As he said: SCREWED. For $2.50, you could buy, like, three cans of tuna. Those three cans of tuna could mean and extra ... week, which could mean the difference between life or death on a deserted island.
SCREWED. Don't question the man.
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I think the closest I've had to that is during one of the sales I traded for a game based on the basic sale price, but then it went on sale for a much better short term sale price at which I would have been able to get it for much less in trade. I can't even remember what it was, but I was kind of kicking myself for not holding off on doing that trade a bit longer.
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I once bought a car for like $17,000. 6 years later now and it turns out that I can buy the same car for like $8,000. I can't believe how fucking stupid I am.
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Lol, that's funny. You're saying that a 10-year old car should still be worth the $12,000 you paid for it new, if cars didn't break down over time.
Most things inherently depreciate over time. It ceases to be "new and exciting" or other versions are released with better/newer features. That car you bought 10 years ago would -still- be a fraction of it's "new" cost, even if it were new. It wouldn't have the same features as it's modern-peers, so why should it cost the same? I wouldn't be fuel-efficient, have bluetooth, the buttons on the steering wheel, automatic headlights, etc.
It certainly doesn't -help- that cars break down, but that's not the only reason they depreciate.
The same thing occurs with games. They're no longer new and exciting, the game with the best features anymore. Will there ever be a point where features just kind of plateau? Possibly. It depends on how creative the gaming industry is. But art, technology, etc. will continue to improve. So the same concept applies.
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This years winter sale looks pretty bad in my eyes, only bought like one game für 75 cents, the discounts on other external sites are so much more awesome.
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I bought Civ5 and Spec Ops: The Line about a month ago, haha!
AMAZON!!! Shakes fist
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Not screwed per se, but it's bound to happen in this day and age that you'll feel silly for buying something and then it'll be in a pack/bundle/promotion/sale a few months later. Like, I bought Company of Heroes and then the THQ humble bundle, or I bought vanilla Civ 5 and then the Amazon 2K bundle, etc. etc. etc. Not complaining really, they were great games for good prices, I'm just cheap and hindsight is 20/20.
The lesson is that being really stingy and patient will pay off, if you're capable of it. In the meantime, play your backlog :)
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This is my motto as well, my new limit if $7.50, won't buy any game for more than that.
Have a huge PC and 360 backlog, I can wait :)
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Interesting, having a hard cap as a limit, how does that work out for you? Particularly when it comes to bundles/packs that might be more than that?
My hard rule is to only buy at 75% off or more, and even then debate between 2 or 3 things so that I might miss the sale deadline, which ends up preventing me from spending too much.
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I'm the same. With minor exceptions like games that aren't in my region that I can only purchase through Amazon. Have to be flexible in those cases.
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Being in the U.S. I don't have to deal with the region stuff typically. I'd imagine it makes getting the best deal a major headache. Do you use a U.S. gifter though? I heard finding somebody you can trust and then paypaling them can overcome a lot of the region-pricing screwing.
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Works pretty good so far. $7.50 is exactly $40 @ 75% off, so once a game comes down in 'regular' price, then hits 75% off, sold :)
Sometimes I end up waiting a while, or passing up on good games (really tempted by Dishonored and Xcom sales!) but I always have games to play so it's all good.
If it's a bundle and I want all of the games then I would allow $7.50 per game.
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Eh? Unless I've misread that post I don't think you did the maths right.
75% off of $40 is essentially 0.25*$40 = $10. You either missed the 3 going for $30 or meant $10 is 75% off of $40.
That aside, that is a very good tactic, might just give it a go myself.
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Haha, whoops! Meant to say $30 :) Good catch!
But yes, the $7.50 rule serves me very well :) For every Borderlands 2 sale you skip, you can find things like Witcher 2 at $7.50.
A friend of mine does the same tactic, but sets his limit at $10; which gives a bit more options.
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If you didn't buy the ten dollar bundle with Deus EX you would be weeping. Prices change. That is part of the roll of the die. That yes you may roll a six and your game is 80% off but that roll also could mean you get a 1 and you game is only 10% off.
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i bought l4d2 for $20. The next day it was 75% off lol.
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I bought metro 2033 a couple weeks before it was free. Kinda annoys me but the game is great so I can't really be mad about it.
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Well this isnt a real screw over but was still funny, my brother-in-law bought a Just Cause 2 cd ( for 6 €) from local store, raged because it had steam key. So he downloads steam, enters the code and gets Sleeping Dogs and tried to get a refund from the store because it was wrong key and the seller told him to definetly activate the key. He wasnt lucky, so he decides to buy Just Cause 2 through steam with the help of my husband, he recieves the game and it wont run on his windows 8 xD
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He got Sleeping Dogs instead of Just Cause 2 and was upset? Did you tell him JC2 is worth much less and he got a lucky deal?
Sucks about Win8 compatibility though.
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No, but I remember during winter sale (or what Thanks giving or whatever) One day Orcs mus die was only 50% off and it was one of top selling games, after few days it went 75% off! I felt sorry for those, who bought game for 7,45euros, when after a couple of days you vould buy for like 3,45
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Yeah, around this time last year I bought Oblivion for £10, then it turned out if I waited 1 more month I coulda gotten it for £5 :\ LOL
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This isn't a complaint thread, btw. Just thought some people might get a laugh or share some similar experiences. I bought BoI back in like may of last year at full price but it went on sale for 75% off the very next day. I was like "WOW STEAM JEEZ".
This ever happen to anyone else?
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