you can hold keys and get an unrecieved... nobody cares...
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then send a used code... i managed to get these gibs deleted, just be smart... :)
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As much as I hate bots myself, I find this attitude stupid beyond belief. Your argumentation is "this someone broke the rules so I should break rules myself, then come up with an idea to hide that I am breaking the rules" - how is you basically intentionally making Fake GA (you say yourself you are well aware code is used) then trying to hide the fact you did this any different morally from let's say this bot who tries to hide/deny the fact he is running a script? You are both breaking rules and then act according to hide it to not get punished.
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like i said in other post... i will neer send keys to NAZI or PEDO profiles, doesn't matter if i get suspension... i don't struggle with script kiddies because my only good gibs are reserved for 2hu only in future... and when some script kid won my gib i have sent it... :)
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so like I said - it's is stupid beyond belief. You are not some SG sheriff or anything, if everyone acted in such a stupid way it would be a total hellhole and whole community would collapse in mere days. If someone is breaking the rules you act by informing support, not by breaking rules yourself. That is a poroper and civilized way of action. Let authorities deal with that. If you see your neighbour commiting some crime - you report it to police, eventually secure evidence for them to work with, you do not go and vandalize his property "to teach him a lesson so he will not commit crimes in future". If you do you are the sime kind of criminal yourself. Weight of your crimes may differ, but don't change the fact that both of you are criminals and both of your actions are morally wrong.
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also where does this nazi or pedo comment come from? we were discussing bots, you replied to discussion about bots advising rulebreaking to deal with them, you never before mentioned neither nazis nor pedos (protip, nazist and pedos profiles on SG result in permaban, so again much better to just contact support than to take actions into your own hands, it will give much better results). So long story short - we are discussing bots, you advise to rulebreak yourself to fight them, we answer that rulebreaking yourself is very bad solution and suddenly you go "oh, but I didn't mean bots, but nazis and pedos, I just forgot to mention it" - it's very stupid line of defense ;p
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well you are not completely wrong... but new TWD is waiting, so i dont want get deeper... short answers feel a bit respectless after such a textblock... :P
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lmao calling people who use auto joiners script kiddies, nazis and pedos what the hell
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Are you fucking real, your two latest replies to me is encouraging lying and cheating the system, and bragging how you worked "on websites and communities". Man, I wouldn't trust you cleaning dust with that attitude.
And I don't care where you worked or not. You're so desperate on hating someone that you rather call the owner of the site at fault, just because you're so full with yourself. Because someone entered a lot of giveaways, and you think they are using a script. While you actively tell people just to lie to others and break rules if they feel it fits. It's mindboggling that you're speaking about dishonesty and rules...
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yes, fokin real... :3
world runs this way and will never change, sometimes you have to bend rules... i will never ever send keys to NAZI or PEDO profiles... even if i get a suspension for that... you can do, i will not...!!!
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just showíng up the options... i don't force to do anything...
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as for someone so opposed nazis you hella love making same arguments they do. Whenever I encountered any neonazi in discussion saying that he is actually calling for genocide their replies usually also were "well, I do not technically call for genocide, I am just showing that there is an option, but I am not forcing you to do anything"
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If mods cared the people who repeatedly broke rules would be perma banned. This does not happen.
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If people don't report rulebreakers after seeing them, instead they do blacklist and just murmur "lazy mods should do something with that" - then mods cannot do anything, they are volounteers and all their work is based on user reports. I've seen cases when someone posted clearly rulebreaking thread, got blacklisted by dozens of people all replying to him in this thread, many of them complaining about "damn mods why don't they do anything" - and none of them even reporting it until I reported it days later when first saw it.
It's like being cheated in real life, then complying "damn courts, they should put this guy to jail and get my money back" but not actually reporting stuff to police, prosecution nor court.
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An option to add it would be better than it being forced. At the very least an opt out would be nice.
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Screw "Recaptcha" it's from Google and blocked in this country. Have to use VPN on every single page that has it. Websites should use their own locally hosted captcha type solution.
Also stop making level 0 giveaways. It's primarily bots/scripts/leeches. Literally no reason to ever make a GA less than level 1. People can give away some random crap game at least once imho before winning others.
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What happens when you face a Recaptcha? Also, what country blocks it? o.o
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Recaptcha doesn't load at all, as it is Google and on their servers.
