yes, no, or potato
He never said he didn't. A bot does what it's programmed to. Logically you'd program it to enter games you are interested in, since everyone is limited by their points, bot or not. Similarly, people can easily enter games they are not interested in, even if they don't have a bot. Therefore, having a bot should not immediately carry over that kind of stereotype.
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Still, I side with DavidSarif's point below. If you're interested in the game, have the decency to enter directly (generally speaking, not pointed at you ;)). After all, somebody spent their time and money to make that giveaway. Is it worth couple of seconds to enter GA manually? For me it is.
But of course, each has his own point of view ;)
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If you can't even bother clicking a simple button you don't deserve a game someone generously gives you a chance to win.
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You won't get suspended.
You might get in a good number of blacklists though, if it is noticed that you use a bot, because a lot of users don't like this.
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Yeah, I have never seen guy suspended for bot. It's just a script, why would they? It is just like you are participating in all giveaways you see, it's not really a reason. Like being VAC banned because of using Crosshair script in CSGO. I am surprised that so many guys answered yes.
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probably just by creating this you are going to be blacklisted, just saying that someone will do it
p.s no you will not be banned
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sure - because screw GA creators - ppl who pay their hard earned cash to buy games for you to enter, screw the fact that they may have something important to say/announce in the description you're never going to read - the only thing that is important is your ewntitlement to join their GAs! heck! they should be grateful for the opportunity to buy games for you! and more important than showing the least amount of respect to people who buy games to give them away by reading description, is saving a fucking fraction of a second of your precious time.
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I think I got a boner reading this! Totally agree.
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On the other hand lets be honest: vast majority (I'd hazard that 90%+) of the giveaways are just dumped leftover 1-2 USD bundle keys. And the good stuff is usually reserved for invite-only (puzzle, train, whatever) or the small "Give each other the same game and see our CV rocket sky high" groups.
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Yes, true. Your point is valid.
It's just that since I do giveaways like that too, I really so don't care who enters to get all this crap that is left from bundles. If they play it and happy with it, it makes me feel better, yes, but since I assume most cheap indie games won in this site just rot in inventories forever, I don't have high expectations.
And if I have some stuff I think it may be worth it to the recipient… I just use a 100k+ Steam group or in rare cases an invite-only. Less risk, but still enough eligible people to not make it look some snobbish "I am charitable and generous, but only with my select few friends or with people who could easily afford this on their own" act.
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the fact you do it like this doesn't mean everyone else does. If you look at big new AAA public GAs you will notice that vast majority of them is promoting something - either Steam Group, Curator List or a Greenlight Game etc. Ppl do use GAs for to drag attention to their announcments. And ignoring them by using a bot just to save you a second of your time is simply disrespectfull.
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Yes, although this is a topic where I know from experience that we can go in circles forever. On one side there are people who say that if you spend money on giving something away, you are entitled to promote your stuff, and the other side is that spending money to promote your spam is still spam (and besides, actual companies do the same yet we don't hang people virtually for using adblockers).
There is never any resolution since both sides are right.
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.... are you serious ?
and serious answer for you is no, you won't
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Congratz, you´re the first person which is on my blacklisted list.
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Now he cant win anything because he's on everyones blacklist lol
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Even though it IS against the site's TOS, currently there is no suspension for doing that. Support will simply close any thread where such scripts are promoted.
It is, however, an excellent way to get yourself on multiple blacklists. Either by announcing you are using it, or simply stepping into a bot trap.
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Ah, so that's how I got to be on a blacklist ><
Not that I use any bots, but I guess I should be reading descriptions more carefully anyway.
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To be fair, I do remove people all the time for being active in the community and overall decent citizens of SG. :D
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I had the same experience with my first train. All those duplicate comments on every giveaway... We need some secret society for normal users and a witchhunt for these fucks.
