
Humble key, to my knowledge this is region free. If that is not the case and your region is locked out, I'd appreciate if you'd let me delete the giveaway, thank you.

Instead of saying thanks, what's your favourite type of elemental magic and why?

I've never thought about what my favorite type of elemental magic would be, but fire would probably be the answer. You could use it to cook your food, stay warm in winter, boil water, tea and coffee, cauterize wounds to save your life or someone else's, defend yourself or your loved ones, create a firebreak to combat a wildfire, get rid of those loose threads that sometimes stick out of your clothes on the inside that tickle and itch when you move, etc...

2 days ago

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What you listed is mostly fine, except for the part about cauterizing wounds. Cauterization is an unreliable method; it often fails to stop the bleeding and may cause the patient to die of shock. That's why modern medical practitioners ligate bleeding wounds instead of cauterizing them.

1 day ago

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That's true, however in a situation where one would have elemental magic, barring being in some Anime, modern medicine wouldn't exist. In such cases, cauterizing would be needed at times. :)

1 day ago

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Ah, I see. 🤔 By the way, ligation isn't modern; the ancient Greco-Roman surgeon Galen invented the idea nearly 2000 years ago, in order to treat bleeding wounds suffered by gladiators.

1 day ago

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Thank you!!

2 days ago

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Thank you for the chance! <3

2 days ago

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Is ice an element? I sweat so much during summer that anything to help lower the temperature would be welcome :)

2 days ago

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Since it tends to be used in allthegames, I would consider it one for sure yeah. And absolutely with you on wanting to cool off hah.

1 day ago

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(ʘ‿ʘ)╯Thank you (づ๑•ᴗ•๑)づ♡

2 days ago

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I've only played Skyrim, but does Morrowind have lightning based spells? If I can do it, that'll be free electricity and lots of money for me (by selling relatively cheap electricity to the local power company), yay!

1 day ago

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Thank you for the game. I first noticed this series when the trailer for Skyrim came out, but this will be the first one that I own.

The element of Air sounds good to me. At least it lets me breathe heh, and maybe I'll get to fly on the wind.

1 day ago

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