in shops. Plus uncompressed audio means better quality for those who crazy speakers which in a game like that with gun shots and crazy metal sounds and stuff a good audio makes it more immersive.
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If it is the Humble Monthly, I would buy that Monthly (it would be my first one too!)
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Multiplayer does nothing for me, couldn't care less about it. The size is a drop in a 4tb bucket. But when it gets down to say $20 I'll get it.
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Yeah, it's not important much to me either, i like a single player good story but in this case the multiplayer could've been the only thing saving if it had a good fun interaction with other players. I mean games like Rust and dayZ, i believe the multiplayer is then only thing keeping them going.
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NMS is the definition of a walking sim cept you fly too. For a game about exploring there isn't that much interactivity with anything cept the animals. I won't be buying but at the same time I'm not gonna hate on it who knows they may fix things.
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Hello Games have plans. Methinks Sony had a part in the game development and multiplayer was out of the original plan.
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One of my guilty pleasures is watching overhyped people being pissed about a game I already knew was going to disappoint. :3
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Take it out to SONY and openGL decision.. you don't know why people say it runs like shit? apparently, sony is the culprit. I'm disappointing a small dev team sold us and themselves and yet again PC games take the hit, why can't we almost never seem to be able to get a fucking decent port? WHY?
I've "confronted" steam friends who got heavy hammering the game but they didn't differentiate performance from type of game, so my problem with these kind of bitching is this:
you should know what kind of game is it, aka you MUST know what to expect before buying. If you're bored with exploration games, DON'T BUY! if you got it GIFTED to you and didn't put a single coin then DON'T FUCKING complaint about it!
If you bought it and runs poorly but you like the game (whatever time you actually got to play) then fine, bitch all you want, because we don't need or want another BAK or JC3.
I haven't had the chance to try it, but I'm annoyed of all the shit ppl say, a friend and I agree that it could be defined as an indie dev team with a AAA price tag, pure and simple.
I've also heard that the devs were planing to launch this at 15 usd and then SONY steeped in and make them charge 60.
Am I wrong? enlight me, correct me. I'm right? comment. We should learn the facts and point our hyped fingers to where they belong, we should know their limits, both game and dev team.
THanks for reading.
edit. exactly! they might fix it later, patches and improvements. Since when games were perfect at launch? c'mon people that doesn't happen since the late 90's FFS XD
I'm not buying now simply because I'm unemployed, so while I wait for it to go down, also wait for them to fix it. win-win (?)
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"you can criticize a game unless you've blown money on it" - metaleroed the biggest chode.
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don't feed the troll, huh? I'll bite. Perhaps I wasn't clear enough, I'm against the "type" of critic, not the critic itself.
Note I didn't nor can comment on the game it's all hearsay to me, for now.
I won't even check yours, tired, gonna sleep now, but hey, I'll take a wild guess and I'll save it for myself.
btw, mr chode lover, had to google wtf was that about.. people never cease to amaze me.. XD
Good night, have a great weekend, Dr Pavel from CIA :P
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Some facts are true...but imagine all those preorders, those people...most of them are probably pissed as F**k!
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As it should, but for the right reasons.
Remember BAK? I paid for it, also preordered GTAV and The Witcher 3, plus some much less expensive ones too.
Does anyone from playstation is complaining? does PC port is the only one fucked up? hmmm what do you think about that if so?
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Except the bad porting...i found Batman Arkham Knight to be a good efin game! Unfortunately there's quite a mess when people vote on games, i for one would never vote bad a game cause of the crashes or blabla i mean...that's not the game. It is a shame that devs don't learn their lesson bad crash after an other. They have thousands of hours to test the bloody game, can't believe they can't fix the very start of it.
On Arkham...i believe if it started with no crashes the devs would have made few millions $ more...easily. Not to mention the refunds and the pulling of the game etc.
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Yeah that's exactly my point, Doodle, I don't mean the game but the PC port, that's what it was f*ed up real bad. They gave pc port to a small (12 ppl) team with no pc development experience, instead of shelling out to a more suitable team with batman experience, or at the very least, pc porting experience..
Indeed they would had more sales and way less bad reviews, but the truth is they just don't effin care about PC. Simply put, they won't do pc games and IF they do they'll want to spend as little as possible. What I don't get is how can they fff it up the pc porting since it's made on PC itself!
I'd throw a good analogy but I got nothing right now :P
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File size means absolutely nothing. If anything I appreciate it when devs go out of their way to cut down on file size. Take Overwatch for example, it's a meager 6gb on PC due to it being well compressed. On console it's more than 11gb, despite textures etc. looking quite a bit worse on there.
The whole "it has multiplayer!" thing they kept saying in interviews etc. when it just isn't true, that's bullshit though.
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Yeah, interviews were total sham but overwatch had a 40 E price so still 20 E is a huge chunk plus it's crazy interactive, peers and stuff, perhaps that game deserved a 60 E launch and then dropped to 40, let's see how fast this game price will fall and how much.
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I got the game as a gift from a friend on my birthday a couple of months back. I didn't follow the hype or the media and just started playing it yesterday when it was released.
So far I'm loving it. It's a relaxing exploration game. On my machine it's running smoothly and I get 120+ fps without any stuttering (after I switched off v-sync and increased the max fps setting).
It's definitely not a game for everyone. It's not an actiony Star Wars game that tries to grab your attention every 5 minutes. It's something to play after a hard day at work. Hopefully with a drink or two.
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Precisely.... i played a bit on a friend earlier today, it is a nice game, you might get addicted like some ppl say but the wrong doing here is the price tag, you wouldn't know cause it was gifted to you.
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Again, i never chose game by their size but pure and simply that size (cutscenes, movies, motion capturing, actors) they literally cost more money so 60 euros would be justified and if it flops you drop price.
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It makes me really sad to see a poorly optimized 60$ game like this selling more than a 60$ game like battleborn just because it was hyped and advertised with false info.
On topic: I would buy it if it goes on humble monthly or gets as cheap as 7-8$
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Who cares if a game is multiplayer or not though? xD But yeah, this game is probably bad. :P
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I guess it depends on whether or not someone thinks Aliens: Colonial Marines is 100 times better value than Terraria.
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I didn't have too high expectations, it's an exploration/trading game so I'm not disappointed at all. Most of the bugs and other problems will prolly be ironed out over time, some new features will be added so I'd say it's an okay game to me.
The price tag does bother me, especially if you see the Mafia 3 and Deus Ex advertisements on Steam for 49,99 which both are triple A titles.
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A below 10 GB game with no multiplayer capabilities sold as a AAA game, that s**t's just wrong in 2016!
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