Apparently LoL has more active players and has been around longer. Earnings seem as expected. Lol seems to have a more aggressive money making campaign too where dota is a piss in the wind when it comes to buying shit, many players will only start buying 0.5€ items when they are 200 hours in.
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LoL: released on October 27th, 2009
Dota2: released on July 9th, 2013 (beta access was available since 2011)
Care to explain how LoL hasn't been around longer?
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Bad protip there. I know the difference. I also know them putting money back into the community directly influences their revenue. Item sells for 5$, give 2$ back, their revenue is 3$ instead of the 5$ profit they made selling it. The phrasing profit/revenue is irrelevant as they are connected - one influences the other.
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So he mixed them up who hasn't at some point? No need to go in with an acidic attitude
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I think you must have gotten the game mistaken. LoL sure does require a lot of grind to unlock everything however it is easily playable the moment you download the game. Free rotation of 10 champions is more than enough for a new player and since he is being matched against new players as well, the lack of runes won't make any difference, considering that runes are not buyable for real money.
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Yes, runes and masteries make a huge difference... but since runes can only be bought with IP (in-game points earned through playing the game) I don't know how it's relevant to the discussion since the discussion is about transactions concerning real life money.
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Also most of the people end up buying Dota 2 items from the community market rather than the in-game store, which will probably not be counted towards the total.
And also free drops.
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While it counts as Valve revenue, it might not be added to the Dota 2 revenue that's being reported.
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lol is more easy to play, funny and attractive for mosto of the gamers. You can see why in just 30 mins of gameplay of each. I can easily see why lol earns more.
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I would have to agree with him. LoL is just an easier game. It is literally a dumbed down dota. I am not saying that makes it bad, I play them both after all, but dota is blatantly harder and not quite as shiny to a new player.
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This. I touched Dota maybe twice, and it was my first experience with a MOBA a while ago. I played it once and it was too complicated for what my friend said would be a "fun casual game" and I never got into it. League on the other hand, was really simple and pretty easy for a new player to get into, and I stuck with it and still play it.
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This. I touched Dota maybe twice, and it was my first experience with a MOBA a while ago. I played it once and it was too complicated for what my friend said would be a "fun casual game" and I never got into it. League on the other hand, was really simple and pretty easy for a new player to get into, and I stuck with it and still play it.
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Most of mine came from my friends gifting me mystery skins. I bought 2 for myself and I don't plan on getting anymore for myself.
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That much is obvious. Granted, some of the skins are repaints, but most are not.
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(checks the dictionary)
Nope. It is possible, however, that we have different understandings of what constitutes a "repaint."
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That's why I like Smite. It's a new kind of MOBA and you can get all the gods for $30 which is a fantastic deal. They also tend to put their skins and voice packs on sale a lot so you can get some cheap skins for a couple bucks.
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I think I have spend 10 dollars in total since season 1.
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When I first started playing LoL I thought "Jeez, these skins are so overpriced it's just stupid" but after playing the game for hundreds of hours, far far more than most games I've actually paid for, it's easy to justify buying some skins, even if only to support Rito.
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I actually got 2 skins for that price. It was a "Mystery skin" event so I got a skin worth around 15 bucks for around 5. Still more than I would like to spend for a single skin but they aren't the worst offenders in the f2p world.
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LoL and most of the F2P on this list has either grind way too hard or pay this small amount of money thingie whereas Dota 2 has purely cosmetic things. So contrary to your initial thought logical conclusion should be LoL winning more than Dota 2
But looking at playerbases you can clearly see Dota 2 is actually winning more than LoL per player.
I attributed this anomaly to
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Valve's pricing on charging for content even if it's cosmetic or not is more aggressive by far than Riot's or any other company's that I know of. It is based in the virus of gambling which is in human's nature. Take a look at csgo's knives: they are extremely rare so rarity and owners through availability and demand decide the price on it in the market. So you have a knife being sold for over $100. Just a small bunch of pixels that offer nothing more than some cool animations(e.g butterfly knife) which happen to be only in your side - no other player is able to see you inspecting your knife and know how cool it looks. Same goes for some other rare items in dota2, and they are just parts from a set,not the complete set. On the other hand Riot sells the full character skin and no skin is priced over 3250 RP which is less than $20. In my opinion when I want to get a skin I want it at a fixed price, not to gamble to get it(spend over $300 on cases and keys, to get an item worth $100).
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I think he means the paywall in which you don't have every champion. Not really a huge paywall. More of a pay fence. You can still open it but it takes longer than if it wasn't there.
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In order to play ranked games in LoL you need to climb your account to level 30. this takes quite a few time so you get to know some champions better than other because you played with them and you also pick a role in the game(top,mid,jungle,adc or support). you realize that when champions are already free you will join a game and see the following: "first time trying -insert champion here-", so you know from the beginning that this guy has no experience with that particular champion and your game is gonna suck balls. and you can always have bought cheap champions with IP (free currency earned by playing games) that are better than newer champions(more expensive to get). Afterall it's all about the team composition and the synergy, not about how op is a champion no matter the skill of the player. And you only buy cosmetic stuff with real life money, anything else is purchasable by playing the game which also makes you more skilled and experienced in longterm so you make up your mind and pick the right champions that suit you.
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Gamers have terrible double standards. They complain about DLC and then we see stuff like this happen. You only have yourself to blame!
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But money is money and you have to spend it, it's in our human nature, lol! I kept buying more games that made my backlog huge and I am not gonna play most of them, instead I could have bought some awesome skins in LoL or CSGO and make me look awesome! lel yolo swag! :P
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La diferencia es muy grande por lo que se en dota2 los items u objetos cambian el juego hacen la diferencia mientras que en el LOL no, nada hace la diferencia solo el nivel y las partidas es lo que hace la diferencia, yo juego lol hace 4 años y bueno lol lleva desde el 2007 osea ya llega a los 7 años en juego
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The difference is very large so that in dota2 items or objects change the game while making a difference in the LOL no, nothing makes a difference only the level and items is what makes the difference, I play lol for 4 lol good takes years and since 2007 bone and reaches 7 years in game
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I remember the times when I preordered League of Legends Deluxe Edition, IN STEAM. LOL.
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No wonder that League of Legends has earned more, you have to buy/unlock the champions :/
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Not sure how many of you play League of Legends, but I found an article that said that League of Legends earned close to $1 billion in microtransactions this year.
I don't know, but that seems a LOT for a free-to-play game.
The odd thing is that Dota 2 only earned $136 million.
Frankly, I thought Dota 2 earned better than LoL.
Are these statistics for real?
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