Oh man if you hadn't told me I'd never have known. Thank you for opening my eyes.
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A flash game yes. A brilliant one. And worth every penny. I don't know why everyone complains that it is flash...
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It's a bad game. It truly is. Sure, it's a good time waster but it's a game that'd be better off on a website. I can understand if you just want to support Edmund but that game seriously isn't worth the 5 USD. And really? Troll faces? I'm no big time gamer but I know a bad game when I see one.
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How is it bad? It has a story, it has unique enemies and items, it has lots of references (like SMB) and it is made by popular people. Also, the music is amazing.
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I also don't get it. For me when I started it felt very hard and didn't get any point to continue.
I guess I'll give it another try for the story. But how much you would give the story out of 10?
And if supporting Edmund it is, then Gish is a better choice.
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The story takes imagination. It gives you the key plot events, and the gameplay sort of fills you in on the rest. Then it is up to you to put together all the pieces, any way you want. Considering this game has a whole lot of endings, its a bit tough, but a lot of fun!
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Just going to leave this here. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SMFBgpn8Vac (Don't know how to link). Haha, just because it's made by popular people doesn't mean it is good. Shit, that was the most ignorant sentence I've read today. Mostly every game has a story, are they all good? No. Music does not affect how good the game is. I could be playing a game with terrible music and it could still be good. And unique enemies and items, a lot of games have some, are they all good? No. Please realize that these features do not always make a good game.
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Opinions. And i do not see the matter with being flash. I seen much, much worse games on Source and Unreal engine.
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"I didn't like it so it's bad." -Koakuma.
It's a way better game than a lot of $60 games, and it's well worth the money. Randomness makes the replayability almost infinite. Maybe it's just too hard for you :D
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Yes, in my opinion. I mean shit, am I telling you guys you should think it's a bad game too? Sure, if you want to look at it that way, go ahead. But I am not trying to get you guys to think it's a bad game. Look what I said in a previous post, "It's not like I automatically think you guys have no taste in games. If you like the game, you like the game. I can't change your opinion on that."
Edit: This was really directed towards this statement ""I didn't like it so it's bad." -Koakuma."
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"In my opinion, the game is bad", "I didn't like the game", "I think the game is bad". Those are examples of how you express an opinion. "It's a bad game" sounds like you are stating a fact.
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Uh, no. I think it's pretty obvious if I say it's a bad game that it is my own opinion. Why would that be a fact, anyway? Obviously, not enough people think it's a bad game to actually be a fact. But, if it did sound like I was stating a "fact", then I am sorry.
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I hate when people use that line of reasoning as a fallback. Your own opinion is at a clear contradiction with mine, therefore I'm not given liberty to discuss that?
Opinions can be wrong too y'know. In my opinion, skyrim doesn't have enough content to justify its 60$ cost. I believe horror games are scarier when played Co-op with a friend. First person shooter games are better played with an analog stick. Motion controls totally work even without force feedback or accurate precision. DRM is a necessity in this day and age of piracy. Steamgifts can't possibly sustain itself because eventually steam will run out of their digital copies. World of warcraft was an over-rated MMO and only popular because blizzard had garnered so many fanboys from their previous game. Activision has helped propel the gaming industry forward in new and innovating ways. I dislike most indie games because the developers are pretentious and it shows in games like Braid and Limbo. All indie games should be available in bundles because they're not worth paying for at even 75% off discounts.
Also, binding of isaac is a bad game because it's flash. In my opinion, obviously.
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I got a pirate version, liked it a lot so bought the full game on steam like year ago... Last week i bought the dlc c:
It's a fantastic flash game.
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I paid 8$ for game+dlc and im really happy cuz the game is awesome
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so flash games are bad and are not able to be monetized? flash is just another programing language-ish. it's a cool game that's kinda fun, so why can't it compete?
if it was rewritten in java or c++ would you consider it a better game worthy of being priced?
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No. The Binding of Isaac is gruesomely interesting, and the more horrific things it shows you, the more you want to see, so it keeps you coming back. And the controls work well enough that you feel comfortable doing so. But no part of the experience can actually be described as "fun", as it wasn't designed to be fun. It was designed to accurately depict Isaac's journey through his own personal hell, and as such, it is a most disquieting game.
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The challenge lies in beating the game even without luck and this way it's much more satisfying. Without the random generation it wouldn't be nearly as interesting.
After 40 hours of playing, I feel that I'm gradually getting better and that I pretty much understand the game. It's much less about luck after you start working with probability in your decisions.
I really enjoy the game more and more.
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Try super meat boy
If u hit the wall because of binding of issac i dont want to know what you are planning for SMB
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I need 6 more achievements and 4 more items to 100% the game.
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Anyone who brings up flash as an argument for the value of a game is just stupid. The game is incredible. And it isn't just luck. Don't tell me dodging enemies attacks is all about luck and not technique.
Interesting unique story. As someone who is sick and tired of fighting zombies, aliens, and terrorists it was refreshing. Cool bosses. Great music. Humor. An obscene amount of content. I got it from the Voxatron bundle last year and it's the best thing from that bundle and 2011 GOTY.
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Agreed, bought the game during the summer sale and enjoying it a lot so far; the only problem I have is that I found it's way better to start playing on vanilla instead of WotL
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I love it, flash and all.....I have 300+ hours of gameplay and it's still fun =D
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Yes, it's so damn fun! I wasted so much time on it already...
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Isaac is a game that needs people to spend at least 2 hours playing it to genuinely see if they like or dislike it. It isn't an instant addiction. But it is worth a try. Me, I got hooked. Yes it's annoying because it's flash; but it's still playable, and surely that's the main thing.
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Before you recognize its made of 98% luck :)
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