
Hi gifters, I'm back to give a few free copies of my game away. The last time I was here giving away free keys I got some amazing feedback and made a few friends. As a result, I've made some improvements to my game and would like to give it a little promotion boost. If you're a fan of Breakout and Arkanoid games then please add this to your wishlist. I have quite a few keys and will soon do a 50+ free key giveaway, so don't worry if you don't win this time. Good luck!

Well even with 50+ copies the chance to win wll still be small. :p

6 years ago

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Still 50 times greater though. Cup is half full!

6 years ago

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Thanks for the chance! I still have breakout on Atari 2600, though my paddle controllers don't work properly anymore after 40+ years. Probably the potentiometer needs to be cleaned or replaced.

Also used to play Arkanoid and Woody Pop, and there was a nice one on my old Nokia symbian phone called Ball Rush Aqua that I used to play all the time. :)

Your game looks like it has a lot of features and I look forward to winning the giveaway :P

6 years ago

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Ahh, sounds like you might be as old as me. I grew up with the Atari 2600. Do you remember the multiplayer tank game? You could steer bullets after you fire them. I never knew if that was a bug or not.

Thanks for the comments. There's a free demo of my game you can play in the mean time.

6 years ago

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Sounds like Combat, some of the game modes had "guided missiles" if I remember correctly.

I will check out the demo!

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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