Countries blocking Google
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Except that after doing a few of those they start doing click all the images with X. Sometimes those can make you click literally 12-15 times (sadly that's not even an exaggeration) and make you solve several waves of those just to verify one captcha. Now imagine doing that on every giveaway after about the first 3-5 per day.
I saw a site that did frequent recaptchas for a short while (they got rid of them because that sucked so unbelievably bad) and it gets utterly ridiculous in a hurry.
Frequent captchas should never be used on any site, ever.
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And the ones where a new image frequently loads when you select a correct one are the worst.
Yeah, that was what I was talking about when I said they sometimes make you click 12-15 times. Because each square can load a new image when you click the right one, and each of those squares can load new images multiple times, I have seen those sometimes make you click more than 20 times before you can confirm the the captcha.
Plus you can get saddled with more than one set of those to confirm a captcha. So you can sometimes have to do multiple sets where it keeps replacing the image, just to complete one captcha. I mean I know you can have to do at least three waves. I think the longest I've ever seen is five waves for one captcha. I have have only seen that insanity happen at one site (which quickly got rid of captchas because of this crap). But that is something that actually can happen with reCaptchas.
And that is f***ing anti human, not anti bot.
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show me one...
Cg wasnt able to realize that a 2yrs user with 145k entries is a script user...
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145000+ entries, that's only 200 entries every day.
Not that hard to do if you have too much spare time and doesn't care about what you win - in old system just enter everything under 10 points in the morning, afternoon and before going to bed and you're good to go..
And not sure if "put enter giveaway button on main page" was ever banned - if it wasn't it's like 3 minutes of clicking everyday.. Without it, maybe double the time, at worst 10 minutes of clicking every day.
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im just not stupid... your thing to believe nonsense...
worked myself on websites and communities, i know the stuff... stop telling this user is legit...^^
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exactly veebles. if you think someone is guilty you must proove it before you shittalk about them. you need evidence. if you do the math correct you will see it is possible and since you cant proove (even admin couldnt) you have no right to complain about it :P
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To be honest, in the first few weeks that I joined SG, reaching 150 entries and more per day was quite simple, because I was enthusiastic about winning. But to keep that up for more than 2 years then he must be either very rich, or very free. Not saying that it is impossible though, you know, since some people are really crazy.
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I don't use always the desktop to enter giveaways, I use the phone also, and it's hard to spend the points, because you have to wait a lot for page load.
On desktop I use ESG to show the button next to the giveaway, and I can enter faster in a giveaway.
I only open the giveaway page for really rare games like GTA5 .. to see if they are fake.
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you are talking about this one:
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Yeah, I think the newest version if on F-Droid, not in the Play Store. There is a thread for it on SG here:
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Another thread even mentioned that there is an invisible Recaptcha now, so real users wouldn't even be bothered by it:
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Yes, sure, just solve 20 recaptcha in a row... real people don't do that...
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thanks but no
btw you do realise captchas are easily bypassed by bots anyway, right?
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Yes and no. Bots can easily bypass capchas. But that costs money, because "bypassing" is actually made by cheap asian workers that just sit all day solving capchas for bots. And even though it's cheap I doubt anyone would pay for such service to use it on steamgifts, it's dumb. So, capchas will work here. But even thought it will work, any capcha is humiliation of human dignity, and should never be used on any site that respect users.
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I don't suffer from bots. I don't care if user entered manually or automatically - he still have same chance of winning. But I definitely will suffer from capchas. So, I win nothing from this and instead get punished for the crime I haven't done. I ask you - why? What have I done to deserve this?
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So, let's say a teenager have an unfair advantage over a working adult too? Because they can spend more time online, you know... Teenagers should be banned? That sounds more like envy to me.
And, once again - you want to punish innocent people. That what capchas will definitely do. Are you really so bad person that you want others to suffer for no reason?
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Steamgifts is about gifting, not about If you personally want someone to spend efforts to enter your giveaway - that's completely OK, it's your gift and your rules. You can make a puzzle giveaway, or a jigidi one, or even make a page with recapcha that will show private GA link after solving. But please, stop spreading your preferences on others. I don't want to take any "nuisance" just because you invented some custom rules and want to enforce them to everyone.
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Just have the "Enter Giveaway" box be a recaptcha. Would allow for much higher win chance for real people.
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