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not sure "few seconds" mean a lot, personnaly when i connect to steamgift, i check all current giveaway, open the ones i am interested in in tabs, then when i finished looking for the giveaway i wanted to enter, i join them all, and depending of the description i put a commentary or not. Wich mean i am entering pretty much all giveaway in 2 - 5 sec, and i already saw on the discussions that i am far from the only one to do it that way^^
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I'd be one of them, kind of. Anyone using one-click join with auto commenting and joining giveaways at that speed can't be thinking about what the games are or whether they would like them. They're unlikely to even be aware of what the games are at all imo, and are just focusing on that "join" button, going sown the page and clicking away. Screw them too.
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Even if this puts me on blacklist, I use Easy SteamGifts.
On the other hand I rarely went lower than 200P whenever I opened the site after half a day. The last time I visited, my filtered game list was nearing 4000, and I only enter games where I know I would be interested in it (played 2 of my 3 won games within a month, the last one is scheduled for next weekend). I don't know if my entered list can be seen by others or not, but it is quite obvious it has about 50 or so titles rotated endlessly.
But by experience I also know I am so not interested in the shameless self-advertising most of the giveaways have (Join my group where we totally don't do anything but recruit people to recruit more people so my group can be the biggest!!!).
On the other hand when I create a giveaway it has usually 4-5 words in the description and if people don't say "thanks" I'm grateful for leaving my message box alone. (Seriously, who though it is a good idea to merge forum messages and the zillion same "thanks" messages in the same folder?)
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It might give you a spot on some people's blacklist, but not mine. This is first I've thought about this kind of topic and my views aren't set, let alone very well thought out. They might even be contradictory.
The way I'm swaying right now is that the stuff you were talking about regarding not entering everything indiscrimnately is important to me on this subject. You have that large number of games filtered and you know what you are and are not interested and that's very different to someone entering everything they're eligible for at such a speed where it looks like they don't actually care what the games are.
The contradiction comes in because when someone wins a giveaway of mine, I don't take the time to check whether that person plays the game or not and it's not something I give any thought to.. Hopefully some of the giveaways I make provide people with entertainment and give them some fun.
With the kind of situation where at least it looks like they're entering without thought or care, which is only apparent though the comment spam, it's like they're announcing it to me. "Hey, look at me, I'm entering all your stuff and dgaf about what the actual games are, probably won't play it if I win". For some reason that irks me whereas someone entering a giveawy manually, leaving no comment, saying thanks when I gave them the game then never playing it wouldn't even register with me.
Like I say, that could easily be seen as contradictory as the end result is pretty much the same. What I will say is that with one I can pretend I'm possibly making someone happy even if it's only an illusion which gives me warm fuzzies. With the other he or she is telling me, or at least giving off a strong impression that they don't really care what that game was, they just wanted to spend their points.
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Yes, there are people like that. This is why I say there are no right or wrong. On one side you have the hoarders who just enter every giveaway with the sole intent to get another game they never play and may farm for cards.
On the other side you have the dick-wagling rich kids who spend thousands on dollars… on other rich kids in a small circle-jerk giveaway group or who blacklist people because they didn't make any giveaway 3 seconds after registering.
Both groups utterly miss the point of such a charity site. Like… completely and totally miss the point on such a fundamental level they may never understand how wrong they are.
And there are the average users who make up the majority of the site and who probably never said anything ever apart from a few random "thank you" messages in giveaways.
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Why would you use a bot to enter GAs anyway? Do you want to enter GAs for games that you don't really intend to play just because it's free?
I'll blacklist you because while I don't demand that people play the games that they win from me, I at least want them to be interested in them.
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Only if the bot is running on another account, And that's woth a permanent ban if it gets found out.
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Sry but when i see your nickname remind me this banana,bananaaaa
Thanks for reply.
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If I use a bot to enter giveaways will I be suspended? entering GA's takes forever
EDIT - I asked this because i used to use a bot and was wondering if i could have been suspended for it. I stopped after i realized that my profile was not syncing so i was entering GA's for games I already had
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